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Joined 1 years ago

I think the real problem is businesses have to grow. If most big companies weren't publicly traded then just being profitable would be enough.

Imagine making enough money to pay you and everyone else in your company a great wage one year, but it being bad because it wasn't more profit than last year.

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One of my roku devices still has composite out

I didn't even notice the app was sluggish, but this is still great news!

If you use rufus to make a windows usb you can select to not require Microsoft account and bypass tpm right in the program, just get a windows 11 iso off the site instead of media creation tool

I taught my half Maltese half shih tzu the command move over. Every time I'd take her for rides she'd sit in my lap and if I needed to go around a corner I'd say move over and put her in the passenger seat. Now if she's in my spot on the couch she'll growl if I try to move her. But say move over and she'll go

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Two is not filling enough

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I dunno doesn't everyone wanna be a girl?

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Also whenever they share things about themselves never ask follow up questions. Okay. That sounds fun. Sounds kinda rude. But if you do it all the time they'll just think you don't know how to socialize

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George W. Bush

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If they are the same voltage just take a razor and shave some of the material away, I had to do this to get a c7 connector to fit into my xbox one, the rubber was just molded too far to fit

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Are you referring to windows fast startup? or did windows add another layer to my pc not just shutting down

I've still been lucky enough to not be flagged by YouTube, was already using ublock and firefox/ watch YouTube daily

I mean..... You're body is already way more self healing than an iPhone ever will be so at least there's that

Yeah but people change hobbies change and priorities change. Don't ever try to force yourself to play games because you feel like your supposed to. I don't eat candy anymore because I stopped enjoying it. I'm not gonna just eat it because I used to love it.

If thats how you play games now just do you, have fun with those games now, don't need to over think it

I don't even use the built in taskbar anymore, I always put mine up top and windows 11 broke that functionality so I'm using some other taskbar replacement

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Most people do, and conservative politicians definitely do. But they don't want to say anything that will effect the oil industry in a negative way.

Oh yes the reason task manager ends tasks instead of killing now

Hell most sites back then didn't even have mobile support yet and still used tons of flash elements, that was just the beginning of mass internet adoption due to smart phones

Oh shit I guess I never tried, maybe that's why all the girls that came for me were crazy

My isp does t even support ipv6

So like all plastic containers and cans(they are all plastic lined) do this aswell then

I've blocked quite a lot, seems easier than subscribing to individual communities. Blocked most meme and porn communities, and I just straight up block bot reposting accounts

All the limitations can be bypassed easily, if you use Rufus (the program) and a windows 11 iso to make the usb installer it asks to disable telemetry and tpm requirements when you make the usb.

Source: running windows 11 on my old overclocked intel x5690 since the betas came out

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I just look for the most barebones forum with complaints about the product and see if I can deal with those issues or not

My ISP doesn't even support IPv6

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I think it's burning the plastic the coats the inside that causes cancer, cans aren't just metal and ink

Same I bought the physical disk too, not like I have a disk drive. But now I have a licensed winrar disk


Toast Toast Toast

Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee

Yeah the whole post was he thought his landlord was breaking in and leaving notes everywhere, but it was OP in a CO induced haze

I'm fine with things not always loading immediately

I used the cheapest sbc I could find at the time which was an orange pi zero to run a CUPS server

Oh yeah I've been out for like 4 days, just keep adding water to it

In white as fuck ✌🏿

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You guys make lists? Is it like the notes im supposed to keep?

Where do I get a Josh's system?

What are the 23 flavours in Dr. Pepper?

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Yeah I get it, I would never pay for microtransactions. I'm enjoying the game so far. I used mods to get all 999 of the items they sell so I don't have to be bothered. It runs well enough on my system so imma keep enjoying it. I'll leave a negative review for yall

Let me just only have one pineapple for food this month

Wouldn't say I love it, but I don't mind hiking, trees and mountains are cool. I also live in a part of new england where it's basically just trees mountains and hills so any sort of walking around turns into a hike

Fucking with iv mods