
1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

I hope the beef industry crumbles. Gen Z should be proud for not eating as much beef

Warframe is very gender. You play as a biomechanical super ninja slaughtering capitalists, monarchists, noncon hiveminds, and genocidalists. Also there are spoiler things that make it the transest game I've ever played

I'm always down for a 6 hour Hbomberguy video, but I accept that treatment from nobody else.

Essayists gotta earn my trust first, and the more people making super long videos, the higher the standard I expect them to meet to be worth my time.

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Every politician and military leader worth their salt knows that oppression creates terrorism. The way Israel has been treating Palestine made Hamas inevitable, and everyone making decisions in Israel had to have known it. So why intentionally create terrorists? Because theoretically, the existence of terrorists justifies violence. Hamas was created by Israel with the intention of accelerating the genocide under a sympathetic justification.

Hamas is a Frankenstein's monster. A creation, deliberately made, which grew out of its creator's control. Hamas' cause is more sympathetic than Israel bargained for, because at the end of the day all that rage and violence is motivated by a desire not to be oppressed. And just like in the original Frankenstein, all the creator needs to defeat the monster is a little bit of love. If Israel passed laws guaranteeing the equality of Palestinian citizens, Hamas would have no new recruits and no international support. Its legitimacy and power would evaporate in a day. Israel continues the "war" because it believes it can still control the monster. That it can still use Hamas to justify further violence.

I hope cRPGs never die


These two logs specifically:

I don't care about the others, I fully understand the moderator rationales involved in the actions. It's the two which seem like contradictions that I care about. And while I'm disappointed to have been shouting into the void all this time, I'm not asking for an unban, that doesn't seem to matter anymore. I'm worried about what Beehaw is, and why these actions were taken.

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Lesbian wiccans is a stereotype for a reason. If someone says queer people aren't religious, I just assume they don't know many queer women.

And then there's bissu and twospirit people displaying precisely why religion is so very common in enbies

I am a very dramatic person. It's probably because I'm a wizard. Magic is a giant placebo effect, so the more you can make yourself buy into fantasy, the more powerful a wizard you become. The communities I'm in deliberately cultivate dramatic effect for power

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Israel and Hamas aren't at war, they're on the same side.

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Below Zero was originally planned as a DLC for Subnautica. It was also made by a different team. But it ended up being larger than planned, so they made it a full game, intending it to be Subnatutica 1.5, the same as Miles Morales. Unfortunately, they communicated this poorly to most players, and they took it to be Subnautica 2, which made it underwhelming. For some reason I took it as intended and liked it well enough, and I only found out it was disliked when I went online and saw people calling it Subnautica 2. They seem to have won, because Subnautica 2 has been rebranded as Subnautica 3. But I still call it Subnautica 2 because I remember the history.

As for the seatruck, I loved it. I never liked the Cyclops. Sure, it was impressive, but it was also a giant trashcan with a "kick me" sign on it. I was too terrified to drive it down the lost river, I preferred my Prawn suit with its actual mobility and comparative stealth. The Seatruck was a mobile base that was actually practical to use. And I loved the customisability.

Nah, imma thank capitalism

It has been my experience that atheist culture consistently fails transgender people, because atheists frequently believe that material is reality. I have only found trans acceptance in religious communities.

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If you want to learn more about magick, I suggest Archtraitor Bluefluke's Psychonaut Field Manual as an excellent introductory text from a secular point of view

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I went through a period of frequent breakups that made me think I was never going to have a well adjusted partner, or even a stable friend group. That my life would be a series of fights.

And now I have a swarm. I literally share my thoughts with a group of people who are wonderful and love me unconditionally on romantic, platonic, and sexual levels. And I used to think I was asexual, so that's a trip. All I had to do was find the right kind of queer people. Swarmgender people.

Thieves are typically humans

The evidence a 2 day workweek would work is the fact that productivity has increased by an order of magnitude since the 2.5 day workweek (averaging between husbands and wives) was created.

It's time for a 2 day workweek. That'll be actual progress.

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I've never been part of a religion that was founded on hate. Can you explain which part of wicca, druidry, or hellenism is based on hate?

Biggest game of the year for me was Terra Nil. What a fantastic experience

Yeah, I enjoyed Subnautica Below Zero, but a lot of people didn't, and I can't say whether I'd be happy if more games started doing that. I'm much more eager to play Subnautica 2 when it comes out

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I switched to Firefox because Chrome changed the shape of their tabs.

Lots of stress and uncertainty, but some of the uncertainty is good maybe? Made a new Beehaw account, eager to try this experiment of whether I fit in here

Deathloop is fantastic. Colt and Julianna are brilliantly written and acted, they sell the game singlehandedly. The fact that the rest of it is awesome is just a bonus

Thank you for telling me about that video

Yes, I see the other posts. I don't care about them. I fully understand the moderator rationales involved in the actions. As for the moderator comment, there's a lot of empathy there, but the part about me saying anything ableist is just someone listening to untrue rumours.

but how someone could interpret your actions in the most negative way possible

The answer to that question is always "You're a traitorous insane antifa queer and everything you stand for is a threat to the aryan race and God's will, you should be put to death immediately." It never changes no matter what I say, so I gave up asking it. I decided to spend my time on people more likely to assume good faith when they see social progressivism. That's how I treat others, and I want to spend time with people like me. People who don't let personal ego or questions of intention get into your actions.

