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If Jellyfin would do such stupid thing, somebody would fork it to a new project
in fact this did already happened in the past: Jellyfin was forked of Emby after they changed their license

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Unity includes telemetry for some time
I believe you can't actually disable the telemetry (or Unity intro logo) in the "free" version

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the OLED version has a more efficient CPU and fan resulting in a quieter fan noise
if you only play with headphones or only play lesser graphical games like Slay the Spire or Brotato you probably barely would notice the difference though

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I did install the driver from AMDs website but otherwise I’m pretty much at a loss.

thats actually your first issue, don't do that if you want to use it for gaming
the amd driver included in your linux kernel out of the box is already the best option for gaming

anyway checkout https://gitlab.com/corectrl/corectrl
which allows you to restrain the power usage (which is probably your issue?) and/or underclock the GPU
you can run Corectrl at boot so it automatically applies its settings

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It's 2023, we are almost already at Passkeys and you skipped TOTP (basically that "Google Authenticator" does) as 2FA?
anyway there are a lot of open source TOTP apps available to choose from like Aegis or if you want to sync it something like Bitwarden (Premium or Vaultwarden)
desktop apps also exist but that would defeat the point probably

stay away from proprietary apps and do backups of these TOTP secrets or you'll absolute will lock you out if you loose your phone somehow

Node-Red is probably your best bet
it's functional with a lot of plugins available as well as relatively easy due to the "flow" workflow

one other command mentioned Home Assistant but even among the Home Assistant community there are quite some people using Node-Red together with Home Assistant to achieve their goals

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if you just need software to set up virtual machines you might look into Gnome Boxes or virt-manager which don't require external kernel modules like Virtuap Box to work

anyway these issues typically happen on Ubuntu based distros (like Linux Mint) because your linux kernel is to new for the Virtual Box version (or the Virtual Box version is simply too old)

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Some people hate it for not following the unix philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well, but at this point nothing does except stuff like cat.

you can actually write iso images to thumb drives with cat

cat linux.iso > /dev/disk/by-id/usb-My_flash_drive
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there is no way you are missing udev
Arch Linux (and Manjaro) have it inside the systemd package (which you already has as stated from pacman Paketänderungen werden verarbeitet … (1/1) Reinstalliert wird systemd )

the thing you are probably is missing are android specific udev rules
Arch Linux has them inside the package android-udev but I don't really know if Manjaro does the same
try to connect your phone via adb before you try anything with Godot or Android Studio for that matter

Ich würde dir aber empfehlen vorher mal einen Neustart zu machen, es fehlen wohl kernel modules bei dir (?) was wohl auf ein Kernel update ohne kernel modules reload (oder noch einfacher: ein Neustart) schließt

Voyager recently got added to F-Droid but can also be used as PWA from a web browser but personally I'm currently waiting until Infinity for Lemmy actually will get it's first stable release

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Just a little heads up in case you didn't knew:
if you install packages like latte-dock from pacman (or build from source in this case) they will vanish with your next Steam Deck update because the Linux on the Steam Deck works quite different to a regular Linux installation

I wouldn't get so much hung up on latte-dock anyway since it is unmaintained since quite some time and doesn't even work on the latest KDE Plasma 6 (which SteamOS doesn't have yet but will come in the near future)
customizing the default Plasma Panel (right click on desktop > enter edit mode > add panel) is your best bet nowadays for a similar look

anyway if you are really dead set on latte dock you will need to "initialize" all public keys first from the Arch Linux and Steam developers until you actually can install anything on the package manager pacman

pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux
pacman-key --populate holo

the last line is specific for SteamOS only

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AMD just doesn't have any official gui setting software on Linux
third party tools like CoreCtrl will help you with some settings like overclocking, undervolting, etc. and for basic settings your desktop environment of choice already give you control over resolution/framerate/gamma/whatever
for an ingame overlay and fps limiting take a look at mangohud

there is also a lot of confusion because there are different software names for kernel driver (i.e. amdgpu) and userspace driver (i.e. Mesa) with additional varieties on top like vulkan-radeon and amdvlk (which is included in amdgpu-pro and typically worse)
luckily most people don't really need to care about that since most linux distro already give you the best gaming choice out of the box and updating your system will also update your amd driver

The only real world advantage that crypto seems to have over other currencies is that it is both difficult to trace and it is digital.

