DroneRights [it/its]

@DroneRights [it/its]@lemm.ee
8 Post – 223 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

A rope has two ends, and so does a week

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See, the thing is, a lot of these women will not agree to speak at your conference if you're a total creep.

The code on the computer isn't what I would be publishing. I would be publishing the memories in my head, which I had written down again

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The big problem in your code is that the function name isn't descriptive. If I'm 500 lines down seeing this function called, how do I know what you're trying to do? I'm going to have to scroll up 500 lines to find out. The function name should be descriptive.

I was in exactly this situation. My bike was stolen, there was CCTV, they said it would take hours to go through the time during which it was stolen.

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Sign of executive dysfunction, which can arise as the result of ADHD, anxiety, or other disorders.

And I don't understand why anyone likes Minnie either. She has exactly one more character trait than Mickey, and it's "girl". Which is just a perfect little example of patriarchy's normalisation of manhood and why the 1900s sucked at writing female characters

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Everyone remember to downvote ads

Coal has the same yearly death toll and chernobyl's total death toll. 80,000.

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Well, I don't know too much about the Russian Ukraine war orphans controversy, but I had a discussion about the Ughur genocide two years ago in which me and my partner ended up reaching the same conclusions you've put there. And I had a russian ex-girlfriend who said Stalin was BFFs with the jews and that the Jews conducted a genocide of the slavs during the societ union, and I don't trust a word out of her mouth so your views look correct there too. I guess I'll explore Hexbear when I have the time

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Yeah I'm not up to date on my soviet history, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt right up until she said the jews control the media. That's when I dumped her.

Your offer is enticing. I still have concerns. I've heard rumours that hexbear is welcoming to genocide apologia. Are these rumours true?

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Ah yes, the anti weird test. That's how you get all of the autistic people and POCs out of the recruitment pool.

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Well that's what I did on Blahaj, and it was deeply stressful. I'd like to avoid taking a risk like that again if there's an easy answer

Oh, Smurfette is actually interesting. Smurfs are a single-gender species in nature, but Smurfette was created by an evil wizard to inflitrate the smurfs and help the wizard capture them. So the fact that her only personality trait is "girl" is actually diagetically justified and it can lead into some interesting directions. That said, after breaking free from her programming she has the personality traits of guilt for her past actions and appreciating a new family. So there's actually a bare minimum of depth there and tons of room to grow the story and the character in interesting directions, though unfortunately that promise wasn't really explored because... it's the fucking smurfs

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And that zero tolerance policy would include tropes such as hating politics?

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Nobody's born with gender, it develops as you age. All newborns are agender.

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Torrenting is a technology where a network of ordinary people share a file in tiny pieces all together. There's no central server, you connect to one, ten, or a hundred other computers who each give you part of the file.

Torrenting only works if people are uploading the file as well as downloading it. Giving a file to others is called seeding, and taking a file from others without giving back is called leeching. Most people are peers, who take the same amount they give. Ideally, everyone would be a peer, but since some people are leeches, we also need seeders.

I'm not familiar with this stremio app, but if it does what I think it does, then it takes from the network without giving back and it can now pretend to be a different client to sneak onto the network. If enough stremio users watch a show, it'll become unavailable to other pirates.

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My mistake, they weren't removed. Ada just told them to not be transphobic

No, I've been in this situation as a victim. My bike was stolen and they said it would take hours to search the CCTV. I told them about binary search, they didn't understand.

These demons don't seem very swarmy, I don't think I'll get gender euphoria from playing them.

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The law is a sham and it doesn't deserve anyone's respect.

I'm not OP, I'm not a guy, and I didn't call anyone autistic.

Maybe Abigail thinks I'm a guy ,but why would they? I'm very openly nonbinary. This feels like transphobia and it's not true

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The thing is I'd be fine with an instance that had the rule of "no politics I disagree with", as long as that instance disagreed with transphobia. But Blahaj appears to agree with transphobia and disagree with trans rights, and that's really the issue. And the reason you are able to have "the trans instance" be a place hostile to trans rights is that they use poorly defined words like "political". Everything is political and everything can be defined as political, so when someone says they hate politics they're just obfuscating their views and that's how you end up with a transphobic instance full of trans people who think it's a safe space

Ah, bigoted members of the minority they discriminate against

See also: "We can't let men transition to female or they'd all do it! I'm a man and I'd transition in a heartbeat!"

It's still in Team Fortress 2 and Factorio

She tried to out Fitgirl as trans to encourage harassment of her. Trouble is nobody believed her, because nobody knows anything about Fitgirl and we don't believe Empress does either.

Of course there are bad people in the world. That's why I don't want rich people to move into my neighbourhood. I want to live in a neighbourhood full of working class people who are well-off enough not to need drugs or stealing to survive, but who haven't gained their money by stepping on others.

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Only in america, though. The rest of the world has a more diverse climate and it actually gets proper hot and cold here.

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I heard it was just a moderator on 196 that the admin removed after they were transphobic. Am I misinformed?

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I was off by one, but Sunday is 0 in javascript

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If Abigail is calling me a guy and OP for some reason, then I think I know what happened. I said that politics is participation in groups, and if Abigail really doesn't like politics, then Abigail doesn't like being in a group. I said that not wanting to participate in any group ever would be pretty strange, but I would understand it better if Abigail had ASPD.

If Abigail is actually misgendering me here, then the issue is simply that Abigail doesn't know the difference between antisocial personality disorder and autism.

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Back in 2000-2012, a good lot of mainly singleplayer games had optional multiplayer modes. Think Halo, Starcraft, TRON, Titanfall, etc. Even DOOM 2016 had it. These games function with the servers down.

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Well I wouldn't have called you homophobic if you didn't attack me for being attracted to my own gender. Maybe you could apologise and then I'd say you're not homophobic anymore.

Yes, you can repent directly to the lord, but most people can't hear the lord and won't get the benefits of therapy from it, they'll only get the benefits of mindfulness. At a confessional everyone can get the benefits of amateur therapy.

Yes, I sexualise people of my own gender. It's called being gay, you fucking homophobe. Do I "admit" to being gay? Yes, I do.

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How hot is 400 slavery units?

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Actually, the nutrients and glucose will be absorbed by your intestines. You'll pee the nutrients out, and breathe the carbon in the glucose out.

There are plenty of ways to acquire permanent ownership of movies and TV, it's just that it isn't legal ownership.