
1 Post – 452 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just in case you don't know and are one of the lucky 10000 today:



Last night I updated my BIOS and afterwards my Linux Boot Manager entry was gone. Almost expected but still didn't prepare a LiveUSB, stupid. Had to boot into Windows for the first time in a year and was greeted with the message "Hey some security thing changed, your pin is no longer working. Wanna create a new one?" Of course you need to log in to your Microsoft account for that, otherwise you straight up can't use your install anymore.

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Believe me, I know :D

I have half a mind to just nuke both partitions and just reinstall Arch on the entire drive.

Although I am wondering what would have happened, if I didn't have Windows installed after the BIOS update. No boot entries at all? πŸ€”

For the places I need portable headphones for,I really don't care that much about sound quality. And it is by no means terrible.

Go home vatnik

Russian officials have said

So we don't know anything yet, got it

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Also ban glasses while we are at it. If god wanted you to see them tiddies he wouldn't have made you near-sighted. Amen πŸ™Œ

Bavaria doesn't even pretend to care anymore.

Right? How else would this free-to-play game make its money?

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Enabling the homeless to sleep in public spaces like park benches and in front of businesses doesn’t make them safer. It creates more conflict for them, leaves them exposed (to people and the elements), and worsens how the community sees them.

And taking away the littlest comfort of not having to sleep on the cold floor next to the bench solves this how?

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I like how this comment section highlights why a job fair specifically not for cis men is needed lol

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Based and rational stance

Yes, it is indeed crazy to try and make life even more shitty for unhoused people.

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Most ethical army in the world btw.

I instantly feel safer in cities where lots of stickers like this and "Antifascist Action" ones survive.

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I'd send those screenshots to their mom

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Google just sucking the thoughts out of your head to serve you more rELeVanT ads🀩🀩

It's a 70$ single player game mate. There is zero reason for this.

Likening this to the evils of google is such a wildly dishonest take lmao

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"It'll get better, just gotta get through the week"

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implying FBI is the good guys

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Oopsie woopsie, the factowy made a big boomie boomie

Do you not understand what "reduction" means?

Get fucked Winnie!

Quickly, let's elect more fashists that tell us that the climate catastrophy is a lie!

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It is insane to me how laws like this only serve to shit on people. There is no harm prevented, nor crimes. It is absuredly evil.

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Only 10 more hours until it is downloaded 😍

Edit: welp, it's already done lol. See you in a couple of weeks boiiiiss

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I've never stopped wearing a mask in public transport/while grocery shopping etc. and I don't think I will =/

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How do I access the menu, HOW DO I ACCESS THE MENU???

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Feel free to open a pr.

What a creepy asshole. He should probbaly get back to /pol/, seems like he'd fit on there better.

Please take the muskrat with you.

Nah this is a "Mind your own fucking business" kinda moment.

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When was this? Merkel and her party luckily aren't in the government anymore.

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"I don't want to call"


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Well obviously make all the men naked as well, hopefully.

Nobody should have kids, we should just drift off into extinction. Nobody has been able to tell me why that would be a bad thing without using anthropocentric reasoning.

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So what do you think? How many of the politicians pushing for this are sexting with children?

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Wearing a mask whenever I am around people I don't trust to stay the fuck home when feeling UnDeR tHe WeAthEr.

Also, I either work from home or I don't work.

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,they said, sitting at home, doing nothing.

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