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Joined 3 months ago

Not a raspi, but I had similar issues on my opensuse HTPC which turned it to be related to issues with (or missing) media codecs in Firefox.

After (re)installing all of them, it worked like a charm.

In most European countries governments are elected for 3-6 years (though they may end up happening more frequently since, most places, it's possible to call early elections). The campaigning only really happens for 1-2 months before the election.

The fact that the US essentially spends 1.5-2 years campaigning for a 4 year position is insanity to me!

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But please based on wealth rather than income.

Rich people don't become rich from income.

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It's been years since I had to deal with MATLAB licenses, since basically everything in scientific computing/data science uses Python these days!

The best way to make money is to already have money invested. You take the proceeds from your earlier investments and invest in MORE assets.

In this case it's real estate.

Exploding property process will do that.

Average houses in most cities are at or over 1 million easy.

Yeah a similar policy in the UK (from 10ish years ago) is one of the biggest reasons for hugely inflated prices among small properties.

Obviously, the only real solution is to work to lower real-estate prices, but that would be unpopular with most home owners (who are a majority in the US).

Which has the downside that it locks people into their current home because moving would mean losing their favorable rates.

Rising prices are bad for everyone.

I think all food packaging should be standardized and reusable, with a deposit system similar to reusable glass drink bottles (at least in Germany).

For instance: All the cereals should use the same returnable 'cereal box'

I use freesync on my monitor between 48 and 144 hz.

The range depends on the specific monitor.

Loading into World of War craft for the first time back in 2005 is probably the biggest.

Seeing all the people running around and doing their thing was incredible. It made me super excited to go explore the world.

Yeah the reality is that Biden was 95% going to lose to Trump. Picking a new person is usially a huge risk, but in this case there wasn't much to lose.

As things stand right now, Trumps chances of winning just went down a bit. Worst case, they pick someone terrible with similar (non-)chances to Biden. Best case, they pick someone who wins.

Housing shouldn't be an (in real-terms) appreciating asset. In the long run that just leads to feudalism.

Imagine if everything keeps appreciating for 200 years.... now only cyborg Elon musk can afford to buy a house.

The target use case for large SD cards is high-resolution video recording.

Recording at 4k+ eats up space faaaaast. So you need both large-capacity as well as fast storage.

Yup, this is just a replay of early 20th century. Inequality exploded and eventually you had revolutions virtually everywhere (in europe and the west, ar least).

Some were extreme-left (communism)

Some were extreme-right (facism)

Some were far-left for the time (social-democratic, or "new deal" as it's known in the US)

Some were violent, some were relatively peaceful.

But they were basically all inevitable, the people were frustrated and willing to support whatever platform promised something 'different'.

We're at that point currently, but only the far-right is offering anything different, so even though it's a terrible option, people will gravitate towards it. The solution is to offer genuine vision of change from the left.

And even then, it just meant that whatever solution they thought up worked first try.

With experience you get better at finding good, working solutions quicker, but there will always be times when things take a bit of iteration.

You just need to get invited by someone you are friends with.

It used to be you had to be friends for at least a week, but I think that isn't the case anymore.

They may not have much money left over after downsizing, however. In markets like California the value is almost entirely from the land. The comparative value of the house (even a 5 bed) is comparatively negligible. So a 5 bed on a small plot would cost almost the same as a 1 bed on the same plot. In Silicon Valley it's really common to just buy a house and knock it down and rebuild, since the cost of building a new house is much less than the cost of the land.

It's a genuine issue that the liquidity of the real estate market is impacted by this.

It's really good if you are into moba-type gameplay.

Some people will compare it to something like overwatch, but it's really closer to Dota 2 with shooter combat. It's a cool mix of map-control/strategic elements of Dota with more twitchy aspects of arena-ish shooters.

I've really enjoyed it, but then again my two most played games of all time are dota and tf2.

There was one place where i was living where you could get one for 2.90€ as recently as 2018. It wasn't the best, but it was great value.

I moved around then, so I have no idea what it costs now.

It's the perfect mix of low skill for and outrageously high skill ceiling

I've heard that the focus is on the ARM versions (so maybe they are much more developed) but I tried the x86_64 version on my HTPC recently and it was super barebones.

