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You know genuinely I don't understand why this isn't a thing. It's expensive to have two homes, especially when you aren't even sure you'll have the job for more than four years. It would lower the cost of entry into politics for people who do work minimum wage.

Shoving someone into a land full of surprise expenses seems like a perfect recipe for corruption.

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I mean, it's another example of the lack of attention to detail and rushing, but yeah.

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Am I the only chaotic neutral here? I code on the right and do everything else on the left.

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It's because a person can crank out a deep fake in 3 hours, and a crappy one in one. It never cropped up because... well lets be real it was a couple of weirdos that were doing it, unless it bubbles up from the dark corners of the internet you risk the Streisand effect by bringing attention to it.

AI can crank out 40 in a minute. 7200 in three hours. That's an entirely different beast. The sheer mass and volume ramps up the odds of any image bubbling up from the dark corners of the web falling into the limelight and now this problem that wasn't big enough to merit thought is rearing up it's ugly head right in front of us.

You can generate unique pictures of Taylor Swift faster than even Taylor swift can generate pictures of Taylor Swift. Within one hour of Taylor swift being seen with a man (and you have enough images of the man) you can create a dozen images of her on a date with that man and attempt to sell them to paparazzi.

The problem is volume. Just like how email made everyone connected and allowed the Nigerian Prince scandal to occur.

Found a link to the thesis.

So far it requires a spellcheck, a grammar check, An entire paragraph spends way too long setting a premise and then an example that does nothing to its premise. His entire intro was a ramble that confuses me to what the hell this was supposed to be a thesis about.

Like there's a single line that says this essay is about "a set of right-wing intellectuals who have come to be labeled the “Conservative Revolutionaries.”" It took you 2 and a half pages to communicate that to the reader, but I still have no idea

  • Why should I care about this group?
  • Why do you care about this group?
  • "Who have come to be labeled" implies this label has come recently. This was a group from WWII. Why can't you just say called?

He then moves into those questions, briefly, again with just galling grammar scattered around. Acceptable in a first draft but certainly NOT a final.

I had to stop reading about a quarter of the way in. It just reeks of padding. I'm not surprised it's plagiarized, it's entirely quotes and trombone speak.
What the hell did he get as a grade? Even if it wasn't plagiarized it couldn't have been a C.

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I always use edge whenever I'm making a public presentation with a computer I use. Simply because I never use it. Then autocomplete won't embarrass me if we look something up.

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I mean, that's a quest at it's core but a good game works it into a narrative and makes it blend. Ideally making all 6 steps anything but tedious. Ideally interesting and fun, but at all times avoiding tedious like the plague.

Best example I've seen is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ADco41g9s&ab\_channel=Nathidraws

Two identical "perform quest for NPC"s, which is your step 4. Negotiate for a thing in a briefcase from somebody who probably will double cross you.

Which one is more tedious? Now combine a 4 minute run in a barren wasteland in your steps 1 and 6...

A few other things that Cyberpunk did, There are several ways to handle that mission, those several options can cause 3 major shifts in that faction. Which affect other missions later on, indeed any time you deal with the maelstrom gang.

Cyberpunk had a lot of flaws but, they're at least innovating. I've never been in a legit standoff like that in a game. It's always been in a static looping animation at 8 paces.

I mean, in the era of VHS this won't work because ultimately you're fast forwarding and rewinding. So you're gonna watch it anyway. but in the digital era I thought this would be what any Police officer did?

Like... they're not even gonna spend 10 minutes on a theft?

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What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?

E, it's a really mean one when delivered verbally

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wandersong is a super simple game that she might be able to play. You play a pacifist bard who just is naive, friendly to a fault. The bard is a male, but the villain, supporting cast, it's quite diverse with some strong females cast in. It's got a pretty good story and a lot of sesame street level lessons on life in there too. Even starts a conversation on what strength truly is. Totally something you should look at.

Slime rancher is another super chill, might actually be able to play herself, game where you do play as a female protaganist, but much lighter on plot than wandersong. You basically farm cute adorable slimes and it's genuinely pretty addictive and super relaxing after a shitty day.

Mirror's Edge you play as a female protagonist. Plot might be a bit steep for her.

If you haven't played through portal 1 or 2 yet, I bet it could be fun. Glados is silly, Chell (who you play but doesn't talk) is female and she can help you with the puzzles a bit.

... You know on closer inspection I can't help but notice that for an American you're about 8 stories tall and look to be from the paleolithic era...


I mean, Microsoft isn't free. Linux is.

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It's because it's a feature 0 people will complain about adding if it all works well. It's a small, minor, completely unnecessary detail.

If it's there, then someone had the time, the energy, and the freedom to add it, just because they wanted to. It's not an item that will make it on the checklist of a minimum viable game.

If it's there, it's a very good sign.

Oh it's easy, they just googled "Roland voice lines" and he sounds like a perfect role for Kevin heart.

Could he pull off the borderlands 2 Roland intro? I don't think so, but I've been surprised before.

