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Joined 1 years ago

In case you are unaware, "poop knife" was a reddit r/confession post from a few years back that went viral, where someone admitted their family has a knife kept in the house specifically for when big 'movements' wouldn't flush, and he had just discovered that wasn't a normal thing everyone just has at home when he needed flush assistance at a friends house.

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The "bluescreen" was actually a bunch of hints at Portal 2's announcement at E3 later that year IIRC, but whatever.

Dead Products (Death Date)

  • Mentioned in article:
    • Google Podcasts (Later in 2024)
    • YouTube Premium Lite (Oct 2023)
    • Gmail's "Basic HTML" view (Jan 2024)
  • Not mentioned in article:
    • Google Optimize (30 Sept 2023)
    • Google Domains (30 Sept 2023)
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Were there supposed to be "some thoughts, details and resources" posted here? at the moment its just a link to the wayland project logo.

I seen a post on mastodon yesterday that said if you're using google to search for anything, the trick to getting useful results is to include before:2023 and ignore anything newer because it's probably just AI generated/prioritized BS.

I don't think they were entirely wrong in thinking that, tbh.

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I tag metadata on everything with MusicBrainz Picard, and then store it in a /{Album Artist}/{Album}/{Track} hierarchy.

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As someone with a GTX 1080 running GNOME Wayland for at least the last four years, why is everyone claiming the sky is falling on Nvidia users with this change? Do you actually use Nvidia to be saying we'll have a bad time? Sure the support is miles better on AMD, but it's not absolutely borked. For me it's on par with my X11 experience, because both sessions have weird Nvidia support quirks tbh.

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Nobody is forcing you to use Wayland. Just take up the mantle of maintaining X11 yourself, because nobody is forced to keep that alive either.

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The flatpak thing is a known issue, where it doesn't correctly remove the 32bit package on update.

This bash script should find the latest and remove the rest:

# Filename:

# List latest 64bit Nvidia flatpak (it doesn't leave cruft behind) and note the version
FLATPAK_LATEST_NVIDIA=$(flatpak list | grep "GL.nvidia" | cut -f2 | cut -d '.' -f5)

# List all installed 32bit Nvidia flatpaks, ignore latest version, uninstall rest of list
flatpak list | grep org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia- | cut -f2 | grep -v "$FLATPAK_LATEST_NVIDIA" | xargs -o flatpak uninstall

If you’ve never heard of this, that’s because it got a very small rollout to only Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.

This is in relation to YouTube Premium Lite, and not, as this shortened article implies, Google Podcasts.

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Tauon Music Box. I just point it at my Navidrome instance and hit shuffle usually.

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and a Nvidia 2080ti

Do you know which Nvidia driver you're using currently?

There's an established open-source Nouveau driver that Ubuntu & Mint probably defaulted to, a bleeding-edge open-source NVK driver that is still very early in it's development, and a proprietary Nvidia driver that Nobara probably tried, as it's kinda what you'd want for gaming.

The other question would be if you're using Wayland or X11 underneath your desktop environment?

It should be listed in Settings > System > System Details, under the heading "Windowing System" if you're using GNOME.

Wayland has better multi-monitor support than X11, but the proprietary Nvidia driver has a few teething problems with Wayland at the moment - a new 555 beta driver update should be coming this week with proper fixes for the sync/screen-tearing issues people have been experiencing.

Thats great.

I'd still like my Nvidia card to work so I'm happy about this, and when AMD on Linux eventually starts swapping over to explicit sync, I'll be happy for those users then too.

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Meta can do whatever they want with Threads, in the exact same way that is it's own independent instance and can do as it pleases.

If Mastodon users want to follow or even see content on Threads, it's entirely optional, depending on your current instance's stance. You can always move to another instance that shares your views (and there will be plenty that do) and has defederated from Threads, or you could roll your own instance and be in control of what instances you interact/federate with for yourself.

I think we Fedora users just have to wait for RPMFusion to roll out the updated driver. Not entirely sure if they only use Stable branch drivers or not though. I'm used to Arch where it would just be in the AUR within the hour...

I've been refreshing half the uBlue repos a lot today in the hopes there's some commits showing they're rolling the drivers out for Bluefin quickly 😂

Tilting the keyboard allows players to align their elbows with the desk, enhancing focus and immersion.

Yeah, that's not how ergonomics work.

The 0.18.0 lemmy release is going official tomorrow, I'd assume lemmy instances will be quick enough to pick it up once available.

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If anything, it should be a malaysian .my TLD so it just ends up being instead, but seeing as the entire point of the Fediverse is that there's no one central authority figure, this whole thing seems silly. 🤣

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I think it's getting down-voted purely because OP's title is essentially "mIcRo$oFt bAd!" instead of describing the issue. It's not getting down-voted anywhere else this article was cross-posted to, where they used the article's actual title.

The Google Play Store version crashed instantly on launch after flashing up the changelog (mentioning v0.0.35) but looking at app info it said version 0.0.33 so maybe the play store hadn't rolled out the latest build. Installed the GitHub release apk instead and had no issues.