most crypto currencies (excluding Monero) are easier to trace than fiat money since every transaction is public to anyone as long as you know the public key (address)
relying on "Mixer" services require are third party in hope they don't actually sell you out and most crypto exchanges have kyc implemented by law

if you are open to learn something new: Caddy webserver has a dead simple config, fetches tls certs by default for you and works with crowdsec too

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CS1 was notoriously known to be tied to single core CPU performance
I hope at least that got better, this really hit laptop gamer even if they had beefy GPUs in the laptop

Windows will display a "Let's connect you to a network" or similar screen. The upcoming Windows 11 version 22H2 does not allow you to skip this anymore to create a local account.

they actually restricted this method, evil

Canonical also sells private Snaps repos for a shy amount of 30 000$ per year

for PC there is also Freetube and Invidious

afaik xone (the kernel driver for the Xbox One dongle) still isn't part of the linux kernel (neither mainline or steam deck kernel)
the gamepad itself works fine though, only the adapter dongle sucks

since you can also connect the newer Xbox gamepads via bluetooth, it seems like not many people actually care about it

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I've been running qbittorrent in tandem with wireguard vpn in docker container for quite some time in germany

the harder challenge is actually finding german torrents at all

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typically it's based on the last kernel release of the year which gets promoted to LTS, not because of certain features

CalyxOS supports Pixel devices far longer than GrapheneOS does (they drop them once Google drops support too)

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most normal 4chan user

If you care about DoT or DoH Adguard Home will support it out of the box (which is why I use it)
you can make pi-hole also support DoH/DoT albeit little bit more complicated with an extra service like stubby/unbound

otherwise it really doesn't matter, both are open source and easy to setup for unencrypted dns requests

afaik linux and windows shows different GPU memory clock speeds but it's basically the same (1:2 conversion)
most likely because bigger number = better?

my AMD 6000 cards does the same

I use it for cooking
Bonus points for not being as sweet as wine with alcohol

the Chromebooks with ARM processor (the majority of the cheaper ones) are notoriously known to be awful to install any alternative operating system

Valve actually sells the Deck at a loss and hope to get it back on games.

this was probably true for the first months but the hardware parts of the steam deck got cheaper over time in particular any flash chips (RAM/SSD) aswell as the older AMD APU

probably the reason why Valve discounts it up to 20% in sales sometimes

People who deeply care about this typically use a distro which has a strong stance on FLOSS software like Debian or Fedora
Arch Linux is more free on this as long as the user gets a more conveniant way to install everything (even proprietary software)

the Arch Linux way however is also reading every PKGBUILD (where the license is stated) before installing and if you need to have an easier way to search through licenses just programatically solve this yourself i.e. by using https://github.com/archlinux/aur and going through all branches with a script

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sure, Steam workshop works even identical
otherwise the game data paths are different

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This is the way

If your AMD card is older than your latest linux distro release it's plug and play, no driver installation required
Wayland works pretty well on most desktop environments too

beware fresh released AMD cards in combination with long term release distros like Debian stable, you most likely will need the driver from the AMD website (not recommended)

CalyxOS released a built too, seems like it as easy to flash like Pixels which is actually refreshing for Android Tablets

btrfs is included in the linux kernel, zfs is not on most distros
the tiny chance that an externel kernel module borking with a kernel upgrade happens sometimes and is probably scary enough for a lot of people

Cyanogenmod has been forked to LineageOS seven years ago

there is no shame in asking question especially if you already put in some effort yourself and mention what you already tried

yea also custom domain with catch-all + custom rules on mailbox.org is hilariously powerful and allow you to use an own email address + its own folder for every website without actually creating any alias beforehand

I also have a hard time understanding how 2,5€ a month is to expensive for someone who most likely owns Apple devices since iCloud is really awful to use without at least one Apple device

that sounds like some cheap Chromebook and Chromebooks are not really fun to replace the ChromeOS with GNU/Linux and most people resent to Crostini or Crouton instead which works on top of an existing ChromeOS though

the most important thing here is however the model name of the Chromebook which will determine how easy this process will be and if there actually issues on hardware (like Microphone, Speakers or Trackpad not working correctly on GNU/Linux)

Get an open source client like qBittorrent, kTorrent, rTorrent or Transmission