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Joined 1 years ago

Well everything is dandy fine then ? It's no problem if someone does anything without consent as long as you can "easily" do something about it heh ?

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Not an answer to your question but i wonder if in 40 years or so you'll have someone asking "how do I dowload all of a video game studio work ? My grandma is really into soulslike, how can I download all of fromsoftware games ?"

My boy is hurt in his lil heart

More usage means more visibility which means more recognition and thus more funding

Even though I agree with you, I'd like to enphasize on piracy NOT being theft. Your analogy is great but I prefer to say it again just in case.

This could be a very formative memory even if he get disinterested from computers, getting this kind of perspective on things can go a long way !

Yes, even if it's a nice idea, missing extraction because i got one shot by a meteor is not really funny. It just feels unfair.

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I seed as much as I can but I still have a 0.75 ratio sadly. I tend to dl random old shit nobody wants so i'm just helping the other weirdos like me. I plan on switchi g to linux and I'd like to set up my computer to be as secure as possible and then maybe upload stuff also.

And like in the old times I bring my hdd with me and share with friends when we meet in person !

Competent and knowledgeable about the position you are trying to fill are two different things and one of them is crucial.

Ok now find a job in a suspicious facility, write all your whereabouts inside that thing, die gruesomely, and make sure this thing is visible on you, bonus point if you manage to get some blood on the screen !

Windows 7/8 ... "Old machines"...


Am i this old ?

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I have such fond memories if this game, playing with my uncle and my sister. We used to put a cardboard callendar on the side of the crt monitor to avoid being spyed on lmao

I do not know about the video but i can't agree with this table. Even if you don't buy it an artist work should be spread if you're not the one buying it by talking about it or just seeding you'll allow someone to support the author. This makes piracy look like some grey thing, IT IS NOT.

Support the artists and if you can't or don't want to, spread the word this is how it works.

I personally prefer it the way it is now

I'm using Clementine for now it has nice management features, it's overall pretty great. Only downside is that some minor gestures are broken and the UI is not really pretty '

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"why don't people switch to linux !?" People switch to linux "nah that's fake."

Really nice to have a twitch influencer bullshit free experience for once (⁠◡⁠ u ⁠◡⁠)

No. Just. No. One is just a complex logic gate with a bunch of if, the other is a generative ia. Those are two VERY different things. It's like comparing a rc car with a cargo baot, they are simply nothing alike.

I'd add that important or not, it's great as an artist to know that you'll touch anyone ! :) It's not always about history or grand things it's also about human feelings and spreading any message really !

Yes because we all know a company sake is more important than the lives of sometimes hundreds of people. You realize how awful you sound ?

That means the cost will drop ! Right ? Right....?

Yt-dl and use any media player, it's the easiest way to get most of those option ticked.

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Lies !! The bug obviously launched that asteroid ! You're a traitor spreading lies it's all that i see !

It's when he left everyone and he's wandering around.

Interesting read thanks !

Yeah the balance changed seemed reasonable imo

Well since a few days my laptop speakers do not work anymore lmao. I had to install it 4 times to make my gpu drivers work. If you're not that teck savy it's fine but you need to atleast be interested in it and ready for it, and also patient. If you have a laptop I strongly advise you check online to see how well supported it is and if you have a nvidia card check if people are having issues.

Good luck on your journey, so far i don't regret my choice mostly because i know that linux is so maleable no matter the issue i'll get it fixed.

Oohhh i'll surely check this out ! Thanks ! (I prefer strawberrys to Clementines anyway)

I know you can't make battle maps with it but have you hear of azgaar ? It's an awesome open source world map maping web app !

I advice you create multiple accounts on different instances, on for each "group" and switch between them. This is pretry easy on the gerboa app.

First column third one is miro

Hmm i see thanks

Man if only i could be one of you, i keep getting "aborted" when trying to parch T-T

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Ah yes now that you made a fool of yourself you start acting like one to play it cool. You really out did yourself on the personal development today didn't you ? :)

Not op but i personally use a fan controler as on my laptop asus weird overboost system is not very well handled by bios.

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Now this is a true hardcore gamer post !

5mbps is high in my book, i used to download 1080p stuff and games on an adsl network and trust me I WISHED that shit could reach 5mbps ! Most of my pirate life i'd have miraculous spikes at 1mbps and i still always went for 1080p stuff or if I can't find it in that quality 720. To me when i watch something i want to enjoy it to the fullest so i don't even bother with lower quality, i don't have 4k hardware so i don't bother with that.

(I've enjoyed fiber connection for a year or two and i always get surprised by the speed of it lmao)

I tried different combinations none worked, what versions worked for you ?

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Hmm since it's linux you could have a service that handles that at boot i think. (I'm a noob take this with a grain of salt)

It's actually pronounced like the word Hue more or less (slightly shorter,the first half) it's pronouced as such " hue - bee - soft "and the you sound is very much present in our language, for exemple baillou or caillou.