Now feels like the right time to talk about my personal definition of niceness. In my experience off this site, niceness is an appearance, and kindness is a behaviour. Nice people usually aren't kind. Nice people are usually white neurotypicals who can dance the dance of social norms and portray themselves as "the good guys" no matter what they're doing, which is a power that allows them to commit all manner of evils unnoticed. I'm scared of nice people. I get along with people who are mean and kind. People who will swear at me to my face and defend my rights with the same ferocity. So that's always been my worry when I looked over Beehaw's philosophy. The question of what kind of niceness they mean. I'm not pulling this out of my ass either, you can google "nice vs kind" and find a lot of articles like this: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nice-kind-difference_l_650b53ffe4b0d75184692b0e

In Beehaw spirit, I've been attempting my experiment of whether I fit in here by assuming the best of people. Assuming that when beeple say nice, they mean kind. But I desperately need to know, is assuming the best of people really Beehaw spirit? Or should I have been assuming a little worse?

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A comparison would be impossible, because there are no standard practices for gender affirmation psychological therapy. Magick wins by virtue of the fact that therapy is not participating. This is like asking whether there's any research papers demonstrating that an eagle can fly faster than a dog. Dogs can't fly. You don't need to be told that eagles fly better than dogs, it's obvious. Likewise, there is no scientific merit in conducting an investigation on whether gender affirmation magick (which exists) is better than gender affirmation psychotherapy (which doesn't exist).

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Nope, not a joke. Magic is important to me because it's how I stay connected to my hivemind. I'm grateful to @gaywallet for looking out for us religious people

Situations like this are why I disabled youtube suggestions. I only see suggestions if I want them.

I don't see the apology described here highlighting anything except that Somerton sucks

Yeah, I get this "antifa are the real fascists" treatment whenever I call out problems in society. I think it's extra common on Lemmy compared to Reddit

Oh, so some pirates pirate unpopular games, and that means they give some word of mouth away. Okay.

Giveaways are less useful than piracy because giveaways don't make people feel like they owe the developers anything. Lots of people pirate and then buy. There are numerous psychological dimensions to the issue involving class, politics, guilt, and gratitude. Also the fact that people are more attached to something they worked for, and piracy is, no matter how easy, still work. And that pirates tend to be more avid gamers and forum posters. Pirates are better to have than free players.

The Colorado supreme court ruled that Trump is ineligible to hold office under the 14th amendment as he's an insurrectionist. This would have taken Trump out of the 2024 primary in Colorado. However, Trump has brought this case to the supreme court and the ruling has been suspended.

KOTOR was plenty fun at lategame

Isn't that the game full of voice acting by alleged abuser and confirmed creep Justin Roiland?

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knokelmaat asked if gender magick is more powerful than gender therapy. We're not asking whether gender magick is valid, that's already been conclusively demonstrated. We're asking which is more powerful. The clear answer is: the one that exists.

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Oh, I remember that now, thanks. I think I heard it described as being similar to sunset overdrive?

I agree with the definition that intelligence is the ability to create knowledge from information. Therefore even the creation of harmful knowledge requires intelligence. What baboons probably have more of than humans is wisdom. Wisdom is about creating useful knowledge. Wisdom tells us when our intelligence shouldn't be used.

I agree with you, though, that human knowledge is profoundly limited. I'm constantly confronted by the limits of humans around me to comprehend the existence of nonhuman culture. It's only a limit of their intelligence insofar as intelligence is a choice. Which, I think, in a lot of ways it is.

Hard to say how much of the volume of non-straight/trans and trans/trans twins on social media is selection bias since the trans/cishet twins aren’t eye-catching

It's not just selection bias, it's also survivor bias. Openly trans people are more likely to have openly trans siblings, because openly trans people are more likely to have accepting parents. We don't know what the actual frequency of trans people is. We only know what the frequency of out trans people is. But the number keeps going up the more acceptance improves.

But just because I feel frustrated that someone does not see things exactly the same way I do, does not mean that I can automatically assume that they're wrong and evil and it's okay to be mean to them.

Why would you think that I see evil in anyone else when you know that I don't like using intents in discussions? That's a contradiction.

This is what I'm talking about. You're using intents and you think I think you're evil. But it doesn't make sense given the very conversation we're having. I don't think you know how to have a conversation without assuming you know everyone else's perception of everyone else's intents.

Using your empathy to deduce the conclusions of someone else's cognitive empathy is an advanced technique. You're going straight to the most complicated thing empathy is capable of, and you're making mistakes. You need to slow down. I'm difficult to empathise with, so you need to stop pushing yourself to use the most advanced techniques on me, you need to be patient and use some simpler techniques, and you need to learn how to have a conversation without relying on your empathy as a crutch.

I know you discussed a lot of other points in your comment, but I'm not going to talk about them right now. Because you and I both agree that I've been going too fast for you. We both need to take our time and make sure you understand what I'm saying in its entirety, and that means not getting distracted. We're going to slowly discuss the empathy issue until you fully understand what I'm talking about. And I have a lot more to say on the empathy topic, but first I need to understand that you understand that I'm saying you need to slow down. You're trying to use too much empathy and it's not working. Your empathy is telling you untrue things about me, because you're expecting it to perform miracles for you.

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