What really has me saddened is the whole pisswater gully bit. Tiny Tina is a native of pandora, Roland and Lilith are not (to my knowledge). So if anything, the roles should have been entirely reversed because:

  1. It makes more sense.

  2. It's way funnier.

Which means they're messing with backstory of the characters to match... nothing. Because it doesn't seem to make the writing better, and it differs from the original. It would also match Tiny Tina's character so much better and mitigate the annoying whiny child part of the character that is just SHINING through this trailer.

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I hate the idea of hints. Because A. You then have to make the person your interested in make their own way towards you, and B. Then they have to notice it and then take a risk. I think it's FAR better, to give your crush an opening, serve them a line on a silver platter.

For example:
My wife was interested in me and she opened with:
"Am I too close?" To which I could've replied "nah you're good" or "yes, a bit" without any fuss. but, since I was also interested, I replied.
"Oh nonsense, if anything you're not close enough" which, can easily be dismissed as me being silly, but nope, she's interested. So she responds
'OH really? So how close can I get?"

Like, set up a romantic line. If there's a romantic line to be had. If they're interested, they'll take it.

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This has always been my concern with the tradwife movement. I can certainly see why there would be appeal but you need to be very cautious of who you want to be a tradwife to. You create a lot of dependence on your partner, You sacrifice a lot of power, and once you start doing this it becomes increasingly difficult taking it back.

Even with the perfect partner to be a tradwife to. You don't remove the problems with dependence. You can argue that "well I have full faith my partner and I will stay together" but at any point it can all get taken away.

With two partners a single layoff sucks, but you can stay afloat much better than two layoffs. It's like a two engine and a single engine plane. A two engine has redundancy, it can limp. Single engine becomes a glider after failure.

Speaking of failure, doesn't matter how angelic your partner is, heart failure will kill them and wreck your life too. Then you have life insurance but no resume or job experience. Hope you saved.

It's genuinely kind of infuriating, because start mixing in handywork, house repair, landscaping, childcare, cooking, cleaning, organizing, with the recently added 3dprinting, searching online for 2nd hand goods, volunteering within your community, a LOT of value should be getting generated... but none of it gets recorded... or removes your dependency on your partner.

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Admittedly, there is no government housing for politicians, which means either buying renting in washington DC (not cheap) in addition to your home in your own state, or moving entirely to Washington DC for a position you may lose in 4 years.

The entire job seems to be closed out to everyone but millionaires.

Like, at this point the absolute most rope I can give him is that he's the living embodiment of that Mitchell and Webb sketch Are we the Baddies

How do you NOT know that white nationalists aren't just nationalists who happen to be white? If he's not racist then he's dumber than the congressman who was afraid an island would capsize if people evacuated to one side of it.

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... man I never made that connection. I thought it was because there was never an explosion smaller than somebodies head. If it doesn't cause a boom it's a gun that shouldn't be in a boomer shooter.

Yeah, there is a large fixation on whether he did or did not pull the trigger and I genuinely feel like that's not the straw that breaks the camel's back, because ultimately he was told it was a clear gun.

What matters is:

  • Did he know that there were serious concerns about gun safety on set?

  • Did he use his star power/producer role to silence those concerns?

  • Did he retaliate against people who raised those concerns?

If he did any of those three things, then you have a rapidly strengthening case that he knowingly endangered the crew, and he should have known NOT to have aimed that gun at anybody. You made that gun unsafe and then the gun went off in your hands because you reaped what you sowed.

that, that just adds more questions.

Why isn't there vr animation software? Why can't we have several people pop up in an instance and animate avatars like a stop motion movie?

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Well, I just recently got married in July. We'd been together for 5 years before that point, we survived COVID in a rather stress inducing state.

  • My wife works in banking, with secrecy requirements. I work in AV, testing equipment that records everything it sees and hears. We couldn't even be within earshot of each other. She was forced to work in her bed and I was forced to take up half the living room with 2 baker's racks of AV equipment. Still went through those two years being able to look back fondly at being able to take a five minute break to scream into a pillow and get a hug after a particularly stressful problem, meeting, or office politics.

I completely understand where you're coming from, but just like how you can't imagine a partner you want to spend the rest of your life with. I cannot imagine someone ever replacing my wife, and I don't even want to entertain the notion of losing her.

  • well what if it's insert_celebrity_crush_here?
    -- that's not my wife, not interested

  • well what if it's your wife but she never says no to you?
    -- that doesn't sound like my wife at all, I'm not interested

We just mesh incredibly well. We both grew up in problematic households with a disdain for our parents. We both grew up poor. We both care more about financial security and safety than trying to get it all. I feel like we're a team, at all times. Not having her beside me would be like playing football with only half the players.

I will say, this is gonna sound weird but stick with me. Don't... don't chase a monogamous relationship.

I think too many people get hooked on this idea that you must have a partner. You must marry before you hit 35. You must fuck before you hit 19. Just don't think so hard about it. Geography, life events, mistakes, opportunities, are all at place with literally everyone at all times. COVID especially through a wrench in every life plan in America. I feel so bad for anyone who hadn't gone through college yet. Just... find enjoyment where you can and balance that with building your future and if both those points can be met with the same activity. DO IT. Whether it's a partner that you can't live without and you wanna keep, or a group you can't live without. You need both those points in life. Do whatever makes sense.

