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I can't believe the post didn't include a picture of the stick. I think I speak for every guy in this thread, I want to see the stick so I can judge how good of a stick it was for myself.

I tried this with my son, who is now 17 and not nearly as computer literate as I was by his age, let alone Linux literate at all. I think it's a generational thing, as a kid growing up in the 90s I HAD to learn how to administer our PC at a higher level to do the things I wanted to do. Now with easy apps and tablets and auto-installation of all-the-things you just don't need to be an advanced user to do what you want to do. This is just my experience, YEMV

1201 - popular key for arcade cabinets

Lookin like Jaws in Goldeneye for the N64

I didnt know about Explainshell before this post and it looks like an excellent site to share with some of the greener Linux sysadmins on my team at work. I've just set a reminder to share it Monday morning

I accidentally activated this in the grocery store like 2 weeks ago and had no idea how I'd done it until just now seeing this thread. My phone started beeping loudly and counting down on the screen and it freaked me the hell out because I had no idea what was going on. People were looking at me like I was about to detonate a bomb or something! As soon as it finished and starred to dial 911 automatically I hung it up before a ring, but goddamn it was concerning to me and those around me. What the hell, Android?

Kerbal Space Program 1. I bought it in early beta for like $14, have received all subsequent updates for free because I bought it so early, sunk literally thousands of hours of enjoyment into it and come out with a solid basic understanding of orbital mechanics.

I cant think of a better return on investment I've ever made.

What rolls down stairs, Alone or in pairs, And over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack, And fits on your back? It's log, log, LOG!

That's because it probably was

Pretty great actually. On my first relaxation vacation with no specific agenda in several years. The beach is gorgeous, the breeze is cool and the drinks are flowing. Life can be good, sometimes anyway. Trying not to think about the work stacking up that will be waiting for me on my return.

Been using VIM since 2011ish and I can't imagine using anything else.

I bought Kerbal Space Program 1 for $14 when it was in version 0.16 I think, before it was in early access on Steam. I've received all updates and DLC for free since then because I got in before a certain date, logged definitely thousands possibly near 10k hours in it, and it is by far the biggest bang for my buck I've ever gotten from a video game ever. Thank you HarvesteR and original dev team!

I've tried to quit cigarettes more times than I can count, and replacing it with vaping has been the only thing that's worked for me. Haven't had a puff of a cigarette since June of 2020. Is it good for you? Hell no, and I'm still working on cutting vape too. But, it's got to be better. I don't wake up coughing every morning anymore, and I can exercise more without wheezing.

Hurricane Harvey was a bastard of a storm.

I was up all hours of the night for days on end keeping tabs on the flood control reservoir at the end of my street only a few houses away, it got dangerously close to overflowing but fortunately never did.

Craziest thing, I remember being inside my house in the middle of the day all dark no power, and I hear the unmistakable sound of a military helicopter getting closer and closer and suddenly the house was starting to shake. I ran outside and looked up and there was a Blackhawk hovering no higher than 50 meters directly above my house and a soldier poking their head out the side looking straight down, I swear we made eye contact it was so close. Fucking wild.

If you're hearing nothing back from any job applications at all, there might be a red flag on your resume you're not aware of that's preventing you from getting past the initial screeners. It could be as simple as the way you phrased something that's not even necessarily a negative thing. You should have someone review your resume and look into sprucing it up. Happy to help if you'd like, DM me your resume and I can give it a look over and see if I see anything that stands out and might be preventing you from getting to the next step.

Brawndo's got electrolytes

Monkey loves you

Neil Cicieregas mashup of this with Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA, Party Rangers:


Huh, interesting landing profile. I was looking at the artists render thinking "where are the landing legs?" but turns out it belly flops down on one side for touchdown. Neat!

Perfect example of this is the movie Dogma. Kevin Smith has stated he would love to do a follow up on it, but he as the creator can't because the IP is owned personally by Harvey Weinstein, and he refuses to give money to Harvey to license or buy it because obvious reasons. So, his own creation is locked away from him because a monster put up the money for the original before Kevin or most people knew they were a monster.

It's my understanding that any photos NASA takes are considered public property so long as they don't contain anything covered under ITAR or otherwise classified/secret technology. Surely this would include any images being sold to the public, since they're obviously not containing classified material? I agree this is strange if they're only being made available for purchase.

Highly recommend the ice caves at Eisriesenwelt! We visited Salzburg many years ago and made a day trip out to this cavern system and it was an awesome experience. Also highly recommended stopping and having a pint and lunch at the restaurant between the skylift and the rest of the walk up the mountain. Breathtaking view for a meal.

r/Aviation and r/KerbalSpaceProgram equivalents would be welcomed by me.

As long as you're interviewing remotely, yes absolutely just a little dram to take the edge off of your nerves can do wonders.

Untitled Spacecraft

I really enjoyed Demon 79 for what it was, but the rest of this new season just didn't hit for me, and none of it felt very much like Black Mirror.

Playing Descent II online was one of the highlights of my childhood back in the early days of internet gaming. The community was excellent too, with a lot of custom maps created using the D2 Level Builder, which I got pretty good with myself haha.

Here's exactly what you've asked for
