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Joined 1 years ago

This. People are complicated, even when it is inconvenient.

Non-elected lifetime appointments who were all appointed by Republicans

The shit rolled downhill, but I can see the person doing the shitting.

Criticism, constructively made, helps avoid bad ideas, and makes good ones better. But you don’t always know the better way when you see a bad one— I don’t need to know how to build a boat to know a screen door won’t float.

Part of the problem is one side having a desire for autonomy, and limited, at best sense of self-determination. Robbing them and the state they have grievance with of both their autonomies and capacities for self-determination doesn’t seem like a good answer to the problems they both have.

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The absurdity and relative obscurity of this sends me

Management, certainly. Some specific bits, though, that may or may not fall under that umbrella:

  • Comparatively high price tag.

  • Short lead-in time to the change.

  • Shambolic communication with devs, mods, and users at large.

Most users, I would wager, would have been fine with Reddit making money off of their data. That’s the tacit contract most of the internet runs on— you provide me a space and a framework, I allow you to monetise what I do there. It’s when those monetisation decisions start to hurt my experience being there that problems arise.

For me, what is much, much worse is the dismissal of such a large outpouring of discontent from the community. People are willing to put up with a lot they don’t like so long as they feel heard.

We felt heard by the mods, and heard by each other, but Huffman, the face and voice of the company, offered instead minimisation, condescension, and calumny.

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He realized he needed to make a push in the press, so he resorted to the only way he apparently knows how to communicate: lying.

I already had it mulling in my head privately, but this shit conches it for me: spez has to go. He broke community trust, and continues to more and more as this thing drags out.

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They are the most orthodox of orthodox Jews and they are fucking nuts

The Haredi would like a word.

For longevity, perhaps. Considering the Russian government’s penchant for poisoning people outside their territory, perhaps not.

It sounds like he wants to replace that “landed gentry” with a landed gentry loyal to him.

Very good and very Democratic. Stable genius level.

Is the ad revenue on mass transit actually high enough to support its operation?(ignoring even maintenance or expansion, or the replacement of unrepairable vehicles)

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so I just feel like I should be able to live my life and not have to worry about all this. Why can’t I?

Are you seeking permission or explanation?

It’s not like C-level folks aren’t cashing in well before their companies are profitable. They put on executive clothes and live executive lifestyles, either because it’s what they want or because it’s part of the theatre put on for investors.

I feel confident in the assumption that most users wouldn’t begrudge a company a modest profit off of the content they produce uncompensated on their sites. But it’s an unwritten social contract, and therefore ripe for abuse.

Some of it is born of users not realizing the value of what they give to the corporations— their data for mining, their engagement for attracting and maintaining even more users to the site. Some of it is born of the explicit contracts being written solely by one side(the execs).

Most, I would wager, weren’t motivated to do it for Reddit. They were motivated to do it for their communities that happened to be on the site.

Moderation— particularly volunteer based moderation— tends to be about the bonds moderators have and develop with the users they interact with every day. Admins are a mixed bag: some of them may have sympathy towards the mods, but ultimately their livelihood is tied to the company line.

A lot of the internet is built on free labor. A lot of that we have been willing to let slide. That willingness ends when the quantum of respect doesn’t get paid for that labor. I don’t know how someone continues moderating on Reddit at this point; barring a big turnaround(and possibly the ouster of current management), it feels like the move should be to migrate their communities elsewhere.

Implication being that if Republicans are losing in states they think they should win, they’re not going to change their positions, candidates, or arguments, but instead try to rig the system so they still win.

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Can’t tell if serious or parody…

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Just lie then

Not an ideal in forming relationships. Honestly, as much of a train wreck as his response was, at least it gave some useful information to the person he would potentially be dating.

So long as we are anecdotal, that has not been my experience.

Judgments along observance lines, and people thinking those in some denominations are crazy or lesser, but I haven’t seen it drawn on those lines.

Generally the same kind of a thing you’ll find in any religion, or any fandom for that matter— those who are more observant or more dedicated may say the less observant/dedicated aren’t doing it right; the less observant/more casual may say the more observant/dedicated are crazy.

Because it happened before Congress, I doubt a prosecutor would touch it. There’s specifically a lot of latitude given for purportedly acting as an elected official. It would probably take her saying, repeatedly, that she wasn’t presenting it as a congressperson but as a private citizen to overcome that hurdle.

But I am not a lawyer, and I’ll defer to someone with better information who contradicts me.

Look at those goalposts go!

I would imagine that becoming mayor in certain parts of the country is much easier if you’re a member of the dominant party in the region.

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The republicans have a thin majority in the House. Even without whatever other justifications that’s a strong incentive not to bleed any more seats. Particularly when Gaetz and the Arson Caucus keeps setting the place on fire.

Eh… I think I might care about somebody suggesting nuking the entire area. Not all ideas are created equal, and not all ideas are worth expressing.

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Also: hockey-stick growth rates are unsustainable. Attempts to force it lead to toxic and extractive environments.

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You gave a perfectly reasonable answer to the question in eight words. No evasion.

I would say that’s still a manageable temp to go vote in, if you’re spending little time out of doors, rather going house-to-car-to-building. Any significant requirement of time spent outside, particularly idling in line; changes that.

That answer is also changed depending on the state of the ground/roads. Is there a significant amount of ice about? In neighbouring Wisconsin there is.

Also, a lot of voters, particularly conservative ones, are older, and the perils of the ice and deep cold are greater for them, and likely considered as such.

So… yeah. I can see weather dampening turnout at this quite a bit.

