
9 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's not good to ever keep random accounts abandoned. It's just good security and often privacy hygiene that most people don't practice. I already have over 100 accounts total across the internet, and am planning to skim that number down drastically. It's especially important security & privacy hygiene, because if you leave dozens of accounts abandoned and the services experience a data breach, the fact that your data is now out there is partially your own fault, and since we're on the english-speaking side of the internet, I doubt we're going to hear about a data breach for some random Japanese site.

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Yeah, scrubbing it like that is usually a last resort, I generally try to delete the profile, and if I can't, I scrub it with unidentifiable information. If I already happen to know from the policy that they keep your data for a period of time after deletion, I scrub it before deleting.

Thanks. I can't find anything like that. Here's some screenshots of what the profile settings look like. These seem to be the whole sites profile/accounts options. Maybe there's just no option.

The site you've linked to literally uses Facebook and Google browser trackers. Pretty hypocritical of them if you ask me.

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Thanks so much. Every bit helps. I noticed only 4 people dumped their 3DS data and 0 people dumped their Wii U data in the past couple of hours, so there's going to be a very small amount of extra dumps by Apr 8th at this rate. I'm gonna continue sharing as much as I can. I was gonna go share on r/technology on Reddit, but saw that one of their rules explicitly forbids posts that are a "call to action". What a stupid rule, why even stipulate that?

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Follow the instructions on the main website for the project which I've linked in the post. https://spotpassarchive.github.io/

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I don't think I've used Google Chrome itself for over 3 years now (excluding on other people's devices). I don't plan to ever use it again either.

This isn't correct, you're getting confused between StreetPass and SpotPass. Yes, SpotPass is a wireless tech, but it has nothing to do with connecting to other 3DS's or Wii U's (and the Wii U did not have StreetPass; only SpotPass). A StreetPass-like feature would be pointless on a Wii U because you couldn't take it out of the house without it losing range from the console. The 3DS on the other hand, had both features. So yes, the SpotPass did provide you with "DLC's", but it did not have the same features as StreetPass.

Also, the users' profile and their favourite game was shown in the friends list, which was not a part of SpotPass. I can't remember for sure if you needed a Nintendo Network account for adding friends, but I do know that you can add friends offline through the local network, but this does not use the SpotPass network, as the SpotPass network requires internet (and most games which had SpotPass warned you of this prior to activation).

The local wireless connection used in the friends list is the same connection used in local multiplayer games, the same as how it works on the Nintendo Switch.

I don't think the article was trying to imply that they weren't already in use in electric cars, just that they would be better for them.

No worries! Yes, the dump unfortunately won't have any use after the 8th. This is because the useful part of the dump is a URL which the devs need in order to access the content from Nintendo's servers before they shut down. Once the servers are down, the URL's can technically still be dumped, but they will just now be useless.

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You mustn't have looked at many games then. As someone who 95% only buys games from GOG, and has a wishlist of 190+ games, the vast majority of the games on the wishlist have DRM in their Steam versions.

No worries, glad I could reach you!

Truly Truly, I say unto you, install Linux; it's what you really must do.


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Maybe convert the times to your time zone if you want to make sure of the correct date/time.

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How is the meme acknowledging that GOG installers are shared in groups? This doesn't say anything about sharing anything in a group, other than "My game has no DRM, and yours does"

It actually works like this in the FreeTube app on PC or NewPipe on Android. It feels so much better having my own home page showing only videos who I'm subscribed to. Plus another added benefit is that you can put your subscriptions into categories, which is a great way of filtering down to the exact type of video's you feel like watching at the time. FreeTube personally stopped my unhealthy video-watching habits almost instantly, which were basically psychologically trained into me by YouTube's algorithm.

Awesome, thank you so much for stickying the post so that more people will see this, and for dumping some data!

Ah, great! Glad I mentioned it.

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Thankyou, that fixed it! Didn't realise I had done that. On the web client, there's a little note above the languages list that says "Warning: If you deselect Undetermined, you will not see most content." This confused me because I thought it was saying that "undetermined" needed to be selected in order to see most content. So after clicking another language, I re-selected "Undetermined" to make sure the language would remain as it was. So I think the wording of the little note mislead me and caused me to do the wrong thing. I clicked "Save" after that, not knowing that I'd disabled English posts.

I still don't fully understand that little note, because if I select English, then "Undetermined" is automatically deselected; but I still see most content (including what's on my profile). But if I specifically select "Undetermined" and save the changes, than the posts become invisible, even though that's what the note seemed to be trying to make sure I did.

The note seems to be saying "Keep Undetermined selected" in order to keep seeing most content, while in reality, selecting "Undetermined" makes most content disappear. Do you see what I'm trying to say?

Edit: Re-worded some of the second paragraph and split it into two, because I had an incomplete sentence that didn't make sense. Oops; ironic.

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Thanks for asking. I asked on the Discord server, and I was told that the Pretendo Network devs are also asking for network dumps for games that have online multiplayer support, and that you can find out about it on their website. I haven't found where on the site he was talking about yet, but I'm going to look further into it tomorrow to see if I can get any of mine dumped.

Ohh, I just found out that notifications can't be saved into the archive which is sad. I thought they could but I know now that they can't.

r/wiiu mods were good. Pinned my post. r/gaming on the other hand... well. They took it down because it had a singular link to this lemmy post at the bottom which was apparently spam according to the moderator I appealed to in DM's.

