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Joined 1 years ago

Whatever, I don't exist.

Or driveways.

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Santos wrote, “I just single-handedly made the left hate Drag queens lol,”

Nah dude, we just hate you.

I think he got his mom's color palettes mixed in with his derp.

(Mostly older) People have been claiming they were a summer or autumn for decades.

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I have noticed this. I have a few searches that I do regularly, and over time I've watched the results get less and less relevant for the same keywords.

One of the more recent searches was for a set of data I had been building. I had the keywords from my notes, and when I went to search for it again, using the same keywords that found it the previous times, it was no longer a result. I knew the dates of one event in particular, so I narrowed to that, and still google served me results for ten years before the specified date range. A bit more fine tuning, and Google continued to serve the same results, all not even remotely close to what I was after, and results that were found even as recently as last week are not longer there.

We've been using it since it came available to test, and is such a lovely change from before. The check out system is so much cleaner than the old locked out of account while someone in the family is playing.

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Glad to hear the driver stopped. I hope your recovery is smooth and there are no long lasting problems.

My daughter was struck by a car last week, while on a pedestrian crossing. The driver (after being chased down by another teenager) stopped, talked to my daughter, and then drove off. She collapsed once the adrenaline wore off, and we spent the evening in the hospital while they checked her over.

Driver deserves a few slaps for stopping after being chased down, and then making the decision a second time to drive off instead of calling emergency services.

I used to see a chiro, stopped while I was pregnant after he 'treated' PGP. (I'm hypermobile, and pregnancy made everything ready to dislocate.) Daily pain went from 5/6 (manageable, barely) to a 9 and severe mobility limitations.

I was slowly moving, but able to move before that appointment. Could barely walk, and climbing stairs was not happening for months after.

A physio realigned everything, and I walked out of the first appointment and could take stairs again. Ended up at a specialist dealing with the aftermath of that chiros treatment.

Physiotherapy is my first stop now, and I will never set foot in a chiropractor's office ever again.

We had 999 (scale used didn't go any higher) during the Australian fires a few years back. Going to need a new air quality measurement system soon. :/

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It's incredibly isolating when there is a game you are super keen to play, but your gaming group powers through as a group to end game, leaving you on your own to play catch-up.

They make promises to help, but magically they are always to busy even for a ten minute assist to help kill that boss it took them five people to take down.

A little empathy would have gone a long way, perhaps an invite to a group when they've rerolled their fourth character while I'm still levelling my first.

The people I'd been playing games with for the past few years stopped including me even on a token level. 'We thought you were in guild/server/discord already.' Never did get those invites.

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Ours does this as well. I've resorted to physically unplugging it when not in use.

Could feel it too. Anything above 100 is already unpleasant. It got so bad it was like a gritty orange fog, and the smell got into everything. Couldn't see ten meters on the worst days. Thankfully we had air filter units already for hayfever season.

Facebook did it as well, maybe a couple years after opening up to the non university crowd. Neither FB at the time or G+ years later gave any thought that their no pseudonym policies put someone's safety at risk.

For about a year, everytime I took a screenshot in EVE Online all my USB devices would uninstall and reinstall. Never occured in any other situations.

It's entirely possible. I've been prescribed lyrica and cymbalta for neuralgia, and they were the absolute worst. (Cymbalta made everything smell like vomit and food tasted like ash. I had trouble keeping anything down.)

Managing chronic pain is a beast.

Good luck with the Mayo clinic, I wish I had access to something like that where I am. The medical professionals here are beyond worthless.

Window key + Shift + S

Select only what you need.

A male staff member was yelling at and berating a female for god knows what. She was trying to get away from him, and he'd followed her around the office down the stairs and into the washroom.

She was the manager's fiancee, and there were three witnesses. We were honestly worried for her safety and the receptionist was about to call 911.

Consequences for the abusive minidicked coworker? NONE.

