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Braising low and slow would be a better method. It won't completely break down, but the rest of the connective tissue should melt in your mouth.

I work in hospice and see a variety of conditions. Some people in their 60's with significant mobility issues that are chronically exhausted, but then there's the patients in their 90's who just recently started cutting back on social events and activities due to injury/illness.

Seeing these differences was why I started roller skating (again) at 49 and increased other activities to keep my ass moving and challenge my coordination and balance. I want to get everything I can out of this life.

I truly appreciate the fact that I can browse Lemmy for my entertainment, and easily walk away when I need to be an adult and don't auto smash the button when I open my phone.

To me this is a very, very good thing.

I can see someone submitting a DNA sample to Ancestry and watching the horror/drama unfold.

What would be worse - finding out the sample came from a missing person, or someone who never offered the donation?

For the love of God could you not?

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Serious question.

Following the assumption that it's not food safe plastic, what is the actual risk that we're talking about here? I get that there's many variables (length of time/temp of contact, porousness and moisture content of food, etc) but let's say that the variety of foods were stored in a cooler for 4 hours prior to consumption. To do this 3x a year, what are the risks? Obviously this set up left in the car during the summer for 8hrs before eating would be a REALLY bad idea, but wondering where it starts crossing the line from insignificant risk to "you should really think twice."

I remember years ago Mythbusters tested the "5 second rule" and contamination really had much more to do with what was making contact vs how long.

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Your parents are doing their best with the tools they have, but they're preparing you for the world they grew up in - not the one you will live in. The things you think are for other people? They're for you too. You can have them, it's just going to be a lot of work to get there.

I mean, they have to right? The day shift and half the night shift just walked out, so plan on opening and closing. I don't know what their problem is. Nobody wants to work anymore.

I was raised around those good old traditional values like "do what you're told" and "a woman's value is caring for a family." Once I started thinking for myself and asking questions, I still struggled with all the "but they're killing living babies!" idea. Then one day it occurred to me - we don't determine death by when the heart stops, why would we decide it starts just because we hear a beat? Brain death determines death, wouldn't an appropriate level of brain activity determine life? I let go of a lot of baggage that day.

17 years ago on a Saturday night, just before bedtime, my 4yo son was being a dufus and managed to break his collarbone. Before we knew it was broken (but knew something was obviously wrong) I took him to the emergency room. We were stuck waiting about 6 hours to be seen. The nurse that triaged us was extremely apologetic and literally stated "I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long, we're stuck having to see the drunken scraped knees first just because they came in an ambulance."

I'm assuming that if my son were bleeding out he would be seen faster, but I've assumed that in non-life threatening situations that ambulances receive priority.

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I've tried melatonin but it leaves me feeling hung over, no matter how low the dose. So a couple times a month I'll treat myself to a half dose of NyQuil, and I sleep like a baby.

Heading into menopause sucks for sleep. 😕.

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I work for a hospital in Illinois. When recreational passed, we were sent notice that the hospital recognizes the legality, instructs (like with alcohol) that it's not to be used during your work hours, and that if you have reason to believe that your usage will interfere with your work, please speak to your manager about it.

"My assumptions based on incomplete data make me smart."

That's what you sound like.

I'm having it for the first time. Fully vaccinated, on day 5 of miserable. Worst store throat of my life that transitioned into sinus congestion. I can't imagine what it would have been like if it chose to go down to my lungs instead.

Because I'm 51 with a history of asthma I was able to start antivirals. Paxlovid mouth is brutal, but since I've also lost taste and smell, I'm getting used to it. While I understand why some people give up on the meds because of the taste, I'd rather suffer through that than risk worsening illness. I've found holding small pieces of taffy on my tongue to slowly suck on has been the best relief.

I work in healthcare and have always been conscious of protecting myself, but had a normal human moment last week and went to a concert unmasked. Be careful out there.

Congratulations you disturbing prick! I fucking gagged lol.

Just throwing this out there, but while this is the direction you went to deal with the trauma you experienced, do you feel like it's the healthiest path? I have a loved one with PTSD from trauma. There are many ways to deal with it, but I dare guess that therapy (with the right therapist for you) may give you better, healthier tools.

I only wish you well, and hope you find peace.

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You monster!

Everyone knows you should be dipping in ranch. Honey mustard for fancy events.

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Not only that, but no matter whether it can identify a person as a person, cars shouldn't be driving over objects that are child sized or larger.

I wish upon you a bag of dicks which you should eat in its entirety, for having made my look at that ass. Twice.

Then I'm guessing rubs the residue on his gums. Repeatedly.

Can't let it go to waste!

I'm not sure if it's related to the same issue, but my son had surgery on his leg a couple weeks ago, and we couldn't find anyone to fill his norco prescription with more than a few pills. The closest pharmacy to fill out was in the next state. Went with a shit ton of ibuprofen for him. 😕

Sounds like someone needs to drink a glass of water.

"Dude! What were you doing last night bro? Your breath smells like spider dick!"

I work in hospice, and unfortunately many elderly households and nursing homes have people parked in front of Fox "News."