SpotPass was/is a free service provided by Nintendo that was only on the 3DS and Wii U consoles; Nintendo Switch doesn't provide this. Essentially what it's purpose was, was for Nintendo to send various pieces of content to players for their games and apps. For example, Tomodatchi Life had various time-limited costumes distributed to players on a half-monthly bases. This was some of the data I had on my console. Other examples include special distributions of special Pokemon in pokemon games. So, in a sense, you could call the SpotPass data "DLC's". That's why they are important to preserve, as they are DLC content that was distributed for free. They also include notifications, since all the notifications sent to you were through SpotPass. There's also some DLC's for New Super Mario Bros. 2 that require you to receive a SpotPass notification in order to install.

That's how I work, But I use FreeTube instead, which works the same way. There's a trending videos page, but it doesn't reccomend stuff based on your history.

Awesome. Thanks for helping out!

Edit: Sorry, unlike what I said below, there is no data that sticks around after a factory reset, sorry to anyone who I may have wasted the time of.

Thanks a lot for dumping. There is also (apparently) data that sticks around in the background from the previous console-owner if you got the console pre-owned, even if it was factory reset.

Another cool one is an unofficial YouTube client app called ThirdTube which is pretty cool (and has 3D video playback if the video itself supports it). There's an emulator for the Virtual Boy called Red Viper which just had a huge update recently, which made every game in the entire consoles library run accurately at full speed (and even the 3D from the original Virtual Boy works too!). You can add custom themes to your main menu with the app Anemone3DS and can make a backup of the save data for each of your games onto your SD card with an app called Checkpoint. They're all my favourites; otherwise I haven't explored a large amount of what is on offer still.

It's so strange. I've got 120 upvotes on just this one Lemmy post, yet the most likes I have on any of my Reddit reposts is 14 on r/technology, followed by 9 on r/nintendo, and the other 3 subreddits I've shared on have no upvotes at all. I would have thought Reddit, being so much more popular than Lemmy, would get way more upvotes. I've certainly gotten a fair few thousand views already on Reddit, yet so little upvotes. I just find this strange.

These are exactly my thoughts about tech YouTubers. They have no idea what they're talking about and encourage mindless consumption. Glad I'm not the only one who's thought about this.

Worth a dump, I think. I dumped my modded secondary console which is an OG 2DS which I also hardly ever use, just in case there was something there.

Thanks a lot! It's unfortunate this happened, I'm hoping there weren't too many who tried uploading during this time.

Edit: Ignore this comment, what I said is completely wrong. I'm sorry if I inconvenienced anyone and wasted your time dumping a console with nothing on it.

Probably not. Unless you bought it second-hand? Apparently the data still remains on the system even if it's reset, so if you bought your console pre-owned, or was given it by a friend, there may still be a large amount of data still there in the background.

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"Long live preservation" Preserve preservation so that preserved preservation can continue to preserve what needs preserving.

Edit: Sorry, what I said below about SpotPass data sticking around after resetting the console was false information. I'm sorry to any readers if this inconvenienced you.

Since I last commented, I've learned that SpotPass data can still be stored in the background even after factory resetting (supposedly). So if you got your console pre-owned, there may be some SpotPass data to archive still hanging around.

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Please forgive me. That information was wrong, the data does not stay after factory resetting. I'm editing my comment to clarify this.

I've just noticed something extra: As I said before, if I select English as a language, then "Undetermined" becomes deselected, yet the content still remains viewable. Well, I've just figured out why the content remains viewable: It's because "Undetermined" for some reason gets automatically re-selected; it's just that you can't see that it's happened unless you refresh the whole settings page (after saving).

I think the whole language section of the settings needs a redesign, because this is very confusing.

Thanks a lot for the help!

Thanks, but no. I've realised now that I accidentally deselected English as a language option and saved changes (I saved changes because I was testing the "Auto expand media" option). But I was a bit mislead by the little note above the languages which says "Warning: If you deselect Undetermined, you will not see most content.". It made me think that I needed to make sure that "Undetermined" is selected in order to keep seeing most content, because that's what it sounds like in its wording. So I re-selected "Undetermined" and saved changes, and it caused my posts to disappear; I just didn't notice immediately because I was busy transferring my subscriptions from this account over to my new one. I'm still not sure what that note was trying to say, but I've fixed it now by selecting English.

What makes it a bit more confusing is that when I select English, "Undetermined" becomes deselected, which is what the note is telling you not to do; this must be what compelled me to select "undetermined", because selecting anything else deselected "Undetermined". It's only after you save and completely refresh the page, that "Undetermined" suddenly becomes re-selected again, but English also remains selected at the same time.

Thanks for the suggestion. My post over there currently has 48 upvotes and had at least one person comment they've uploaded their data; a few others said they will do it "soon" or "tomorrow"

Hey, thanks so much for dumping both of your consoles. Unfortunately, even though I'm not officially part of this project, I'm sorry to say that at least for the period of April 6, at 12PM to 4PM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time), the maintainer of the server mistakenly didn't see that the server had run out of storage space. This means that any dumps made by anyone within this time period didn't actually get archived in the end. The exact amount of time is unknown. This 4 hr period is just the least amount of time the server was down for, so for all he knows, it could have been for the entire day of April 6th up until 4PM in the afternoon (PDT). Again, even though this wasn't because of me, I'm sorry about this. If you can, could you please make the dump one last time if possible?, as the archive servers are now working correctly again. Screenshot of the Discord announcement

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