2 Post – 20 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Pretty fly, for a wi-fi.”

I guess I haven’t seen that many, but there aren’t any comments yet, so I win by default!

It wasn’t English class before you got here — but, unfortunately, it turned out you missed the other English classes! No big deal, though, we’re happy to pivot.

So, let’s talk about the subjunctive …

This is terrible news to me, as an OCaml’eer.

There goes all my potential cool project domains … 😭

sharpen the edges, and it’s a home defense weapon

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Try getting older!

A decade ago, I was extremely into hi-fi — most of my disposable income went to it. (Martin Logan electrostatic speakers and McIntosh amps, stereo JL Fathom 13.5” subs, sound treatment and reference mic for balancing and analysis …)

Now? I’m perfectly and completely pleased with my AirPods Max. My hearing just ain’t what it used to be, and I genuinely don’t hear the slightest difference. (… obviously modulo feeling the bass, hah.)

(Yes. I listen to music over Bluetooth. Not even APT-X. WHO HAVE I BECOME? 😭)

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There’s no reason to be so critical of OP for this … if anything, it’s impressive, or at least cute. Why you gotta be bringing Reddit negativity over here? )=

This is so frickin’ relatable.

I recently moved cross-country, leaving my beloved partners behind; and while I’m so much happier in my new location … I’m struggling to make new friends? Feels like a “30s problem,” because I used to have a vibrant, online scene of rich friendships … but now it’s just me, my dog, work, and a bunch of single-player videogames. )=

I spend most of my weeks looking forward to the next trip to/from my partners, and live as a completely antisocial shut-in, the rest of the time … which sucks, because I used to think of myself as something of a social butterfly! 😮‍💨

anyway idk hit me up if you wanna play multiplayer, complicated video games — factorio/satisfactory, complex systemic RPGs, literally anything that 1. takes more than a week or two to play and 2. isn’t single player? 🫠

Y’all have friends who will play multiplayer games with you?

… or who will deign to sit on Discord? 🥲

I wish you’d recommended that commenters keep to “one extension per top-level comment,” making it easier to upvote the best ones 😅

Anyway, my “one pick” is definitely Tridactyl — a thorough, absurdly powerful poweruser-mode for FireFox based in Vi-like modal interaction.


I absolutely adored Invisible, Inc (by Klei — yes, of Don't Starve & Oxygen Not Included fame — what a diverse bunch!)

It seems a little different from your usual vibe (it's not an first/third-person shooter-y thingie; iirc it's isometric and pixel-art?); but it's easily the best stealth game I've ever played. :D

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I haven’t actually played it yet, but HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed has been in my Steam library for ages. That looks like it may scratch your itch …

I really miss some “toy soliders” 3D shoot-em-up that I can just baaaaaaarely remember from the 1990s … does anybody remember the game I’m thinking about? (There was definitely a series, I distinctly recall the name ending in “2” …)

This is generally a massive problem with the fediverse in general — even Mastodon, although you can transfer your identity (i.e. if you link your old account, your ‘followers’ will follow you, and people searching for your old address will find you at your new one …) there’s still no way to transfer your content.

I’ve always got the vibe that the fediverse is heavily skewed towards privacy/temporary/“no permanent presence” folks, so it’s very low on the priority list to ‘fix’ that … but for a hoarder, digital archivist, quantified-self need like myself, it’s horrendous and scary.

Oh man Astroneer is so good — but I don’t think it’s up OP’s alley. There’s no quests to speak of, or even goals really, besides the 1. tutorial stuff, and 2. overall “reach the end” — besides that, it’s up to you to be self-directed.

Context: my breath-of-the-wild loving partners didn’t much get into Astroneer, unless I specifically set them goals and they didn’t have to figure anything out for themselves. :P (Well, one of them, at least …)

I think the “map marker check mark” dopamine game is a whole different thing from ‘true’ open-world … well, that’d unnecessarily exclusionary. Neither one is truer than the other. But they’re definitely extremely different.

Anyway, OP, my suggestion in that vibe would definitely be the Fallout or Assassin’s Creed serieses. Or Horizon: Zero Dawn! Great sidequest-driven, exploration-heavy, gigaaaaaantic games, all of them!

oh man probably me too. either that or Evanescence.

i was a angsty lil’ dickhead omg

Same where I grew up in Alaska — no billboards, minimal advertising. The south was such a culture shock. )=

Mind linking it? I never received any sort of contact; I presume they’re v busy!

Hi. You don’t know me, but programmer salary means I can foot $270 to help out our beloved admin — you’ve seemed stressed recently.

DM me on masto or discord (same name everywhere) to figure out how to exchange? 💜

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I’ve been turned on to Notion by work, and now use it for my lil’ polycule as well — but I do want something … better.

Unfortunately both logseq and Obsidian have way, way too much of a “text” focus for me, even with plugins; and way too little of a “data” focus — the real potential strength of Notionalikes is definitely in deep database features and integration; not ‘this is only useful if you type at a full keyboard for hours.’ At least to me. 🤣

I’m pretty excited about http://anytype.io; but it’s in perpetual development/beta — still kinda barebones. It’s definitely got the correct focus, though? Chunks of data, not “articles” or “pages!”

What’s this in reference to, as one Not In That Country?

Ace and aro are not the same thing — lol in this context they are in fact opposites, because this aro OP is looking for hookups. :P