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Power over another person, the prerequisite for most sexual violence, doesn't have to come from superior physical strength. It could come from an age difference, a professor-student or boss-employee dynamic, or some form of blackmail, for example. And the body can experience physical arousal in response to the right stimuli even when you don't want to have sex. You can also do acts of sexual violence that do not require an erect penis.

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It can also happen after you consent to SOME intimate acts, but not others, and the other person can take you by surprise. (That one has happened to me, im not male though)

I scrolled through this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDA and I think pathological demand avoidance means geht be it?

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Because languages aren't constructed, they 'evolved' naturally from humans communicating with one another for many generations. As such, they aren't intended to be as simple as possible. They aren't intended in the first place. They've grown over time with no regard for whether the rules makes sense because nobody designed those rules, they just happened.

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I kept reading and hearing this and since it doesn't happen to me I thought something was wrong with me. So I'd like to add that according to my gyn it's also perfectly normal to not have this happen!

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My professors in undergrad were all like this and they'd use the breaks to chat to you about dark souls or home gardening or whatever and then they'd make an exam that'd have an 80% failure rate

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I thought this was a discussion about languages people speak.

Esperanto is an interesting case though but it wasn't designed to be as simple as a language can be (since that is highly subjective). It was designed to have as many similarities as possible to major European language in order to make it easier for speakers of those European languages to learn.

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People mean different things when they say maths. To most, maths means calculating things using numbers. Engineering absolutely has more of that than physics. But there's so much more maths out there than the average person even knows about, like your example. Physics has more higher mathematics, and engineering has more calculating stuff using numbers.

Both tbh

Not necessarily INHERENT deficiency. Providing exception for someone who grew up oppressed, poor, abused etc can help level the playing fields and doesn't imply that the oppressed etc person has any inherent deficiencies. Just that they've had it harder so far and maybe we should cut them some slack for that.

I had to learn Fortran for my thesis because it's the industry standard in particle physics

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Humans aren't the only species that have a right to the planet's resources.

For me it'd go

go back in time invent calculus or something similar be burned at the stake for being a woman who writes weird symbols

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Haven't you got the memo? You shouldn't be criticizing anyone when the alternative is way worse. Don't you know not being as bad basically makes you perfect?

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I'm a female-passing (afab agender but that's beside the point) physicist. I do this when men (honest to god it's always been men so far) explain something to me that i obviously know better. Like for example they'll know I'm a physicist but explain to me that water boils at a lower temperature in the mountains or something like that. I'll just play a game to see just how dumb i can get them to think i am. Pretty dumb is usually the answer.

On average it seems big pant is younger zoomers and big jakt is older zoomers and younger millennials

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Lots of people have to work 40+ hours just to survive, that doesn't leave much energy to do things other than your paid job. And you can't just switch jobs willy nilly, pretty soon nobody would hire you anymore if your cv is full of jobs you've only held for a few weeks or months

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Because that's not true

If sign language is your first language, any written language is like a foreign language that you might've learned but aren't a native speaker in.

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How are you, OP?

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Either two or four. The two holes are kinda in the middle then if it's four holes it's those same two plus two more closer to the edge

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They can be helpful if you view them light heartedly as anonymous support groups where you can vent real quick. Not as actual qualified resources.

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Think about dairy what you will, but 'I didn't do it, I paid someone else to do it' is never a very solid argument in a debate on ethics.

They'd smile upon you if they saw how relatively easily you can access such an abundance of food

The funniest part to me is how 'this month' is absolutely meaningless. It was over 65 years ago last month too, and the month before that

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In my area we always designate a few people to stay between protesters and police and carry a phone for filming police. Sometimes, evidence of police behaviour is important. But a cam corder could work too.

They didn't though? The meme says they both kill the poor, which is just true

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I swear the Americans remove another letter from the word aluminium every time I look away

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Find out if there's a legal aid hotline for your area, a charity one if you can. Write the phone number on your arm so you don't have to take your phone. If you get arrested, use your call on it (if you get one).

Tbf the combination can be worst. During COVID lockdowns I'd spend all waking hours either coding or hand writing for uni, hand writing to teach online, or gaming. Sometimes I'd crochet. I have chronic painful tendinitis now.

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That comparison at the end is a bit too nice on Israel (and that's saying something considering Europes and North Americas racism).

I prefer my tism with plant milk thank you very much

I assure you it can be both

One of the silver linings of covid is that this has become the norm. I remember how much I used to be shamed for staying home with minor infections, now if anything the opposite is the case.

Ppl acting like it's winter or summer when autumn and spring are right there

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For me a sharp pains snaps me out of a panic attack or spiral sometimes

Wouldn't even call it talent, but rather motivation. Pay minimum wage, you get minimum effort.

To preface I think reproduction is a very personal choice and right that we shouldn't force on or take away from anyone ever.

But let me ask you this: the planet we live on is finite. It's not getting bigger and its resources aren't getting more. Is infinite growth of population (or anything else, for that matter) possible here? Or will this system eventually collapse?

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For much of the internet, optimization used to mean improving usefulness and usability for end users. Now that we (as a society as well as individually) can't go without the internet anymore, optimization means improving usefulness for shareholders and/or advertisers, to the detriment of the user. This doesn't matter to them anymore though, since giving up on search engines, social media etc just isn't an option for users anymore.

Since it has shareholders, the only way for it to stay in business is ever-increasing growth. Profit themselves aren't enough. It needs to grow faster and faster so that dividends keep increasing, which is the goal.

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