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Joined 12 months ago

does mbin have an app for ios/android yet?

Didn’t like 3, not optimistic.

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Weird since I saw this guy shaking hands with a croc earlier while holding a pizza. Maybe it paid him to put out a hit on these other bois.

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Comment on any political post if you desire hatred, those are astoundingly vitriolic here.

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I started using a password manager for a lot of my passwords. Works pretty well, it’ll generate criteria matching passwords for me. Also functions as a list of websites I’ve created accounts with.

Channeling TotalBiscuit (RIP):


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Is this a Portal monologue

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Thing is, I like both but much prefer unsweetened hot tea to black coffee. Unsweetened cold tea is horrible though. Sweetened & hot? I’ll swap between.

Spot clean only.

You mean PicardManeuver has a life.

David Allen’s book Getting Things Done has a great flowchart that you should be able to find in google (first box is “stuff”). You can also check out the Building a Second Brain’s PARA concept (projects, areas, resources, archive iirc) which I just started to implement with good results. I prefer to have everything sorted as much as possible and only have the inbox open for reminders or immediate action items. I also use categories (in outlook) to color code what is urgent or not among other things. If you have specific questions let me know, it’s so nice to have less than 20 emails in your inbox at a time.

I use a lot of things. PowerPoint is actually pretty useful. Your phone’s native photo editor may have some good tools. I have a few phone apps that give me a little more control over layering photos, making PNGs/removing backgrounds, adding text and drawings, etc. Gimp is a free photoshop alternative but I rarely use that. Is there a specific function or tool you are looking for? Also, are you looking for the concept of how to meme or just tools? How to meme is somewhat of a broader topic, but I think if you had to boil it down it’s placing something in a different perspective or with a particular emphasis, typically that makes it humorous.

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Snapchat used to have that feature with the Stickers function but I deleted it once an account was required to use it. iPhone photos has a function that detects people, you can get a PNG of a person out of a photo and crop it. Apart from that I’m not sure what’s out there that can be done while on the pot- I too would like to know what folks have to recommend. You could try cropping out a face and using a background removal tool/app, and then using a photo layer app for the rest, is how I would approach it.

Same, I like the guarantee of when I buy something, I own it. Years down the line if something happens to some servers outside of my control, assuming I keep the content on a hard drive somewhere, I’ll still have it.

Someone recommended blusharkstraps to me, haven’t used them (not a watch person) but I trust the source. Might find something there.

What you’re saying already has a cult following, especially the Mother Gaia types. Forecasting the end has been a thing for hundreds of years (at least).

Maybe to remove metadata? Idk. Even so could’ve still cropped it

What this guy said, also if you are looking for collaboration, Skiff has this thing called Pages- I don’t know how well it works but might be worth a look


So like I said in my original post I only casually scrape news most of the time, but the only way I heard about this issue being as progressed as it is was from right wing sources (which is why I try to keep partisan sources of multiple persuasions in my feed). I’m not super invested in this story, more stuck around in this thread because I was, while unsurprised, still a little baffled by some of the responses. A google search found a couple mainstream results, though not a lot, most of the Hunter Biden stuff is more about gun charges. This one is one of the most recent I found This one’s a little older but provides some background

And then I had to do some more digging to find this: Here’s a press release from this month, and the link to the video

Tangent is that we can also assume we may not get the whole picture because of stuff like But that’s just my hypothesis and I haven’t looked more into that. But definitely some unpleasant implications if it’s true that search results and news are being censored by the government.

Anyways I appreciate your response being so level, especially considering its peers. I would like to hear your thoughts on this if you feel inclined to comment but I am also a little tired of the discussion now, so no pressure.

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WarTales is on sale through May on GOG last I checked so I might pick it up. I’m currently midway through Shadow of War and Fallout IV, but I feel like I’ve hit a wall with motivation to play FO4 at least. Oh and trying to finish my Oblivion playthrough. Maybe one day.

I would ask your friend what the “so what” of that is. I have heard a lot of anecdotal evidence from teachers experiencing more crazy behavior from their kids around the full moon or people sleeping or feeling worse around that time. Might just be something we don’t understand yet, but again, what’s your friends answer to the “so what”? We can’t do anything about it, as far as I know.

