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They know that they don't have to.

You should be a TV writer.

I don't think the broader populace has any link between the two of them in their minds.

I can confirm this. I've got family in the restaurant industry and we've been keeping an eye on advances in restaurant related robotry for ages. We knew this was coming looong ago. Like, a decade ago. It just wasn't quite there yet.

Does he think the attempts will stop if he wins? Because plenty of people will still hate him or want to become famous or be mentally ill. If anything, the hate might ratchet up.

Her family should sue the state of Georgia.

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Just imagine how exhausting it will be if the orange monster wins again.

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They do and have publicly stated as much.

I'm guessing you haven't heard of Killology. They are literally trained to see the populace as dangerous enemy combatants, and they have fewer rules of engagement than soldiers do abroad. So they shoot whoever and whatever the fuck they want, and get away with it.

Foreign actors taking advantage of the situation to cause chaos.

I've never heard it used as an insult, more as a very mild expletive.

On the one hand, I don't believe in political violence. On the other hand, the morality of assassinating Trump is an awful lot like asking oneself, "Would it be morally acceptable to go back in time and assassinate Hitler?"

And anyway, we don't know yet that this is political violence. The last guy who tried to kill him was a Republican who was probably just trying to make a name for himself while committing suicide by cop.

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Private investigations are not considered stalking.

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She also has a previous conviction for intentionally spreading the virus.

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We shouldn't have been hamstringing them from the beginning.

Well, it's only a very, very recent problem in Japan. They had stagnation for decades. Little to no change in wages, little to no change in prices. In 2011, I was making something like 33,000 USD per year there and living very comfortably with ample savings and what the Japanese considered to be a large apartment. It's a pretty affordable country, aside from travel. Or if you want to live in a fancy place in a desirable big city neighborhood.

(And yes, I have been to Japan since then and know that things have changed somewhat. It's still cheap compared to the US. Food is so cheap, it's amazing what you can get.)

I think I tasted a bit of bile in the back of my throat when I read your comment.

The sheer, unmitigated corruption and violence that comes from police departments and courts (especially looking at you, "Supreme" Court) is utterly disheartening. I sincerely do not see a way forward without violence, and I am not a proponent of violence. But things have gotten so bad, the people have so few protections and so few people in power on their side. What are you supposed to do when voting doesn't matter because of corruption, gerrymandering, voter intimidation, disenfranchisement?

Where do we go from here when there is no one with power or in the mainstream political sphere who is even trying to correct it?

Yes, we have Bernie and AOC, but two people can't do a thing.

I'm not so sure of your solution, but as an Mbinner....

Not for some of us.

According to public records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, the local sheriff’s office in Oakland County, Michigan, documented the incident in a case report as a hate crime against law enforcement.

Your choice of profession is not a protected class, idiot.

I wonder if they even have what we think of as HR in Russia.

Any number of non-white immigrants, that is.

Not until he's gotten through all of the peasants who live in the countryside.

Isn't this the sort of thing that can happen when you check the box saying you're willing to be an organ donor?

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Orange baby crying because now everyone's* seeing what a pathetic loser he is.

*Obviously not his dedicated deplorables.

Yakisoba with shrimp and napa cabbage.

Pho is also a great breakfast food.

When I'm feeling like punishing my digestive system, biscuits and gravy (homemade only--nobody seems to know how to make it properly anymore).

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Something like 10 or 15 years ago.

They almost all stopped doing so some years back. As someone who used to want to be a copywriter, reading modern articles with all of their constant mistakes is very frustrating.

The most badass of the salmon. They didn't literally have saber-tooths, but they did have fang-like teeth. They could grow in size to almost 9 ft long and over 400 lb!

I'll bet they were delicious.

Harassment, intimidation, and false imprisonment are not free speech.

This was an act of terrorism clearly intended to terrorize those inside the bus.

Sounds like I will have to catch myself up on the matter.

If there were another civil war coming up, sure, most of it would not be based on geography, but California, Oregon, and Washington would definitely stick together.

And hopefully lose some of our righter-leaning populations to emigration.

Shortly after I returned to the States from Fukushima (a little bit after the disaster), I was taking an emergency response course on radioactivity. Everybody there got to use a Geiger counter on themselves and their belongings and various things in the room. The only thing that set it off was the purse I had brought back with me.

Anecdotal, obviously, and it wasn't highly radioactive, but I did get rid of the purse.

Good question, isn't it.

And enjoy your increased likelihood of heart disease and diabetes later!

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She also has a prior conviction for intentionally spreading COVID.

This will clearly need some investigation.

Same thing they've done with the Stop Cop City nonviolent protesters.

Yeah, except California could be a nationstate on its own without needing outside help and the same is not true of Texas. It's closer to being true for Texas than it is for most red states, that is true, but Texas can't even keep its power on. And that whole oil industry thing? Looking pretty temporary.