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Joined 1 years ago


Cool story. Now figure out how to stop them other than 'vote'. Cause we know that's just kicking the can down the road.

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Thats the problem. Blizzard has been shit for years.

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You see. Oklahoma, right? They're not sending the best people. Right? That's why we need to secure the boarder. Something like a great wall around their state.

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Nice: "Thank you for the input, I prefer to do it the way I have been, which is equally effective and works for me. If you believe it is causing issues elsewhere in our workflow we can bring it up with manager "

Less Nice: "I understand, but no thank you."

Less nice than that: While maintaining direct eye contact, "No."

Not nice: "Shouldn't you be doing your job and not mine?"

Satisfying, but likely get you fired: "Fuck off."

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Violence would solve this problem.

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Not silly, genocide.

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If the courts don't provide justice, eventually some other means will.

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I'm not allowed to say what I hope the other means are. But it sure would be nice if he pissed off Boeing's board...

That was my reaction too. What am I missing.

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And no one was surprised.

100 percent agreed. They'll group anything too far left of them under the same name. Don't care anymore. If they want to whine then fuck it, I'll wear the term.

Ballot box, jury box, ammo box. It's a progression.

It's already a joke. Sorry to break it to you.

Hire hitmen to remove the other 100 richest people in the 🌎.

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That's the neat part, you dont. I'm in my mid 30s and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

None of us know what's going on. It's ok.

That's not even where the term originates. Come on, if you're going to use the term at least do the 10 second Google search.

That's the inhumane condition you care about? Not the 34000 dead? Murdering journalists, doctors, food workers? None of that?

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But, in the US, this death is going to draw so much more attention to Boeing.

Attention sure, nothing will happen to Boeing though. They own too many politicians, and too many powerful people need them to stay where they are. I have no doubt they killed him.

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I've spent my whole voting life watching things only get shittier and shittier voting for the lesser evil. I stand by my claim that we deserve to collapse as a nation at this point.

You'll tell me thats a crap attitude, and it is. But I will tell you that no matter how you vote, the tipping point where it breaks into unsalvageable violence is getting closer and you better be ready for it. History shows us it always ends in violence when an empire hits this stage.

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Always was.

And the totality of Gaza including children is Hamas to you. Say what you need to. I'm not the one defending murdering children, people under a white flag, woman, aid givers, medics, hospital workers and more.

I really wish he would do something other than 'consider' something.

A reflection of a disinterested and pacified population. Sadly I think things need to get worse.

That's what I came to the comments to find. Thank you. Would have been much bigger news if it was net energy positive.

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The .world libs just couldn't help themselves but ruin our circlejerk.

Sure fuck it. I'll Tankie. Castro is a hero. Western news knows nothing of glorious DPRK Juche, and comrade Stalin did nothing wrong.


The cruelty is the point.

That's interesting.... Communism is by definition stateless and without significant hierarchy. I don't think other Tankies would disagree with me there.

The ideological difference is in how we achieve communism. I would really suggest reading 'What is to be Done' by Lenin. It's a real short read but was one of the things that sold me on Marxism-Leninism vs. regular "Communism is a neat idea"

Capitalism will sell you the "you're your own boss, go forth an conquer" all while keeping you under their heel. There is no equality or opportunity there; but even worse is that they will worm their way into any system that does not harshly and consistently fight back against them. Ergo the need for a 'communist' (or rather pursuing communism) state.

That then leads into "Well how does the state go away once we've got communism?" That's a whole 'nother can of worms....

Yeah. I saw that and just knew people would take it out of context. CR said their internal roadmap and plans for 1.0 are done. That's it.

They're putting a LOT of stuff in right now, but we're still a ways out from '1.0'.

Actually yeah. Pretty close on track from their 2018 roadmap till now. About a year or two delayed, but tbh that's fair considering the cluster fuck they had to figure out to get persistent entitiey streaming working. But for the most part that roadmap was accurate.

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This is all just stuff they're porting over from Squadron 42 now that they were able to move those devs back to SC. I have no idea why this deserves it's own article.

They should be bragging about the 400 player single shard test they just finished.

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Causing physical harm to capitalists is self-defense.

I'm a 14kyu on I suppose that counts.

Say they're in rebellion, pull funding, personnel, and representation, watch them collapse.

Foxhole. Because even if I'm not at the front, I can still make propaganda for Callahan.


Cool, face the wall lib.

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Thank you for validating me. Event Horizon scares me to this day. Clawing out his eyes? Fucking no thank you.

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They'll keep considering it until the genocide is done. Then they'll pretend they didn't know about it.