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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, this kinda shit is fucking hilarious but people don't realize it. There's this corporate training BS called Kaizen where they take a lot of normal Japanese words like 無理 (muri) and associate weird Eastern mystic significance to them.

Literally just means "impossible" and is frequently used in slang to be like "no no no I couldn't possibly [talk to that hot guy]". Having it put up on a slide and presented by some white dudes in suits who were nodding solely and talking about the secret Japanese knowledge was just too much to bear.

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Yeah... Those damn gays, and then they kiss deeply a few more minutes before settling down in a shady grove beneath an oak tree.. they let the dog wander off as they reacquaint themselves with each other's body...

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Isn't something like 50% of the US workforce paycheck to paycheck? That's very much by design. Look up any strikebreaking action in history, the strategy is always for businesses to see if they can hold out longer than their workers, and if they can, no concessions are necessary.

Our stability and ability to strike is diametrically opposed to the desires of those in power. Until we get the guillotines out again, I'm not really sure how any of this could possibly change. Under capitalism, there is no incentive for it.

Yeah, this is what I'm most interested to see. Right now it's a forward thinking, principled thing.

Once Relay, RiF, Apollo, BaconReader, and all the others go defunct, a lot more people are going to take notice. If they use the awful official app, they're going to realize Reddit has changed dramatically and not for the better, and they've just been shielded from the worst if it with their 3rd party apps.

Yeah it's not all or nothing though. You're acting like outside the US it's impossible to fire people. That's simply not even remotely true.

Unfortunately, being gay isn't a panacea, and one can be both gay and a huge piece of shit.

MCRLWAIN hurts my brain to pronounce

This feels like a copypasta

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Are you comparing an intentional political stance that someone (hopefully) reasoned themselves into as equally inescapable of the colour of one's skin, or sexual orientation?

Crazy thought, if you're getting put on blast due to your political views you absolutely do not need to continue sharing them with the class.

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Well, it'll put Reddit in an odd place. Spez in particular has cited the Moderator Code as a justification to remove mods and instate his own.

THAT would be worse, since then instead of any blackout at all it's business as usual (while being slowly crippled from bad moderation and decaying user behaviours).

The John Oliver thing is an alternative to THAT. They are technically doing what the users want, which was Reddit's whole ammunition against them. Closing a sub of millions of people could be said as harming the site significantly enough that reddit steps in. Opening it and maliciously complying with the rules IS what the users want, so Spez will be hard pressed the wrest control of the sub while simultaneously saying he supports the protests in line with the Code.

If you like roleplaying games, absolutely yes. It's way move involved than their previous games (which were also great). Divinity always felt AA at best, but the polish on BG3 is impeccable.

For me what really does it is the professional voice work and motion capture on seemingly every single sentiet humanoid character in the game. Even random folks who have a single line of dialogue have a unique voice and an interesting character design. They don't all blend together, even when they are objectively filler characters.

That's the thing though, it's not Netflix vs cable anymore. It's Netflix + Disney + Prime + whatever other streaming services have the shit you actually want to watch. And when you add it up, it's just like cable packages. The only advantage is it's all on demand.

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I'll admit I'm not entirely well versed in this, but what development? Is the API being continually worked on? I'd imagined it was relatively stable, especially given how awful Reddit has traditionally been with any kind of feature development.

Hell, they couldn't even make their own app, they had to buy Alien Blue and then drive it into the ground for $$$

I wish it was just the boomers. We have a whole new generation of greedy corporate bootlicks on their way up.

God this is horrific. I love it.

I've been playing Divinity Original Sin 2, in anticipation of Baldur's Gate 3. I got to the start of Act 2 about four years ago, and just never came back to the game. I always meant to pick it back up, so I started a fresh character and am nearly back to that point now.

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This is a really good point, and one of the reasons I'm happy to make my new online home here.

The type of people who act like this is nothing, or worse, act like there's nothing that can be done and we should just roll over, won't have gone through the trouble to come here. And yeah, I'm with you, they can all hang out and circlejerk the same jokes over and over along with the bots.

Best of both worlds, and we're all happy. A bit of positive selection bias.

