
1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Is that a giant turd coming out?

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How did volunteers who run reddit's for-profit business for them for free end up equated with landed gentry?

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Not to mention employee protection/rights laws that don't always apply to contractors

Fair enough have you tried 1.5?

Looking at the world rn, I dont think things have a tendency to get better on their own

This is called a recency bias (I think lol) - you're looking at the world rn and assuming its trends must continue. When you look at history you see that there are ebbs and flows, and that stasis is rare. If you focus on certain things, you may certainly decide we're in a downtrend. There will always be an uptrend afterward. And vice versa

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I'd recommend deciding what you're looking for in a VPN, then using r/VPN's comparison guide to find which one suits your wants.

Is this the best method? Idk, but it's what I did and I'm pretty satisfied. I decided that the most important factors to me were port-forwarding, price, speed, leak protection, and encryption - basically in that order. Using that criteria I settled on AirVPN, and I have no complaints so far (one month in).

Some people care more about ethics, or ownership, or what have you. So what you think is the best VPN will depend on your needs. There's no perfect VPN anymore, imo

Edit: As others have pointed out, some VPNs also come in optional packages. Ones such as Proton. That's something else to consider if you're in the market for stuff like antivirus or secure email

I'd be curious to see which would be more practical: a decentralized version of Lyft/Uber powered by blockchain, or an employee-owned version of Lyft/Uber where workers keep all their earnings and pay a small portion for administrative fees to keep the app running.

Admittedly I'm always skeptical of blockchain's ability to actually solve problems. But maybe it would have fewer infrastructural costs? Who knows

You've been downvoted by leftists for bashing socialism, and by liberals for implying that China is actually socialist. A beautiful thing to witness

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Maybe so! Always hard to say with the range of opinions I see on the internet these days

Fair enough! Also because of you I learned that yiffit exists!

Pronounced væləntain with an "eye" sound or væləntin with an "ee" sound? Or some other variation?

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This is such a spurious connection lol but I read the article anyway

The pattern probably emerged as a result of Darwinian natural selection: cicadas that naturally matured in easily divisible years were gobbled up by predators, and simply didn’t live long enough to produce as many offspring. Those who, by chance, had long, prime-numbered life spans fared best, survived longest, and left the most offspring, becoming the dominant variation of the species.

I'm glad the author actually took the time to describe the evolutionary process accurately. When I was an impressionable youngin' arguing against evolution, a big sticking point for me was how so many people described evolution as if there was some design or guidance behind it all. Nope, just common sense chaos and lots of death

They did surgery on a grape

do honestly believe in true love... it just happens that my personal one is also kind of a slut

I'm happy that I read this sentence in my lifetime

Looking at divorce rates as a bad thing is misleading, imo. A high divorce rate isn't necessarily bad

Oh absolutely. I don't mean to moralize or demonize the issue. I just mean that, seeing as how as soon as divorce became socially acceptable it shot up to 50%, I'm not sure how people can view it as unnatural, I guess.

Also your story is very sweet and every bit of what I want one day, so thank you for sharing. You have an interesting perspective

I always call it Magic Math. There's so much of it when you start learning about investing/trading. "Buying calls has infinite potential for gains. Selling calls has infinite potential for losses." Like, yeah, that's mathematically true. But at the end of the day it's not practically true, you're just putting a lot of weight on what you could be getting instead of what you are getting.

Yeah tbh I think people totally misunderstand algorithms. I mean, hot is driven by an algorithm, as are the other sort methods, too, albeit simple algorithms. What we really want to avoid are profit-driven and invasive algorithms. But algorithms to boost discoverability for small communities could be really beneficial

Probably due to the relatively small user base, it just isn't as diverse as some websites. But, even reddit had the issue of the front page being flooded with political posts from one perspective. So as nice as it would be not to, lemmy is probably going to be the same way. It just might highlight a slightly different perspective from reddit

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Do you really? How do you go about proving that kind of thing?

Yeah I'm not subscribing to a whole service just so I can watch 3/4 of my team's games and no others. I want a service I can subscribe to and see all my team's games, and preferably all the games in one league. If it was multi-league that would be great, but I'd rather subscribe to one league at a time than subscribe to all leagues with randomly blacked out games.

Until then - and I know it's unlikely to ever happen - I won't be spending money on watching sports on tv

Taxi companies tend to be smaller, more locally owned businesses with actual employees instead of "contractors." Why would we *not side with them?

Edit: missed an important word

That's how I pronounce it too! Jw because idk what country OP is from, nor their first language. So they might pronounce it differently, and I'd pair different surnames depending on pronunciation

If you want neutral memes you can come over to !comedyheaven@lemmy.world

We're for memes with humor that's so bad it's ironically funny. A bit niche but at least you get a break from politics

I don't believe that it can't be done, it obviously can. There's just this idea that it's the natural state, or what humans are instinctively given to, and that just seems... incorrect?

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The fact is that technology advances and makes other technology obsolete,

Yeah, it happens on both sides, it's an arms race. It will swing the other way eventually - it always has and always will

The second thing you're not addressing is how long the "ebb and flow" takes anyway

That was intentional. There's no estimating a timeline, but with the development of technology it's not unreasonable to expect a reversal even in a decade. Anyway, if you're trying to ward off doomerism you're not going to do it by only looking at what you stand to gain

Damn dude, that was such a spot-on summary I feel like I don't need to log in to lemmy for a month lol

Why are you saying so what? You asked a question and I answered

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Being into them is being attracted to them which, on an instinctual level, is wanting to fuck them

Edit: simplified, obviously, you can be attracted to someone in a more emotional way but some would argue that's still wanting to partner with them in some way

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Oh the definition is fine, I just mean that it seems illogical to adhere to it dogmatically.

Like, ok I'll try to come up with the best summation but bear with me lol. Basically, let's say you're with your current partner. You've been into other people in the past. So, logically, you'll probably be into other people - at some level - in the future, right? That seems like a natural development to me.

So if it's natural, why should we have the little fine print on all of our relationships that reads "If you're into other people this contract is null and void?"

Am I making sense? Lol. Like I just mean that it's natural to be attracted, in some way, to more than one person so why do we default to holding ourselves and our partners to the unnatural? In that way, I'm monogamous with one person at a time seems logically inconsistent to me. It accepts the existence of plurality of attraction, yet denies its engagement

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Even then it seems illogical to me tbh (internally inconsistent?), but at least it's less rigid

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