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Is this a stable 545 release, or just another point release for the 545.23.06 beta?

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Looked at birth name. Took first letters. Added trademark - distinguishes from others because original. Became EccTM.

*shakes fist at random dubai toastmaster group on birdsite for using EccTM too*

VS Code has an optional feature that can allow remote access, which could be [used/abused] to [access/breach] otherwise secure networks. Because the executable is signed by Microsoft, it won't be flagged as malicious by antivirus/malware scanners even though it could easily be used as such. The article shows the steps the author attempted to detect and block this tunnel functionality, with limited success.

There's a GNOME extension called HUE lights that allows you to control everything from your tray, entertainment zones and all. Similar probably exists for KDE/etc.

GNOME doesn't really care about shortcuts on the actual desktop, but you could put those gamename.desktop shortcuts Steam created into ~/.local/share/applications instead, and then they will appear alongside your Applications in GNOME.

~ represents your home directory, basically an alias for /home/username/ so you wouldn't have to type that in a terminal all the time. .local/ is a hidden folder (that's what the dot at the start does) and you might need to check if your file browser is showing hidden files and folders to see it.

To get more in-depth help in the future, you should probably state what Linux distro (Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch...) you are using too, different distros can have different ways of doing things!

  1. You can start applications from windows command line. Depending on the program you might need to provide the full path to the executable though. Eg: Start chrome.exe
  2. Windows has a (preinstalled in Window 11, optional in Windows 10) software called WinGet that will update all recognized applications via command line. Covers stuff from Windows Store, and most popular software installers. Basically acts as a Windows package manager.
  3. batch files, software like autohotkey... automation can definitely be done in Windows too.
  4. You mean shortcuts?
  5. Pretty certain you can defer updates until the time suits, but Windows is definitely more forceful in pushing updates than Linux. There are ways of turning off updates too, but probably not without third party software or digging in regedit blindly.
  6. Rainmeter could provide something similar.
  7. Do you mean Command Prompt, or Windows Terminal? Terminal is actually pretty nice, and very customizable, both in terms of theme and functionality.

I run Arch Linux (btw) and have a very neglected Windows 11 partition.

I have a command set up in linux using ddcutil that allows me to tell my second monitor to swap source from HDMI (Chromecast) to DisplayPort (PC) and back as desired. No clue how I'd do that in Windows.

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I thought Lawnchair died off a looong time ago, Glad to hear it's still going.

I use systemd-nuclear-reactor in my system, systemd-spoon and systemd-fork weren't good enough to replace just using my hands though.

It's not gonna stop Google's internal processes from deciding to pick complete BS results, and you'd definitely be ignoring new genuine content too, but as long as your not looking for results on something time sensitive it would tune out a lot of the AI generated noise out there from the crazy rise in ChatGPT content-farmed articles.

umu (pronounced "oo-moo") is a lot easier to say, at least.

Some year I'll figure out how to use it with Heroic Launcher.

Maybe check this list and see if anything catches your eye?

I can't really suggest any specific themes; Every year or so I try a heap of different ones, they all annoy me in different ways, and I end up right where I started: using Adwaita again.

When I read your post and thought "Do we have any other good Irish sitcoms outside of Father Ted and Derry Girls?", I done some research and found this Irish Independent article listing their top 12 Irish sitcoms, and I'm now laughing away at how the article itself basically shite-talks the first 6 or so shows that they chose! 🤣

As a footnote, I really need to watch "Moone Boy" some year.

  • For what I assume is a security precaution, SysRq is disabled by default in Fedora, and you need to go enable it if you want to be able to recover when shit like this happens - the link shows how, and explains what each letter does.
  • It's honestly hard to say what caused it, but you could check your system logs and see what looks suspicious around the time of the crash. journalctl, dmesg and your steam logs (in ~/.steam/steam/logs usually) could be worth a look, or worth showing someone else at least if you aren't sure whats going on in there.
  • I'd avoid actively trying to cause it, but if it happens again you handled it exactly how I'd try handle it. Having SysRq enabled would let r-e-i-s-u-b handle it more gracefully than a forced shutdown at least!
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Nvidia has this classed as a "New Features Branch" release, as opposed to a "Production Branch" release, so... Beta?

As much as I loved Black Books, I somehow think of it as British instead of Irish? It has a slight hint of West-Brit to it 🤣

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I tried both Lidarr and Beets before, but their automation tended to pick matches with a "eh, close enough" attitude, so I just decided I'd do it properly myself.

Even if he hasn't forgotten why they started reddit initially, the priority now is clearly to find out how much money they can squeeze out of our freely provided content, while guilting the volunteer moderators into keeping the site usable.

The link in the first paragraph of the blog post? I think they removed it because libcue has since been patched.

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And it's written by Graham Linehan that wrote Father Ted, but I still think it doesn't feel Irish to me. Like, would you say that The IT Crowd was Irish? All three are Graham Linehan/Channel 4 creations.