
1 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

In the first place, looking at wealth is pointless. I could make a thousand dollars a day and as long as I spend them immediately on services, (e.g. permanently living in an expensive hotel, renting a supercar) I could have net worth of $0 while living like a king. On the other hand, a struggling business owner may have millions in equipment and still have trouble putting food on the table. "Wealth" is not a good indicator of anything.

Hmm, that is actually an interesting point. If it is negative, does it bring down the sum in this? If so, how much of the world is my net worth greater than? A billion? Two?

Yes, that is a much better way to make the same point :)

So the gov wants to claim the FDA did not regulate mifepristone hard enough, but this is perfectly fine. What a world.

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The will federate, try their best to suck as many users from fediverse as possible into threads, then defederate and become a walled garden again.

As for how they will suck users away:

  • Make their algorithms prefer posts from threads, so anyone wanting to reach a wider audience needs to move to threads
  • Add twitter like checkmarks that are only available for users of threads (they will say it is for security since they need to verify the idwntity of checkmarked people)
  • Add features that are not exposed on activity pub, so that you have to be on threads to use them (twitter did the same by for example not making polls available over API)
  • Intentionally make their activity pub slow and unreliable to make it look like other instances are broken and threads is fast and reliable.
  • Probably much more
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Wait, what? $44 milion in revenue? Thats peanuts for company this size, isn't it?

Exactly. As a SW engineer, I don't know how far we are from an AGI exactly, but I am confident enough Altman and openAi have no idea where to even start.

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Because the founding fathers had to make a lot of concessions to the already existing states that were not thrilled to give up their power and rights?

States literally don't even have to have elections. If they pass a law that the their electoral votes will be given to a winner of a raffle or a quiz show, they can do that according to the US constitution.

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Science is feelings

Typo? 🤣

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Well, disregarding the normal fear of death that would be there regardless of the method, I think the issue is the mask. It would be much better to just fill the room with N2. You can do this easilly enough by evaporating liquid N2. Of course, this would not be "medical grade" so people would complain just to complain.

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Sad. In a way, it is amazing that The Sims 3 is 15 years old now and still, no game is able to match it.

So you want CIA, NSA and the other intelligence agencies to have a full on veto power ower who can be president?

As a reminder, its not that long since being gay/trans would disqalify you from getting clearence because "it made you vulnerable to blackmail".

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I unfortunatelly have to use outlook and teams at work. If this really becomes the case, I will both write to EU regulators and try to petition our IT to move away from microsoft teams and potentially outlook.

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Oh no, a teenager faces zero consequences for vaping. We are doomed! /s

That being said, you are right that the allegations should not be taken as facts, especially considering they came from the same source as those deepfake lies.

There theoretically could be a situation where two people shoot at each other and both can claim self-defense, but it would be convoluted.

Self defense does not apply if a person legally provokes the attacker. Now legal provocation means committing a crime, not telling a yo mama joke. As an example, if I try to rob a bank and someone starts shooting at me, I can't claim self defense because I provoked them by robbing a bank.

So in this case, depends on if the trespassing is a crime that would count as legal provocation. If not, delivery guy is allowed to return fire. And I hope every sane person agrees it is not a provocation or a crime.

Edit: So in this case, the only provocation could be trespassing, if parking in some ones driveway counted. Which it almost certainly does not as explained in replies to this comment. In addition, I am not sure trespassing would qualify as provocation, this may depend on state laws and the details of the trespass.

Edit 2: Just to make it even clearer, the answer is yes. I believe the delivery driver could legally return fire, but I am not a lawyer.

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You say it as if not allowing people to send large files at all is somehow better than only allowing it sometimes.

Never had one in the first place... I really hope people wisen up and abandon both once they see it.

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And they settle the lawsuit for about $22 per vehicle so its not even as if they lost anything. Just their customers loose.

Taking a sitting president into custody without impeachment when he is not an immediate threat would be a coup, which I imagine would be worse for democracy, though maybe not for america.