Last year there was a patient in a nursing home I visited who was crying when I got there. She was extremely distressed, watching FN. She was telling me about all the post birth abortions that democrats were having, "just to kill all those innocent babies." I told her that wasn't a thing. She proceeded to tell me that she watched an interview with a Dr on Fox who stated that he used to do them, but it weighed too heavily on him so he stopped. She said that after delivering the full term baby, he would hold and comfort the baby while discussing options with the parents on how to "abort" it.

Whatever the interview actually was, I can not say. But if a viewer got that message from something they aired then Fox needed to be clearer in their messages. In any case, they're toying with the mental health and wellbeing of the vulnerable elderly for their own benefit, which (among many other reasons) makes them evil.

Me - I understand all the words you just used, but not in this context.

Boyfriend is a huge board gaming nerd. He's a very patient person lol.

Convection toaster ovens have been around for a long time, but for the most part have been "toaster oven plus a little fan." Air fryers showed up with an emphasis on I'M BLOWING ALLLLL THE HOT AIR!!!! I'll make frozen mini pizzas in my air fryer and have to stab the pepperoni with toothpicks or they end up God knows where lol.

I have both, but would be willing to just have the toaster oven version if it stepped up its blowing game. Until the day comes when one of the appliances craps out on me, I'll use both.

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Many places enforce watering restrictions. Usually it's "even house numbers on even days, odd on odd," then when it gets hot out, watering only allowed at night. For almost a month my area (in northern Illinois) had a complete water ban, until this recent week now that we're getting so much rain we're flooding.

I get being curious, but different people have different timelines and levels of comfort when processing their trauma.

If they're ready to discuss and let you know what happened, they'll offer the amount of information they're prepared to share. If they don't offer, then please respect their space.

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I once went to the bathroom and had to dump my menstrual cup, then after reinserting realized I hadn't washed my hands well enough after chopping jalapenos.

I'm gonna guess it's about the same experience.

The synagogue my boyfriend's children go to used to have a summer program that provided excellent childcare, even very low cost. Then a few years ago because of some other synagogues getting hit, their insurance skyrocketed and with the increased rates would have required guards on premises whenever children were present. As it was never a money making program, they had to shut it down.

W2 is a tax form employers provide employees that shows what they made, state and federal taxes withheld, and other relevant information. The business keeps a copy, provides a copy to the employee, and submits a copy to the government for record keeping/tax purposes.

1099 is another form that gets referenced as well. It's a form for "independent contractors." It's supposed to be an accounting for contracted work, but it's often abused. In too many cases across many industries, some employers will misclassify employees to save themselves money and put the greater tax burden on the person working for them.

After watching a hospice patient cry because (according to her) the Dr interviewed on Fox News talked about how he doesn't do abortions anymore after performing a late term abortion where the mother went into labor and delivered the baby before he could kill it, so he cleaned up the baby and consoled it as he discussed with the parents their options on how to dispatch it after the fact. She was inconsolable. But in drinking Fox's Kool aid, it was the only channel she would watch.

For moral reasons I will take any opportunity to nudge the vulnerable away from the harm certain entities create.

Maybe not so far fetched. I work in hospice, with the vast majority of the patients I see in their 75-95+yo range. While most have no interest in technology, it's not uncommon for the elderly to have "that grandchild" that helps everyone set up their cell phone, "get the Netflix to work," set up Ring doorbells, etc. I've even known some to ask their grandchild to help their equally elderly neighbor (who doesn't have any local family) with their new TV. It's a thing.

I read that in Wallace's voice.

While I prefer the flavor of the burgers from BK, I always end up waiting for my order far longer than McDonald's, then the combo of ingredients isn't even warm enough to melt the cheese on the burger (no, I didn't customize it into an abomination, just asked for no mustard.) So while I'd almost prefer it, I don't go to BK except for once or twice a year. Even then, it seems like they're constantly changing the fries that they're serving, trying to hit a sweet spot?

Instead my go to is the Daily Double and small fry from McDonald's.

I live on the edges of the Chicago suburbs and have wanted to do something like this, but haven't been able to fully commit. Yet. Thank you for giving me something to delve into!

Purple Bag Syndrome for a fruity cocktail!

I can fit a baking dish in it so I can use it for many of the things I might want to bake in my oven (lasagna, casserole, small batch of cookies/muffins) but don't want to heat the entire oven for. It fits a standard frozen pizza, I've occasionally baked bread or rolls in it. One of my most frequent uses would be the broiler setting where I just want to quickly brown the top or melt cheese onto something.

One of the drawbacks of my current air fryer is that the fan blows so hard I have to make sure that what I put in there is heavy and secure enough not to get blown around. My son was heating something and put a piece of cheese on it to melt. The cheese was definitely NOT where it was supposed to be when it melted.

I work with hospice patients, and Hallmark is one of the more popular channels I see on in homes (the others being Game Show network, Food Network, anything showing old sitcoms, and Fox News.) I've even known some families to use their Christmas in July programming to let Grandma/pa think they made it to one more Christmas so that maybe they'd let go.