
1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a random guy.

This is great and all, but what does it have to do with /c/piracy ?

There are many other communities about whatever the latest reddit drama is, please don't let this sub become like some others that are flooded with nothing but reddit drama

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A friend of mine uses it to re-type emails to sound more professional. He even got a couple of others to start doing it at his workplace. A few people have started to notice one particular employee has suddenly completely changed how he talks in emails. It's very amusing, but it works extremely well for my friend.

He even pays the $20usd/m for the "premium" or whatever version. He's a C-Suite at the company so it's nothing to him to pay for the service. Other than instances like that, or simple coding (hey I need a quick bs landing page, or I need this added to whatever) it's pretty overblown for how people seem to think it works.

It's been very flakey for me, I won't get anything new then all the sudden I get a huge influx of posts from the past few weeks. This has been across multiple communities.

I tried upgrading my instance to .18 but boy was that a buggy mess. It seems to just be an issue with federation overall.

I'll believe it when I see it. It seems like things like this come up all the time and never actually go anywhere.

I mean, maybe it's because I'm not overly paranoid or live in the US, but this doesn't seem like a big deal at all.

As for the "drama" of them telling someone they can unfollow, it's true. It's again, not a big deal.

This screams people trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

It's not even a question (outside of clickbait bs by news agencies)

it sent out about 700,000 kill messages to inform other instances that it had federated with that it was going offline for good, and to delete all record of it from their databases. Around 25% of these were returned undelivered because the instances had simply dropped offline.

It's amusing that the person complaining about these instances "failing" linked to a site that itself has "failed" and is now "for sale".

There are always "the sky is falling" posts by people that feel everything they are no longer in love or becomes slightly difficult with is "failing". I don't understand why these people always think others are going to care about their opinions on the subject at all. It makes me wonder if these people yell "I'M LEAVING" every time they exit a room.

Hey Mods, when are you going to rename this community to /c/TheLatestRedditNews as that's all that seems to get posted here?

I mean it's not like there aren't literally DOZENS of communities dedicated to whatever the latest crap reddit is up to so it needs to keep clogging up this community.

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I fully believe this is true, however do you have an article or anything about it?

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Sorry I'm just frustrated as a lot of communities have become nothing but the latest reddit drama. I'm just hoping that doesn't happen with this one too.

How is this supposed to work in countries that have bandwidth caps, or slow internet connections?

It seems like every company these days wants to move everything to the cloud, but it doesn't mean it's going to happen. While something like this makes sense in some instances (like kiosks or similar maybe?) for the vast majority of use cases this is a non-starter.

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My favorite part is when it finally becomes somewhat less overloaded, and my instance gets flooded with a bunch of posts from there filling the entirety of my front page, and the second page...

At this point, I'm begging users and the mods. Use the correct communities. This is /c/Technology, not /c/LatestRedditDrama

This community is over-run by this drama, which has multiple communities dedicated to whatever the latest crap reddit is pulling. Please use one of those instead.

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I host my own matrix instance for my wife, a few friends and I. It has worked great for us. They can either use a web app, or an app on their phone.

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Thank you very much!

What does this have to do with the fediverse? I don't want American political bullshit cluttering my feed like happened on that other site with literally every sub.

Just a reminder that Wyze Bridge exists. It's great for self hosting your wyze camera stream. It also works with Home Assistant

Wyze, Waze, Tomato, Tomahtoe

I read good. Sorry about that, wrong app.

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Holy cow you're right, sorry about that. That'll teach me to read good.

That's a whole lot of "Woah is me, I'm so hard done by, praise me for everything I do and most importantly pay me scrubs."

Thank you for the link, I did the same on all of my accounts. I'll be filing a complaint for each one if when they don't comply.

I used the official docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/matrixdotorg/synapse/

My compose file looks like this: https://pastebin.com/3JYzAPr2

Pretty sure I just followed the instructions there.

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I personally despise yotuube shorts. I use rules in my ublock origin to block them so I don't see them on my youtube page.

lemmy.world is probably overloaded.

On my instance, everything from them floods through all at once, filling my first couple of pages with hours or even days worth of stuff, then I'll get nothing from them for a while again.

Thank you I'll look into it.

Oh. Cool. Yet another reddit drama thread in /c/technology

When do we change the name of this community to /c/YetAnotherRedditDramaCommunity instead of /c/technology ?

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Not only annoyingly slow, but I tend to get a massive influx of posts from one community all at once. It fills my entire page with that single community. It's been my biggest annoyance so far.

That's great, there are many places dedicated to just that topic! It doesn't need to keep being posted here cluttering up actual news about actual tech items.

I don't go to /c/cats and post about dogs. Or to /c/America and post about Europe. There is a place for everything. This community has been constantly clogged up with crap about reddit.

Is there a bit more context to this? This just shows a bunch of image file names.

I just wanted to say thank you for this, hopefully it helps to clean up the clutter from this community.

Do reports come across from my instance to yours? I attempted to create an account on Beehaw, but apparently didn't answers the questions properly because they denied me.

The vast majority of people that watch youtube, are most likely not using an ad block and won't be affected by this at all. Just like the vast majority of reddit users use the official app, and the vast majority of people on twitter stayed.

It will take a lot more than this to make something else the next big thing. Just like lemmy is nowhere near as popular as reddit, mastadon is nowhere near as popular as twitter. Yes those of us technical enough or that care enough will use an ad block or similar, but we are in the minority, and always will be.

For me it's fantasy. Stuff like Dungeon Crawler Carl, Joe Abercrombe or R A Salvatore etc... If you have a suggestion for an active community that's not on discord I'd love to hear it.

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I'm using a cloudflare tunnel for it. I also have crowdsec installed, only allow ssh keys and only from my IP (I have a static from my ISP), and no ports open other than the ones needed.

What's wrong with Ubuntu?

A couple of these are quite useful for me, thank you. I finally installed bat.

Do we know the domains they are going to use for federation yet?