I feel like it would have to be one of the many lies that Juan Pujol Garcia made in WWII.

He was a double agent for British intelligence. Won the highest Military honor in Britain AND in Germany. This man lied his way into the spy business, and proceeded to completely hoodwink German intelligence.

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So, I'm a bit younger than the era you're looking for, but my dad was an alcoholic and I remember as a kid being in the local bar and being juuuust short enough that I was just under the smoke line. I had to breach that line to get up on a bar stool and ask for a kitty cocktail. It always felt like I crossed the border to another world whenever I did.

I think I need to use more force to clear my lungs than my peers, but other than that my lack of athletic ability is mostly self inflicted.

You can't mention the dominator and not add a gif of it moving from non lethal to lethal mode

I know but if they were smart they'd say they're gonna take an hour to do it, find the footage in 10 minutes and goof off another 50.

Pull a Scotty, then you're productive and lazy. It's just disappointing they can't even procrastinate properly. I feel bad.

I think it's a mix that varies state from state based off the latest polling.

Caravan Palace is so much fun live as well. Whenever they Tour through the US I always try to grab a ticket.

For me it's very much dependent on the topic at hand.

Coding, kbin, email, calendar, dark.

Still gotta work in light mode on word... just looks wrong otherwise.

It's not just whether or not Biden would win.

It's "Can Biden and Trump stay coherent standing for 3 hours in an unscripted environment"? Does it matter if Biden wins if the match was predominantly two elders bickering over whether or not we should pull out of Iraq? Both of their ages are a point of concern and the complete lack of live, unscripted, hardball interviews does little to quell that fear.

Polls have never been this bad for a returning president in decades. Historically support for third party candidates have decreased as election cycles get closer but at the same time, you've never had candidates this hated. Third parties are absolutely going to eat up votes from both parties this election year, and a horrid debate performance, even if a win, will make the issue worse.

I’ve seen so many older couples where the woman was 100% dependent on the man. He never allowed her to manage finances, have access to the bank accounts, pay bills, etc. and then after 30-40 years he leaves or dies, and then she’s left without any life experience whatsoever and has no idea how to manage her own life.

That's the part that really kills it for me. Even if you have the absolute perfect couple, its got glaring flaws. It increases risk for higher... comfort? Because in high risk high reward, if it pays off you are more stable than you started. That doesn't happen with a tradwife couple. You constantly have a higher risk, but a nicer house, a warmer family, better food, more involved community. (Again, I'm assuming the absolute perfect couple. I'm not even considering the power dynamics.) Which... it's bizarre because that all should be worth it but... it topples so much easier. Even in the best case.

Like... this seems straight up like a flaw in society.

I am so confused by this, why does there need to be AI involved in this at all?

If somebody has a complaint, pull the footage, then the plaintiff goes over the footage and makes their case against the police officer. Why would an AI be necessary to find complaints that are not being complained about?

I feel like it's a technology solution for what should be a "more transparency and a better system" solution. Make complaints easier and reduce the fear factor of making complaints.

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I mean, I understand leaving out Brick. Both Roland and Brick are not... bastions of dialogue. Both combined could be a bit much in a film. Even though he's a fascinating character. Mordecai confuses me more. He seems like a much better straight man (comedy term, not the orientation) than Roland or Brick, and if he operates like a sniper then he makes a great diagetic narrator to move dialogue and scenes because he operates as the scout from range. Granted the CG for the bird will probably cost.

I'm sure a good chunk was they wanted more Tiny Tina, and then they added Kreig just for the reveal moment which is... a lot of dedicated screen time just to create a moment. Seeing as he barely had any time in the trailer... clearly he doesn't shine in this film.

Borderlands 2, Krieg was an intriguing character but as a class generally sucked. His ult was a melee only mode which... doesn't mesh with a game about COLLECTING GUNS. They also introduced Gaige. Her class worked better in the game, although very gimicky, lore wise she was basically a more sane Tiny Tina.

Like... genuinely a series or a movie about him sounds cool... but... I don't think they're gonna show him off like that link. How is an internal monologue supposed to work if only one of the 4 hear it? It can't work while sharing a spotlight.

Also I can't remember if it's official or cannon but

::: spoiler spoiler
Krieg is Tiny Tina's dad so...

That's interesting... bold move though. I can think of MANY failed 3rd person mobas.

Honestly then Democrats win, because Trump is running. Even if he's not eligible he will whine and moan and a considerable segment will write him in or protest or not vote in protest.

Even 2 apartments are expensive, I remember AOC was having trouble finding one in DC

Lol, gotta love the old AI

Wait that was real?!? I thought that was satire!!!

Jesus Christ that's the kind of name an angsty teenager gives their life changing app.

It's the most milk toast edge you could possibly give a website.

The only time that name is acceptable is for a website of nautical pirates.

How did he even get the domain from the edgelord who had it before who refused to get into myspace and decided to build his own website from scratch?

How many times did he have to misspell twitter before he put his foot down like this?

But if X is twitter, how will he mark his emerald mines on his map at home?