Exactly. The choice is vaping or smoking, and the current movement is going to push me back to cigarettes. I'd rather vape, and I was well on my way to being able to consider myself quit when the restrictions on obtaining nicotine came into effect.

Yes there may be risks with vaping, I'm all for properly done scientific method, not funded by the ciggy lobby and would volunteer in a heart beat, because in my anecdotal experience I was getting sick far less than when I was smoking.

They definitely shouldn't be in the hands of kids, and the disposables are absolutely a problem.

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I go to a sports physiotherapy group. Much better results when the goal is to help me recover so I don't need to come to them.

A few. Most recent is my neighbour.

The hypocrisy of caring and Hallmark holidays.

Some calendar days were created by companies out to make money, others by organizations trying desperately to raise awareness for their worthwhile cause.

The end result is often the same, jump on the bandwagon for one day to be seen as doing good or being good, then hop off and return to business as usual.

There's a calendar day coming up that every year makes my life worse. For one day a year, acquaintances ask me a question, don't care about or listen to my answer, and then go back to ignoring me for another year. Oh but hurrah for them, they did the thing they normally wouldn't because social media gives them warm fuzzies for announcing they did the thing. They don't even remember the questions or answers, for them, it was a thing to do, instead of being a better caring person for the other 364 days.


We ARE living in a mirror universe.

And here I thought it was to look fabulous with silver hair and having no more fucks to give when dealing with morons like JD Futon.

(And to have a cat)

I'm waiting for Fuchi and Renraku...

245948 - buhbye!

So glad to see the update, I was wondering how you were getting on. Part of an answer is definitely a step in the right direction.

I'm in the group that gets violently sick using VR. It also induces blinding migraines. Oddly, I don't get car/air/seasick.

Single use anything! Rawr etc. (I'm a nut who has carried my own water bottle, cutlery and straws for twenty+ years.)

Kids will get their hands on vapes, the same as alcohol, smokes, and so on down the list.

I'd be content with with restrictions that match cigarettes. I am not happy that access is being blocked over a bunch of whataboutisms.

sigh Same song, new lyrics.

I have ended every session of Sea of Thieves by setting my ship on fire.

I still feel bad for the two guys who were laughing as my ship burned (while on my ship) when the gunpowder kegs exploded and killed us all.

But only a little bad. They knew things would explode eventually, I was carrying a keg of gunpowder, and my ship was on fire!

I'm at the point where I no longer actively engage with hobby communities, I might join one and lurk (search for my answers without engaging the community). Unfortunately, they always seem to be cliquish, judgemental, and overly toxic, with moderation/admin who's are either complicit or actively adding to the bad barrel.

Once in a while I find a gem worth engaging with, and it can turn a passing glance of an interest into something worth lifting up.

Word. Just left a few communities that I was the only gal in. They can choke on their rape jokes, dick holding and death threats. But I'm the one overreacting to them "burning off steam".

I wanted to play a game without having to deal with a bunch of sexist manchildren, not call the suicide hotline twice in six months.

Shower the horse, ya bum.

(Ciao adios - Anne Marie)

In Australia, wall socket switches are pretty much standard. Couldn't imagine going back to not having them.

Had it for forty years, it was my CB radio call sign.

Consider sealing off the stove extractor fan (when not using the stove) if you have one, it was our biggest leak during the heavy smoke season.

Satisfactory. Lots to organize and build. A bit of a learning curve if you want to get complex, but if you want to keep things simple it's really doable.

No Man's Sky. Space exploration, building, and all round reason to goof about for hours. (Free to play this weekend on all platforms.)

Both games have a great community.

They are very similar. Boost was my go to when I couldn't stomach anything but rice.

The year of exclusion and wanting to cease existing.

Not easily. :(

No argument there. Just have to find a new place to game from.

There's a colony of them off the coast of northern BC. It was started about twenty years ago for a study.

Granted, they are plastic and nailed down, but hey, who cares about details.