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On the grounds that they are not breaking it up because it has monopoly but because they don't like it can be used for Chinese propaganda. Which is limiting speech.

Also, they require it to be sold to non-chinese buyer, which is discriminatory.

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It says "an astronaut is landing on the moon" implying there is only one on this mission.

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Bomb Hamas until you can see China through the crater, I really don't care. But most people living in Gaza did not choose this and are just caught in the middle.

I imagine you would not be happy if your whole apartment building with your family inside was bombed because your neighbor assaulted an officer.

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For me personally, its not even the principle with the bad ads. The reasons I won't pay for preemium are:

  1. 12$ is too much, since I don't live in the US and my pay is not at that level.
  2. I won't pay to still have my data harvested and sold. If I pay for YT, there should be a different privacy policy with not using the data for anything outside video recommendations.
  3. I don't want to pay for all the antifeatures YT pushes such as removing dislikes, not allowing channel search on mobile, messing with search reaults and recommendations...

Well, this is a bit tricky to answer:

  1. The e-sim in a phone is a separate chip with proprietary firmware. The chances of a FOSS version of this HW are nearly nonexistent. It would require developing your own silicon and putting it into your own phones. Chances of FOSS FW for this proprietary HW are also very small, because it is difficult and there is not much reason to do so.
  2. Currently, registering an e-sim requires a proprietary app (usually google). There is no FOSS alternative. Work on one is slow and there are some IP issues.
  3. Using an e-sim does not require a proprietary app. So you can remove google services or remove their access to the e-sim HW once you have it registered. GrapheneOS uses this.
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No, it works at any point and the local network needs to be compromised (untrusted), the host can be secure.

So it is likely not an issue at your home unless you have weak Wi-Fi password. But on any public/untrusted Wi-Fi, it is an issue.

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I feel like any mention of lemmy or other competing platforms is suppressed on reddit. At least I saw no activity on any of my posts nor have I saw such posts from others.

I originally left some posts I thought may be useful but I deleted them now. We need to bite the bullet and build that knowledge up again here. If we leave the content behind, people will keep going to reddit as their first stop and keep asking questions there + feeding the ads instead of coming here.

ISO-8601. The only correct format!

So its not an issue if american companies destabilize democracy? Just foreign ones?

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Exactly. Paying them $10 milion a year would be a drop in the bucket to the us gov (about 0.1% of the budget).

And if it made them immune to lobbying and work for the people properly, it would be money well spent.

Unfortunately, I am not convinced raising their salary would help that much.

Seems to me like it would make more sense to want the cases to go simultaneously since the civil case can use any evidence and admissions from the criminal case.

If they are tried at the same time, there is a chence that would not work because of deadlines to submit evidence.

I have no idea what that argument is supposed to be.

As a young adult in Europe (the place where walking and biking safely is possible), my rules were:

  1. Rent apartment close to work
  2. Don't need car and I still commute to work faster then my collegues

I am entirely convinced US cities are designed by the car lobby.

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Well, if I was on the board or a shareholder, I would be much more pissed about patent infringment that should have been easy to prevent and hints at incompetence over lower than expected sales which is just hard to predict.

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Can't reproduce on mobile from EU. May be goe-limited or a study (google tests potential features on subset of users)

I really hope it will be at least another 7% If being this shity to their users ends up with loss barely above the rounding error, it does not bode well for the future.

Did not know SCOTUS ruled on it. Thanks.

The game should ban the offender but I can't not think involving the police is a bit ridiculous and waste of resources.

I don't disagree. Sorry if it sounded I did. I just did not want to state it with certainty as I am not read up on trespassing laws.

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I feel like "so easy to implement" still understates it. It is literally the default option: don't crate and enfore a dumb rule. They have to go out of their way to make their product shittier.

Also, you should not buy an apple product, if for no other reason, than because they can just change their mind at any time. As long as the appstore is the only way to install apps, you have no control over your own device.

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You mean it should be a war crime, right? Or is there some treaty I am unaware of?

Also, why? I don't necessarily disagree, I am just curious about your reasoning.

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