
1 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That way Firefox has to submit a different app for Europe, splitting its userbase and making it more complicated for developers. They are pulling every trick they can...

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The funny thing is: This will work against them regarding the EU DMA regulations. If no one uses their offer it will not be interpreted as nobody wants to use it, but instead it will be interpreted as the offer was unfair.

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My dog refuses to do 2FA so that's not going to happen anytime soon... /s

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Discourse exists and is free to self-host and open source. Compared to classic forum software (like most *bb variants) it is a pleasure to use and feels not like a remnant of a lost age.

The (only?) downside is the similar name to Discord, but that's not them to blame, because they had their name first.

Lamborghini Huracan: fast and exciting

Fiat Panda: outstanding fuel efficiency

Trucks: lots of hauling space

Why not build trucks with the chassis of a Lamborghini and the motor of a Panda. It would solve all of our problems...

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I think the reasoning is that if you train AIs with AI generated data you can end up in a situation where the development halts and no improvement happens anymore.

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But most humans responding there have no clue how to write Python...

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Oh Tesla gets the Twitter treatment. At that rate it will be renamed X within the next 7 months. Better make sure X (formerly known as Twitter) has been terminated by then otherwise they have to sue each other...

I am wondering if it's really true, that Spotify pays nothing to Apple. If my information is correct every app provider needs to have at least one active Apple Developer subscription (in the case of Spotify there is probably far more than just one account involved). If it is true that Spotify pays nothing to Apple the only possibility is that Apple invited them to bring their app to iOS and granted them free access.

I know 99 USD is not what Apple is after, but it seems dishonest to not disclose this.

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There is no such thing as too much RAM...


To be fair: The internet you grew up on was quite different to the internet we have today.

But nonetheless: I think every generation (at least in modern times) has its own thing nobody else has experienced before, so most likely they will turn out okay...

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For the exact reason they are posting this. What if some service you are referencing has breaking changes? If you pinpoint the exact version it will have no effect to your project unless you decide (hopefully after some consideration) to upgrade the service version number.

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The code probably checks if the following number is greater than 10 (which fails for NaN) and otherwise adds a 0 in front.

Would somebody share some screenshots?

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The statement says exactly that in my interpretation. "We have received a lot of emails telling us to look into this game. We know how to protect our brand. If there was any reason for us to intervene we would already have done it. Stop sending us reports."

I still have Google Listen on my first Android phone. Maybe I can go back...

Can't wait to tell my wife she has to create a merge request to change our plans for tonight. 😉

I was really surprised by Titanfall 2. Looks like an ordinary mech shooter (okay there is nothing ordinary about that these days), but the story was solid and the level design amazing.

Ah yes next year will be amazing for Star Citizen. I wonder when it will finally come...

I think in general you can expect popular phones to have a higher chance of getting custom ROM support. The Google Pixel range would be a safe bet. Most custom ROMs maintain a list with devices they are supporting or planning to support, but as far as I know there is no site combining these information.

I always buy a new phone and a new case and after some years I ditch the case because it wouldn't hurt to buy a replacement and it feels like a new slimmer version of my trusted phone...

Acknowledging that 8GB only delivers mediocre performance at best would upset anyone who already bought a device with only 8GB. And as later upgrades are not supported by Apple it would abandon these users like buyers of a 1st gen Apple device...

We were really trying hard, but there were no Android devices with FireWire 400 port available so we couldn't connect to our developer team's hardware...

Passkeys are a form of passwordless authentication. You store them in Bitwarden like regular passwords, but when you want to access a site that supports them (e.g. eBay) instead of asking for you password and autofilling or copy pasting it from Bitwarden your Bitwarden pops up and asks you if you want to login and it just happens (if you have multiple passkeys associated with a site you can select which you want to use). That's it. No password fields which get autofilled and no password in your clipboard (history).

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I once tried to play Witcher 3 that way. Geralt was - in my version - a classic mercenary-style witcher. You pay him, he does it - no matter what. You don't pay afterwards? He takes it from you.

Short story: It doesn't work at all.

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I feel like you're all making these names up...but they were probably suggested by a LLM all together...

I will not buy a phone without wireless charging anymore. It is just too convenient and with proper OS support it can be configured to not drain your battery life too much.

Also I miss the smaller screen sizes. My HTC Legend was such a nice thing to hold in your hand with unique features. Smaller phones today usually lack a lot of features so they often aren't an option.

The good thing (for me personally) is that only some very old mail aliases of mine are in this collection. Which means that using a password manager to create and save all my passwords for years does have a positive effect.

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I'm not a native speaker, but you can easily just watch the primary source (the second glitter bomb video) and you will definitely spot the part I refer to.

Edit: I have rewritten my original comment to make it easier to understand. I hope it worked.

I recently listened to a story of someone in Berlin tracking his lost bikes (yes plural) using air tags. The police helped him because they were genuinely interested in the new possibilities to actually find stolen bikes. Before they just had no real chance to track any of the stolen goods and therefore weren't able to help without relying on just heresay.

It's not really an adventure in the classical genre definition, but maybe Return of the Obra Dinn is something for you if you like solving puzzles and fancy murder mysteries.

Keep is a horrible shopping list app with barely any features qualifying it. There are no categories for groceries that automatically sort your list, no additional notes per item (quantity, etc.) and the usage in the store is just not great as it relies on you reading small text on your phone. Other apps have had far better solutions to this but aren't allowed to be used with Google's assistant anymore...

So I need 100 copies then?

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I imagine the next Mad Max movie with hydrogen cars. Invisible fires and awesome explosions sounds like a match made in heaven...

I have switched to Firefox but I'm having a hard time. Firefox feels sluggish compared to Chrome and uses an insane amount of memory. And I really miss tab groups as Chrome had them. There are some add-ons for Firefox that try to imitate this feature but none of them has everything I want (e.g. the ability to collapse a group in the top tab bar). And most of them build on top of Firefox tab groups which come with an isolation feature I don't want (and haven't found a way to disable for tab groups).

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I had (tbh I still have it somewhere) a Samsung Galaxy (the first model, no S, no number, no anything) as it was the first Android phone available in my country. About a year later Samsung decided they won't support this model anymore and I had to install custom firmware to keep it up to date to the quickly evolving Android landscape back then. I never bought anything from them again.

You just have to tweak the prompt a little bit...

Every 3.171 years all EU citizens get together on a field near Gelnhausen in Germany and discuss current projects. Everyone brings snacks and drinks and all tasks are distributed evenly.

This has been rendered in real time in a game engine. I find it quite impressive how good it works and how versatile the tooling to create such animations is.