
0 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He should of worked on it more, it's no Blue Steel

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He sure did stop talking about those "buses loaded with patriots" pretty quickly.

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. You're right. Reminded me of this. No malious, just laughs

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He's a tease, never delivers the goods. Well, he did get fastfood delivered to the White House that one time. Food orders taken, food orders delivered.

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Right!? "I'm on of the good ones." and, "They'll never turn on me." Is that what they say to themselves?

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"Everyday is somebody's first day." I think of it like a more generous Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Especially when an employee is perhaps not doing a good job or is slow. If it was my first day on the job, I'd like a little consideration.

And they said we were over reacting, "that's fiction, we'll never try that"

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Heard from a friend; Just as real champagne only comes from France, only facists from Germany can be called Nazis. All others a simply sparkling facists.

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It feels like you're fishing for a "go fuck yourself, and your poorly disguised concern trolling" comment. Congrats, you've caught one.

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Thanks for not saying "look it up". We can't seem to keep anything nice. We were just about to leave for Mint. Do you like it?

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There are so many to choose from, but I think they hit their peak on the first round. The middle rounds were still exciting but lacked surprises. Then the last round, it felt like they sold out for the fame. It went too long, it just felt derivative, if im being honest.

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And to think, he could've continued his shitty ways in relative obscurity, failing up with venture after venture, but he had to go be president. Now hopefully he'll spend the rest of his life in prison, or maybe house arrest.

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I want his real weight and height released

They're proposing a national ban! It was supposed to be a 'states rights' type of issue, but here we are. Give them an inch (2.5 cm) and they'll take a mile (1609 m)

I see it like this; Instead of raising our mood from say a base 0, we're getting to 0 from a negative deficit. A net gain, but not really making you feel better.

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Reminds of a quote I thought was attributed to Jefferson "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." Turns out it isn't his, but I think it's still valid.


Noice! I'm gonna use that

When did they buy Mint?

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LET'S GO!!!!?

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No loyalty among thieves

If someone gave him a brickin' early on in life, we wouldn't be here. Just enough to slow home down a little, nothing grave, take a few points off his IQ

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Whoa, pal. Sounds like you want Big Government. Be careful what you ask for. Next thing you know, they be delivering food, water, and medical care as a so called "human right". A government big enough to give you those things can take them away, too. No thank you. On this planet we die like men, without seatbelts or safety standards of any kind.

That's how I read it too! Lol. I can see Matt Gaetz yiffing around the floor of congress

They got Clinton for lying about cheeting on his wife, only after trying to get him for Whitewater but failed. Ken Star used his powers to investigate ANYTHING but only found a secret blowjob. If Clinton hadn't lied, there would have been absolutely nothing he could prove in court. Not saying that the Clintons were/are clean, just that there's nothing to pin a conviction on.

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Right, I thought his original statement were BS. I bet the seven busses weren't even full

We need to get this into a retaining program, maybe a coding camp? He is falling back on the only thing he knows. Can't expect a miner to work in solar with the same skills, and you can't expect a criminal to work a straight job either.

I like this one better

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They're always bought legally, by people who should not have access to them. Full back ground checks will stop these incidents, as well as more mandatory reporters

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"See, Big Government, is the problem, they can't even do their job right, much less run country" - Republican Representatives

I know when I'm beet. In my defense, English is my first language.

Find out who broke the law, and who ordered it.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

We didn't have, and the founding fathers didn't want, a standing army. Too many French & English kings used them to suppress their people.

Good point. What's the over/under that it stricter?

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I fear you are right. Though the original Teflon Don got his eventually.

Gotti died of throat cancer on June 10, 2002, at the United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners in Springfield, Missouri.

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"It's the hope that kills you"

Skeletor, lol

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Rick Scott looks like he wears a skin mask like The Red Skull

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The only thing he will respond to. He has no shame, brags about it even. GET REKT

And infrastructure week