In the end I found Gnome with a few extensions to be a better solution for my needs

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Just have everyone use UTC!

Imagine your town/city starts completely catering to people from richer countries coming there to get completely wasted and intentionally act crazy... that's what happened to a huge portion of Spain.

My school offered a BA in physics. I never knew anyone who took it (I did the BS) but they claimed it was aimed at theater set- designers.

The US was always kind of a dead region for Dota, but it is/was very big in europe (especially Russia), south America, China, southeast Asia

Sounds like me, I love deep multiplayer games. Dota and tf2 are my biggest loves. I generally just get bored of single player games.

The witcher 3 I got about 5 minutes into before giving up.

That being said, I absolutely loved Baldurs Gate 3, so maybe that's worth checking out!

I mean, the coasts aren't really that densely populated. If we build nicer cities there would be plenty of potential space.

Instead we build shitty suburbs and sprawl, which will always lead to awful, expensive cities

That mentality is largely the result of overtourism though.

Spain is a country of under 50 million people which has over 70 million foreign tourists visit every year.

The US is 330 million people but only has 50ish million foreign tourists.

So imagine that the US has roughly 8x as many tourists per year (to match per capita) and imagine that a huge portion of these tourists were mostly coming from much richer countries and had the mentality of 'let's let loose in a cheap party spot'.

Just about everyone is in favor of some tourism, it's just currently completely out of control in much of southern Europe. The numbers just completely dwarf just about anywhere else.

KDE: traditional desktop environment with focus on lots of customization, options, and features. Often aimed more towards enthusiasts or everyday users who want the latest features.

GNOME: non-traditional desktop focusing on simplicity. Designed to be used a very specific way to maximize productivity. Often aimed more towards corporate or professional users.

Mint uses their own desktop environment (cinnamon) which is somewhere between the two.

All of these are nice in their own way, you just need to find which one you like best!

The democrats tend to be less organized but way more friendly and accommodating, the republicans are very their way or the highway, but tend to have all their ducks in a row.

This is the most believable thing I've ever heard.

Yeah controller would be really rough.

Yeah, I played through the whole thing on my steam deck and it was mostly a great experience.

The last act was, performance wise, pretty rough though. Maybe there was some setting I could have changed to make it smoother, but the framerate was only about half what I got during the other acts.

Whether they are constitutional seems to be a fairly open source of debate currently.

Yeah that's basically what I did too.

I just installed dash to dock and made the icons quite large, then rebound a button on my air-mouse to the super key (to bring up the dash). I also installed Just Perfection and used it to hide the top bar unless the dash is open.

90% of the time, I'm just using Firefox, so I don't need anything too fancy.

I'm sorry, but this is completely backwards with regards to the situation in Spain or many other poorer european countries. I'm much more familiar with the situation in Croatia, but this applies to most of southern Europe (including Spain).

Yes, the countries take in a sizable portion of their gdp from tourism, however this is generally at the expense of the average citizen. Tourism is notoriously bad at distributing any wealth it provides, while the average person living in these places gets all of the negative side effects. Tourists are generally coming from richer countries (USA, Germany, UK etc) and able to/used to paying much higher prices. So the local economy shifts to focusing exclusively on tourists (it's where the money is) and locals get all of the negative externalities (inflated rents, inflated prices, crowding, poorly behaved tourists) with very little benefit.

Local and national governments focus exclusively on further investments in tourism (since it's such an 'important' part of the economy!) at the expense of other investments (education, non-tourist infrastructure) which would be more beneficial to the overall population.

Not to mention, compared to just about anywhere else in the world, the number of tourists in Europe is absolutely overwhelming compared to locals. Croatia is a country of under 4 million people, but gets over 20 million visitors a year! The average salary is somewhere around $1000 A MONTH, so it's no surprise that so much of the country is instead focused on the needs of tourists who can easily spend $1000 a week...

This isn't the same situation as a tourism hotspot in the US, for instance (where I'm originally from). Yes, wages vary geographically in the US, but not nearly to the same extent. The areas often grew around tourism rather than being a normal functional city where families have been living for centuries before very recently turning into what is essentially a theme park which is largely unaccessible to natives.