Eh, there’s also a decent chunk of non-native English speakers who might have a harder time with written sarcasm, and Poe’s law, I don’t doubt, accounts for more.

That seems pretty bonkers, with the barest minimum knowledge of geography.

Like, look at a map level of bonkers.

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Another way of thinking about it:

Numbers offer a sense of scale. As numbers go further left from the decimal, they get bigger and bigger. Likewise, as they go right from the decimal, they get smaller and smaller.

If I’m looking with just my eyes, I can see big things without issue, but as things get smaller and smaller, it becomes more and more difficult. Eventually, I can’t see the next smallest thing at all.

But we know that smaller thing is there— I can use a magnifying glass and see things slightly smaller than I can unaided. With a microscope, I can see smaller still.

So I can see the entirety of a leaf, know where it begins and ends, even though I can’t, unaided, see the details of all its cells. Likewise, you can see the entirety of the line you drew, it’s just that you lack precise enough tools to measure it with perfect accuracy.

Ignoring entirely that it’s a tired gag already. I would wager a sizeable amount of the pushback is from people who are just tired of seeing these posts still clustering about their feeds.

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I mean, you’re not wrong. Neither of you are.

It is scary, and the precedent in the world is not for long-term national stability. Even setting aside invasion and occupation, dynasties end, governments fall, and a country’s name might be among its only bits of continuity to the past.

Betting on a country maintaining a continuous government for a hundred years is taking the long odds. Those odds become even worse if the government is relatively new. The USSR lasted less than 70 years, and the current Russian government has only been around a bit over 30(less, if you’d argue that Putin has fundamentally changed it). Stability is truly a bad bet for them in particular.

And they have a giant arsenal of weapons, nuclear and otherwise. “Worrying “ is a fully reasonable response.

With a fair cohort moving here to escape the creep of corporate internet, it doesn’t seem, on the face of it, like they’re looking for drama. Saying they are is a handy way of dismissing them out of hand, though.

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The admins pay their rent doing what the execs tell them to do. Much as I would like for a system where the moderators also got compensated for their work, not being so lends them independence from the platform, and allows them to be more responsive to their communities.

I get why some of the admins are doing it, but “just following orders” has never been a good look.

Sorry for using your comment as a springboard to soapbox. >_>

Believing this account outright is just as foolish as dismissing it outright.

There’s a reason “the first casualty of war is the truth” is a cliche— it’s because it’s very hard to know exactly what’s going on when there’s so much chaos and impetus for people to push agendas.

I have some assumptions I’m confident about, but those are fairly broad, and based on the nature of what happens in any war. Specifics I’m trying hard to slow-roll my reactions to and full acceptance of— I’ve seen way too many news stories about active situations be proven in part or in whole false, and most of those aren’t in war zones.

Or the definitions of what it means to be conservative or liberal have changed, and that’s altered the conscious and subconscious calculus for people.

I would also add the ratcheting up of political identity as personal identity, and an intensification of tribalism.

Then again, that’s all tied up in my own confirmation bias.

Maybe they will replace the volunteer mods with people who get paid for their labor.


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That seems like a convenient excuse for him to bear less, or none of, the guilt for his actions.

Does Agent Smith have autonomy?

That link suggests differently:

Following Israel's unilateral disengagement from the Gaza-strip in 2005, the Philadelphi Accord with Egypt was concluded, which authorized Egypt to deploy 750 border guards along the route to patrol the border on Egypt's side. The Palestinian side of the border was controlled by the Palestinian Authority, until the 2007 takeover by Hamas.[3] The joint authority for the Rafah Border Crossing was transferred to the Palestinian Authority and Egypt for restricted passage by Palestinian ID card holders, and by others by exception.

I’m wondering if the degree of believability of the image has, or should have any bearing on the answer here. Like, if a third party who was unaware of the image’s provenance came across it, might they be likely to believe the image is authentic or authorized?

For another angle, we allow protections on the usage of fictional characters/their images. Is it so wild to think that a real person might be worthy of the same protections?

Ultimately, people are going to be privately freaky how they’re gonna be privately freaky. It mostly only ever becomes a problem when it stops being private. I shouldn’t have to see that a bunch of strangers made porn to look like me, and neither should Taylor. And mine are unlikely to make it into tabloids.

Forced migration, which this would be, is a bad idea, as has been born out repeatedly through history.

  • if it’s to many countries, it splinters communities.
  • if it’s to just one country, few are open to taking even small numbers of people in, let alone five and a half million.
  • if one was open to it, none have the infrastructure in place to receive so many people.
  • people get attached to land, and the idea of it.

To that last point, that land is not interchangeable, and any assumption that it is is remaining ignorant of some of the desires of the parties involved.

I could go on, but I don’t think that would add to discourse. This is a hard problem, renewed with every moment of violence. I don’t believe we should expect any of the grievances each side has stacked up to be let go of without honouring their non-violent desires.

The timeline is approximately:

Oct 7: Hamas attacks Israel.

Oct 7: “Israel needs to be reasonable, like Hamas.”

It’s bonkers. Hamas is treated simultaneously like a state actor and an independent organization. They have all the legitimacy of the former and all the responsibility of the latter.

… And trying to exist online right now is a shitshow— it’s a mire of witting and unwitting propagandists, supercharged by their side’s body count.

I don’t know what the right answer is right now for the reality that exists there. I don’t know how one negotiates for the release of their kidnapped civilians without inviting more kidnappings. I don’t know what the alternatives are that don’t get a lot more people killed.

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