That's fair, but also, the fact that it has procedural generation should not be a surprise to anyone at this point, they were very open about it.

I'm just hoping there's an easy way to distinguish in game between the procedural stuff that's not worth exploring and the stuff that is. I'm hoping it can be safely ignored, but it WILL be annoying if they hide really interesting questlines on otherwise barren planets.

Not really the same type of game at all. Elite is a fun simulation but there's essentially no story.

In the same way, I'm sure the space combat will be fun in Starfield, with essentially no depth.

I'm a totally separate person, and I can also verify that forcing business users to use IE for certain services is definitely a thing.

I'm not sure what your point is? It's not necessarily going to apply to ALL banks, but it'll probably apply to SOME of them, and that will suck if it happens to be your/my bank.

I mean, from a game improvement standpoint you'd want them to have analytics. Seeing how other people use your game doesn't seem the most unreasonable thing ever to me.

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Yeah, this has been my experience as well. Discovery on Spotify is really good. I'll listen to something new and be like "how haven't I heard of these guys!" And then I check their artist page and yeah it's like a few thousand listens total.

Where's the copy pasta about how you had no choice but to hopelessly start masturbating in public when you saw this clearly super NSFW content?

I think it's just a human problem. You or I may like to read long form journalism, but we're in the extreme minority. It's not dying because it was so hugely profitable.

Logistically too, if you're trying to parse through the top 100 tweets in a day, and each one takes multiple paragraphs to get to the point, the amount of various viewpoints the average person is able to interact with shrinks dramatically.

Granted, it seems like everyone is taking the forced brevity as an excuse to just write +1 to pile onto their side, since that's easier.

It's a classic right wing talking point. They like to present the Guardian as biased and bullshit as the Daily Mail or the Mirror or something.

I just feel bad that she had to have a kid with the guy to find this out

It's funny that you say that. Although it's not I guess replacing Reddit in terms of scale, the browsing experience on Lemmy and that community feeling is actually an improvement for me.

So, I guess for me Lemmy is a more than adequate replacement. I don't want all of Reddit here though, I think that would cause a whole lot more problems than it would solve.

All of the most positive reviews I've read have been at 80+ hours. Still finding new things to do, which is a good sign.

Meritocracy is a myth though, perpetuated by those lucky enough to benefit from existing systems.

It's completely circular. I'm on top and the people who are on top are the best so because I'm on top I'm the best.

It never accounts for all the myriad non-merit related ways folks get on top in the first place.

This reviewer also went right into NG+ after finishing the main story. I guess play how you want, but that feels deeply wrong to me.

How does the exploration feel? I loved the original Subnautica but reviews of Below Zero turned me off.

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Man I wish I could even get a consistent impression out of anyone. I've been scrounging for pre-release footage but Beth is being weirdly tight lipped about this one.

100% a wait for the reviews situation, the less they show off the more I worry they're hiding something. Just a reminder to everyone, Fallout 76 was the last game they released...

There's quite a wide range of reviews. I tend to trust the ones who talk about how much fun the side content and faction quests a lot more than I trust the ones that were underwhelmed by the main questline. I've been playing these games since Oblivion and the only main questline I ever finished was Fallout NV.

Yeah, that one's just weird to me. It's literally written "Jiburi" in Japanese.

They also mention that the majority of homeless aren't that.

Yes, but the majority of visible homeless are.

Yes, I think if your political views are actively hurting someone or advocating for harm to a group of people then you should be held responsible for the shit that comes out of your own mouth.

This is not even remotely comparable to being unable to fire someone just because they're black, or gay, or a woman.

Yeah, this is true! The constant exploding puddles and stuff is interesting to look at, but does feel a bit chaotic and out of your control at times.

Honestly, it's just making me more excited about Baldur's Gate, since although I haven't played the early access I know it's a different combat system. That and the armour system of Divinity 2 really throws me off, gameplay wise, so it'll be great to hopefully have all the RP stuff but with a less irritating combat system.

Because third party apps are literally the point that drove a lot of people to Lemmy in the first place. It's classic selection bias.

Being downvoted for sense. What a world.

Ohhh, so that's why he was called Buzz Lightyear!