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Joined 9 months ago

Cliff notes on 3 body problem

If you're renting the place, you sell tickets however you like. Just pay the Lodge for rented time.

I worked a number of punk & blues shows at Elks (Portland & surrounding Northwest).

One that will always love in heart & memory: Polkacide! Hardcore 2/4

They rolled up from California & played a gathering at the Elks Lodge. Perfect size & Elks are always ready for & expecting drunks. Thankfully, none of the shows had drunken outbursts. People are just happy to see the bands they love at their neighborhoods grandpa's lounge


Haven't priced them lately. Is that a good price for a merkin?

My fellow merkins?


Putin planted his seed with Trump in his greatest enemy (democracy/America). It quickly caught on & has spread globally.

Hundreds of Billions of dollars in US defense hasn't done a thing to halt the attacks on democracy Putin has wraught with a few million spent on his troll army.

The man can't carry out a physical attack for shit, but his cyber attacks have no equal, only willing collaborators (Murdoch et al, the maga army).

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How is this fascist right wing shit show not a global debacle? Putin, Netenyahu, Bolsanaro, Trump, Modi... Italy & Germany both rolling right. North Korea (of course) jumping on the Russian bandwagon and Xinny the Pooh.

Does Britain's finally dumping the Tories (after a decade & a half+) make them one of the few to break left at this time on the global stage? {Something about broken clocks being right from time to time.}

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You are looking for a Great Man of history to pin this on. You'd rather believe someone nefarious is in charge and pulling the strings from an ocean away, than to see this for what it is; an empire with no real conscious oversight.

No, I just prefer to have realization of all of the components.

A pile of self-interested businessmen, politicians, and militarists doing whatever they can to line their pockets, profits above all else.


The US has, per capita, the largest prison population and, outright, the biggest military on the planet. If there's a road to 'unfreedom', we traveled down it a long time ago.

Also agreed. As I said before, we were on this path, many made it worse. Putin put it on steroids.

I recommend you read up. And quit sounding like you're on Putin's propaganda team: 'oh that's cold war nonsense'

Putin funded Trump, fed him the whole Obama's a Kenyan schtick, Hilary's a criminal ploy.

Trump can't think up or accomplish a damn thing without a cheer squad to goad & lead him where to go.

Tom Snyder's the Road to Unfreedom has the path well researched. I highly recommend you read that.

Yes, Rupert Murdoch had been warring against real news since Reagan (Bush's puppet) withdrew laws that required stations labeled 'News' carry truth & news

Yes, Reagan was an early predecessor to the incompetent celebrity politician role that Trump walks. Yes, Danny Quayle was a shining example of idiocy in politics.

Putin saw these things the Murdoch & Bush families put forth & jumped on the band wagon, gave it a nitro boost. Not much difference? Follow the money.

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Because Putin & Murdoch hate democracy & know new age warfare: troll social media, market fake news.

With a tiny troll army: Created a party of snowflakes that calls everybody else snowflakes.

Streaming endless propaganda (Fake News: Fox, Alex Jones etc)

It's no fanfic. It's assessing the enemy. Kind of important to do if you want to beat em.

Don't be a snowflake. The right is claiming that territory madly.

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I've no problem with that, either.

I watch on duckduckgo video search results (no ads, fully private) or yt-dlp if I want to watch it again later.

Good to have the ad-block instructions for using the actual YouTube site.

Also thanks other commenters for recommendations of freetube and futo, reminders of pipe. Will try em out soon!

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We may need a new forum: when Google is RIGHT about a search.

You've given me some interest in Endeavor. My current installation won't hibernate & restore.

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Valuation per employee...doesn't pay the employees their worth. Or anywhere near it.

I was excited that the employees were logged as primary shareholders. Like every employee in every company should be.

Numerous studies around the world have shown better productivity with the 30ish hour week: better attitude, fewer mishaps, more focused work groups... Glad to see it done & voiced in the US (again).

How old are you if you get this meme?

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I was thinking: gimme Zarathustra, like they useta

...but Baphomet willl do.

...fulfilling the mission set out by our Founding Fathers

Founding Fathers = Putin & Trump?


Cops without guns is a giant leap forward for America!

CNN birthed an Onion?

Or... Ate the Onion & regurgitated it?

It would help if she was a proponent of weed. Sounds like she needs to start toking, regardless, if her own staff hates her.

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Lubuntu or xubuntu are quicker (especially on lesser machines), but it does sound like you've got cooling issues.

I always find Kde heavy-handed with resources to deliver the GUI.

Set to be revolutionized by AI because AI can't do math.

Says my brother, a Math Professor that works with people trying to develop AI

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SpeedOfLobsters shows up outside of Reddit. Naturally.

Jadzia Dax had a nice spotty stripes combo going on. Think I'd start there.

ie: Gerrymandering wins Florida for the GOP



Welcome to US religion 101

Installed my version with f-droid.

No problems for me.

Edit I've made it a rule-always check for open source or non-Google source, installation away from play store is vastly preferred.

This thing goes to ELEVEN now.

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Who I thought of when 'publisher' was mentioned.

Guarantee Snowden is still a valuable asset. He actually has a brain & internal working knowledge of the NSA.

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with defenestratiosis? You may be entitled to financial compensation we will reclaim all your assets for our compensation, call the Kremlin now.

So ... No guns for law enforcement.

Good. About time. So much good they did in Uvalde.

Me too: HOMEMADE Ginger ale.

Natural carbonation is best.

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Is it supposed to be submersible? WTF no jacks or ports?

Non upgradable SSD & RAM?

So Dell is trying to out-stupid Apple. Maybe they'll come out with their own maps.


All the story-cults! Cult roundup!

All my homemade sodas are good: start with ginger bug, add any flavors you want - including or excluding caffeine depending on how you're feeling.

I use both, don't you? Obviously OP does as well. You're talking shit about Lemmy, they're talking shit about Reddit here.

Hooray for the freedom to shittalk! (Works on both platforms!)

I'm always down for downtalking corporate bullshit - YouTube & Reddit have both done some almost-Elon levels of managerial idiocy as of late & it should be heard how people feel about it.

Whomever made that violin is talented.

Entire instrument must be smaller than a hair!

For a minute I was thinking it WAS an Onion story, when not, I then expected it to be 'Not the Onion.'

That it was neither, well does that make it eligible for 'a boring dystopia' ?