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Joined 1 years ago

So, if we put AI in an echo chamber it gets dumber? Wow it really does think like humans.

Yeah I'm excited about it. Dubious and skeptical, but excited too.

I read that as chickens and thought your grand plan was to start a farm, LMAO.

I think this is super interesting, and a really good idea. But as others have stated in this thread, very costly.

However until technology catches up, maybe we could have an interstitial federated platform. One that's super decentralized. Like 90% of the users running their own instance, decentralized. Anyone with a NAS can host they're own vids. Then the other 10% that are willing to host high bandwidth, high capacity servers, can work as caching for the most popular videos.

From my parents, my wife, and her parents I definitely got a, "Oh you still play games, like you're a kid. That's cute." vibe. But they we're pretty accepting once they realized it wasn't some hold over phase from being a teenager and a legitimate hobby with a community that increases technical knowledge, too.

That being said I still feel like a kid in one respect. You know that meme, where you're playing an online game and your mom comes in and says "Pause it and come to dinner." I get similar comments from my wife. And she'll get annoyed sometimes. Like, "I needed you help on something but I guess your game is more important." But I just sunk 45 mins of effort into a match of CS:GO, my rank is on the line which I've spent a lot more time on, it's actually pretty rude to ask me to drop that because you want the trash out. Not to mention I'm tanking my teammates ranks. Like if my hobby was soccer, you wouldn't walk out onto the pitch during a game holding everyone up and expect me to have a conversation about repainting the bathroom. But because they can't see the game, they don't get it.

So in that respect it can be difficult as an adult. You do have more responsibilities and relationships you need to maintain. So you need to be clear about setting aside time for your hobby. Communicate well with those in your life about it and what you need from them.

Spells charms and incantations 😂

Does linkding support groups? Looking for a way to quickly save a whole window of project tabs to get back to...

A phone without the actual phone part. Just SMS/MMS. Maybe a notification that someone tried to call

I believe Vault/BitWarden caches all passwords on all devices. So you can create a backup anytime. Even when the instance is down.

You might think that this is clearly a joke. That no one would actually do this. But you don't know how the people at the other keyboards are going to take it. Case in point.

2 more...

Gameboy games on an emulator

Mini Metro / Mini Motorway

I imagine Townscraper would be fun.

It's a great and rewarding hobby! But having cloud connected devices on the same network as your sensitive information is an issue.

Use a vLAN and IoT devices capable of local control. Use a self hosted hub like Home Assistant. Keep devices that collect sensitive information (like a camera) out of sensitive areas (like the bedroom). Then you should be reasonably secure.

I'm trying this with Truff sauce the next chance I get

Honestly, people generally have more compute power than they need. If this proverbial platform came with an efficient transcoder, then the files just need to be hosted.
The torrenting scene is alive and well with users fronting the cost and taking legal risks. Many torrents have enough speed to actually stream the content while it's downloading. Hard to say now... But if somebody set up a solid peer-to-peer solution, I think it has a chance.

Do you remember if you were able to pull up items based on barcode? I've seen that you can record items based on barcode, but what I mean is: if I'm eating ice cream, can I scan the barcode so I can update the quantity quickly? Been searching their docs but can't find anything 😅

I think this is something that's easier said than done. Maybe at our current level, but as these AI get more advanced... What is truth? Sure mathematics seems like an easy target until we consider one of the best use cases for AI could be theory. An AI could have a fresh take on our interpretation of mathematics, where these base level assumptions would actually be a hindrance.