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I’m curious in general. I’ll decide that after I read it.

I’m not read up on specifics of what is and isn’t appropriate for a politician (especially president) in business dealings with foreign entities, there might be a technical issue there. Here’s some stuff written about “the other side” that could apply: And

Regardless, there does seem to be a problem with honesty in how Joe has handled this (denying his profit from Hunter’s dealings), which leads to questions of what else has possibly been fabricated or covered up. Which is one reason why there continues to be an investigation. As far as it being partisan, sure, everything is these days. So is the Trump investigation- I’ve seen rhetoric that mirrors what you said but flipped for him. Doesn’t mean these investigations should be brushed off though, especially since there are breadcrumbs. I hope justice treats everybody equally- and quickly, though I know that’s uncharacteristic for the system.

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Well, I can’t say for sure. You probably know most of what I know about the issue now and the rest I’ve gotten is hearsay. I’m not interested enough to dive into the research much further, which is why I encourage(d) folks to do their own homework. Either way, I hope this issue is under enough scrutiny that there will be a clarified true story at the end of it and justice done. I’m thinking it’ll drag out though, which is the frustrating part of the legal system. Not a good era for American politics when the two leading presidential candidates will probably both still be under investigation come next election. I’m all for a bipartisan swamp drain but idk if one could read that in the cards at this point in time. America’s citizens need to keep demanding accountability of their leadership, and the results of all these ongoing investigations are very important to that for everybody.

This is the way.

You should be able to get it on your account webpage without downloading anything

I played quite a ways through PoE 1 but didn’t finish, but somehow I went through 2 much later and beat the whole game and haven’t been able to beat 1 since, despite restarting the game a bunch. Wish I’d’ve beaten it originally.

I forgor 💀

I use AP as one of my news sources. Admitting when used facts were incorrect is definitely respectable but there’s always an affected narrative in the stories they choose and how they pitch them. Not to mention the opinion articles and whatnot.

Anything that’s legitimately less biased is usually sharing a news story and labeling the bias (ex. the ImproveTheNews community here), and if it sources its own articles the organization is often niche enough that people don’t really lend credibility to them. Removal from events could also provide a form of credibility, like the BBC on America’s dealings, but BBC definitely has their own slant too. I agree it is a shame media literacy isn’t taught much because that’s what’s required more and more in an increasingly connected and fast-paced world.

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I hadn’t heard of that but if you’ve got a link to a sauce I’ll check it out.

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Is this the end?

Wild to me too. But the current cultural lingo has driven “cute” into the ground. Just frame it as they’re acknowledging the outfit whether or not they realize how appropriate it is.

I can see here that whatever I say is gonna be misconstrued and strawmanned. I was trying to provide a helpful answer but it seems that’s not what is wanted here.

My friend, you’ve asked this question in a very left-leaning forum. As you can see, most or all of these answers are gonna be from people who generally disagree with Rogan. If you want to get an idea of what his podcast is about there’s lots of short clips from his podcast on YouTube. I think we need more context as to why your acquaintance is saying this to answer questions you might have about connotations or meaning.

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Maybe I misunderstood your question because I read it as referring to all charges made against him, and there’s definitely a corruption case building against both father and son here, which I assumed would fall under the scope of your question. But if you didn’t want to know that case was progressing then there’s been a miscommunication.

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What’s a credible source(s) you’re going to believe and not just say that it’s propaganda for XYZ agenda? Sounds like your mind is already made up on this matter

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You’re correct, and I’m not going to say I don’t have a bias. But the result I wanted to produce is a more-informed perspective by encouraging people to do their own research, especially after asking a question in a forum where you’ll mainly get answers along the same line of thinking. The rest is just headlines.

From what I’ve seen by casually scraping news, evidence of massive corruption in the Biden family continues to be uncovered; I haven’t seen much in these comments about the juicy overseas dealings stuff, the other charges mentioned here are more small fry (but still worth prosecuting). I encourage you to look up the details of the situation yourself because you’re gonna get heavily biased answers from social media, especially since this is a political issue. I’ll probably catch flak just for saying that.

A post from a couple months ago was asking something similar about all the Trump business; one commenter mentioned that it was because one better get everything right before one guns for the king, and it feels like a similar thing here.

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