
4 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't know if I should be proud or not that I recognise a FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER

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You're looking a tool called John the Ripper. The jumbo version comes with a script called office2john, which extracts the password hash for it to crack.

I believe you can also use hashcat with the password hash, which will be a lot quicker if you have a GPU because John is CPU bound.

I hope it does IPO... and wallstreetbets has a field day shorting it

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Another big thing I can see being a problem (other than cost and lack of monetization) would be the lack of Content ID. For as much shit as people give it, it does solve a big problem of lengthy and expensive lawsuits, especially for smaller channels who don't necessarily have a company behind them.

See Tom Scott's video on copyright.

I use AntennaPod, love it but I haven't got it to work on Android Auto yet. That's the only gripe I have with it.

Sorry to break the illusion, but BIRD is an acronym. British Intelligence Recording Device.

Rule Britannia.

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I don't agree, someone who got a nasty cut from a chainsaw while cutting a tree and posting it is definitely gore, should be classed as NSFL, and is very much legal.

Do electric cars not have brake fluid? Should that not be being changed soon in it if you've had it 5 years.

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Rather annoyingly NI (where I'm from) didn't vote to leave, but its affecting us the worst (and sort of best) by far. A lot of Unionists won't accept being treated differently to the rest of the UK, and won't accept any kind of even theoretical border in thr Irish sea.

However we cannot have a border at all across Ireland. Funny enough the solution was an area of free movement, trade, and common laws.

Much like the EU.

My thing with all this is people know what you mean by LGBT, that's what actually matters. It's easy to remember and understood by everyone, so to me, its what makes sense to use. 2SLGBTQQIA+ without context I wouldn't have a clue (although I'd probably figure it out from context), it's too long to remember, and you couldn't count on everyone (especially older people) being able to figure it out.

Cash is monopoly money, with the key distinction of being backed by a government.

I use it differently to upvoting.

I'll upvote something that's funny, relevant, or just what I want to be seeing. It's hard to put into words.

I'll boost something important, or that I think other people should see, such as that an important person has died, or a useful comment.

In a lot of places the internet is there, but realistically the public transport never will be. It would cost so much to provide a service in every rural area that 3 people use that its totally infeasible. I think this is the situation where cars make sense, for people where public transport isn't a realistic option.

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tbh I've always found the community to be very helpful when I've needed a hand with anything

I thought Esquire was just something anyone could use? I thought it basically meant nothing at all.

I'm not from America though so maybe it's an American thing.

Why can't it be normal for everyone just to use the correct words (to me it feels like it'd be kinda insulting to substitute a word like rape because it feels like then you're putting the platform above the very serious topic), then people be able to set up their own filters to filter out words like rape if they don't want to see them.

Linux users also often have their personal files on a separate partition, making switching to a new distro incredibly easy.

I've only ever driven a petrol manual and a petrol automatic. Both very similar cars other than the manual was a 1,200, and the automatic was a 1L. I wildly prefer driving the manual one, granted most of my driving is in the country where it's fun to throw it about the gears a bit and there isn't tedius clutch control in traffic. I just find it a lot more fun, especially when rev matching etc, it just feels more rewarding to drive.

However, if I was driving an electric car, I wouldn't want it emulating a petrol manual, I'd want to try embrace it for what it is, and have fun with the faster acceleration instead of the gears. My main issues with current electric cars is they all seem to have massive bloody screens. To me this is the ideal interior for a car, its not to everyones taste but it provides actual physical gauges for everything I want, a screen small enough that it's not distracting, but big enough that it's useful for android auto, and I can't believe I have to say this but actual buttons I can click without taking my eyes off the road, feeling that the button has been clicked.

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Ah completely forgot about regenerative braking! I thought the main reason it needed changed was due to age and water absorbance rather than usage though, but again if regenerative brakes are used heavily then the regular brakes losing a little efficiency is a lot less of a deal.

Would that be a gory classic Fender guitar?

Hang on a sec a Hilux is considered a compact truck in America? That's a big old car where I'm from...

Back to this old debate again. I thought we had come to an answer.

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You'd get a mug of builders tea.

Take a wild guess where.

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I was recently doing a tour of CERN in Geneva, and they actually still store data on tape because of its cost and reliability over hard drives!

No, that's why I said general. For example people from Europe tend to have lighter skin, Scandinavian people tend to have lighter hair, African people tend to have coarser hair.

I agree, however they also don't allow sideloading as far as I know. I think there's a distinction between policing whats on your store, and what users can install from anywhere.

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I can't remember what broke, but I'm on archlinux with KDE, which gives you a choice of X or Wayland. I used X for ages, decided to try out Wayland, and immediately something didn't work. It might have been discord screen share but I can't remember tbh. That's why I'm still using X.

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I'm from NI where all the schools have uniforms. Shirt, tie, trousers, wool blazer generally although some are nylon blazers. It's not too bad if you take your blazer off when its warm and I did like not having to think about clothes.

Also blazers are amazing for pockets.

Guinness 0 is remarkably good I have to say.

If you have a Renault I don't believe you that you don't have a problem.

I absolutely am, but they must have been named after regular mice, so idk what way it was originally envisaged.

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I imagine we need close to white to differentiate colours, see this video for more information on that.

However, the LED lights are way too bright, usually when I see an incandescent headlight its fine, but the LED ones are so bright and I have no idea why that is. I have a recollection of reading somewhere that headlight brightness is based on a unit based on a wavelength of light closer to orange, so the more blue a light is, the brighter it needs to be, but I can't remember for sure.

Thatcher outlawed this (surprise, surprise) but thr way Japanese train drivers strike is they run the trains but refuse to collect fairs. That seems like a much better system to me.

I don't know how doctors could do something similar though.

lignin ma ballz

Michael Reeves got worryingly close.

Generally meat chickens are male, the term for female chickens is a hen. A male is a cock, cockrel, or rooster.

More likely just the shear cost of building the tracks.

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.ie is another one, you can't get them from a lot of registrars and have to prove you're genuinely based in Ireland.

I don't know but I've always thought this sort of place should have 4 buttons for a post. Relevant Irrelevant, I like, I do not like. This way people could disagree with something, but show that they think it is a good fit for the magazine.

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I actually like kbin more than I did reddit. Reddit has a huge advantage though, over a decade of content. What I like about kbin though is it feels smaller, I see familiar names and interaction feels like I'm talking to a person not a thing.