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Joined 1 weeks ago

Who really believes Russia will stop at their current claims? Once they achieve their current goals, they'll attack for more, and more, and more. The killing doesn't stop.

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The person Europe appeased eventually went on to go and shoot Hitler, afterall.

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Sorry mate, I know with the remaster coming out soon that I should be careful with the spoilers.

The comment was talking about things being Orwellian. Is it not Orwellian to have police killing many, many civilians?

You are 66 times more likely to be killed by a police officer if you are in the US compared to in the UK.

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Where are the horse exoskeletons for horses that fall and get injured in completely unnecessary horse races?

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The character that Gordon Ramsey puts on for Americans is so wild. Certainly he's to the point and frank whenever he appears on British TV, but he's far from this raging aggressive personality he has on American TV.

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Whenever this discussion happens in my country, where the death penalty has been abolished, I always point them to cases like this. They argue "But we will be better". Historically we have not been better, and we are only getting worse.

Half of Pokémon are heavily inspired by artist's (who are not affiliated with Nintendo) illustrations of popular Yokai (Japanese mythological creatures). The rest are simply animals with very generic additions. "It's a cow but bipedal" "It's a kangaroo but with horns" "It's a pigeon but... actually yeah it's just a pigeon. No difference."

How can you copyright/patent that? It's hardly original.

I say this as someone who grew up loving Pokémon.

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Ruby is adorable.

Not sure how it works in Japan, but in many nations you have to file for a patent before or pretty soon after you release your product / service. In the US I think there's a 1 year grace period. It's a pretty common sense thing that stops whole businesses springing up and then being shut down by patent creation just like we are seeing here.

There are many games out there now that involve catching monsters and making them fight for you, Nintendo would be shutting down 100s, if not 1000s of developers if they wanted to go ahead with this and have it be taken seriously.

Anyone that has played Palworld will tell you that it much more resembles ARK than it does any Pokémon game or experience anyway.

If I had this flyer delivered to me I'd use my reasoning skills to bin it, maybe mock it first. Seems silly not to deliver it. It's only going to be read by the already bigoted. Any sensible individual knows what to do with it.