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Joined 1 months ago

You remind me of my bank about 17 years ago. Everyone had to have a 10-character password, exactly, and it had to include exactly 2 numbers and 1 symbol. I wasn't very knowledgeable about computers at the time and it already felt dumb.

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“This document not only violates Afghanistan’s domestic laws but also broadly contravenes all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

They didn't think it could be done, but I knew I could do it. All 30 articles in one law!

— A Taliban, probably

German is cheating!

I heard what lemmy is. I googled Lemmy. I downloaded an app. I pressed sign up. I ended up on Lemmy.world.

I'll be honest I don't even really understand what different instances do.

21 more...

I can see why they would want that. They may consider email to be inherently less safe than their platform, so they don't send any sensitive information there.

Canada's government stuff also generally works that way, except without any links.

I'm not sure how legit their concerns are, but it's a thing.

Canada Revenue Agency notice

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It's pronounced niche, not niche, damn it.

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I also like Xitter, because in my head that can only be pronounced Shitter, which is a good name for it.

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My god, the amount of legacy crap in Windows.

They ought to just start over at some point.

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My favourite answer is "who the hell cares".

Honestly, generally speaking he's an idiot, but in this specific instance I like that he's admitting to his fault.

We all fall for misinformation at least sometimes. It's time to stop shaming people for falling for it and doing something about the issue.

That's because of religion?!

17 more...

That's genius. Absolutely evil, but genius.

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Not really on topic but wait just a gosh darn second.

This person is playing and reviewing (what might be called) the prettiest, most demanding game ever made, and they're doing it on a Steam Deck, on Low?

But still, the visuals are the main thing they praise about it?

I'm a bit surprised? Confused? Anyway that's a little weird.

That article is so positive it almost reads like an ad. I'm suspicious, but hey if it can melt my phone last longer, I'll keep a gram of optimism.

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What a surprise!

Maybe I'm too jaded but I couldn't have imagined a different future for blockchain tech. It's just so... Profoundly meaningless and inefficient.

How... How are they gonna pay for bandwidth if there aren't any ads?

Okay off topic but I had to Google "gubernatorial". That word looks made up.

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To be honest I just look at the state of the world and laugh like I'm watching a sad comedy.

And I avoid thinking about how I'm in it and I have basically zero power over it.

I vote for whomever is the least bad candidate and try not to think about it too much the rest of the time.

Well you can send settlers to an empty desert. You can also send settlers to a sparsely inhabited land and have them get along with the locals. It's not like it's physically impossible.

I see the concept of settler as someone who goes live somewhere where there aren't many people, not a role where conflict is a major part of the thing.

West Bank settlers sent by Israel were already highly questionable, but if they start doing things like this, they're just soldiers with extra steps.

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Holy shit that is dystopic as hell.

We hadn't heard of the game. It's not that it won't sell, it's that it wasn't advertised before now.

Rogue was the first, and thus the trend was named after it. There would need to be something extremely significant to override that. Someone would need to invent a catchier name and popularize it to the point that it starts competing with the old one and eventually overtake it.

It would need to be like what happened to the term "Doom clone".

I wonder if the same will happen with the term "soulslike".

These days Nintendo doesn't really try to compete on performance. The Wii, for instance, was unapologetically what it was. You played relatively low-poly, low-res, low-texture games on it, but you played them, because they were fun and imaginative.

That's their main thing. Performance comes, like, 4th.

However, this time, they got burned on their own games. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom had pretty obvious performance issues that even the normiest of normies could notice, for instance. And my memory is short but I think that wasn't the only first-party game where performance was a challenge.

I think this time they'll care about performance more than last time. It's not like they've never done it. The really old consoles from the 20th century were competitive on performance, right?

Not sure how right or wrong that is when taking into account the more moderate sections of it, but in this particular case, as the article says, it's not really about Islam. The holy texts don't really call for any of this.

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Be morally better than average. If you justify being bad by saying everyone else is doing it, you're not helping the downward spiral. Because bad people and people with no choice make things worse on average.

Wait they're still adding natural gas? Geez.

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I don't get it. Can someone help?

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Yeesh. The past, ladies and gentlemen. I prefer when people leave it way back then.

I suspect they have something to gain by fueling a climate of geopolitical tension. Maybe they hope someone will turn to them because they're scared?

I'm not sure what exactly but I've got a feeling we're underestimating their intelligence when we say they're just posturing or being silly.

But then again, several years ago people thought Trump and Musk had a plan and were just posturing as idiots while playing 4D chess. How wrong they were.

I may just be giving the Chinese government too much credit... But I'm leaning towards no.

Friends, family... Gone!

I really hope they fix this. When support for my old OnePlus 6 stopped, I was going to install a custom ROM until I realized bank apps, and most security-centered apps, wouldn't work. So I ran with an out-if-date, possibly vulnerable OS for a year until (probably) corrosion from liquid exposure finally did the phone in.

Really bad thing to incentivize.

Church of Jesus Christ? More like Church of "Jesus Christ!"

This is speculation. I'm not a physicist.

Gravitational effects. It would almost certainly disturb a lot of asteroids and comets into new orbits. It wouldn't be a catastrophe for Earth , given the protection of the gas giants, but it would probably increase risks for the next few decades/centuries/millenniums. Depending on the exact trajectory of the planet, it would probably also disturb other planets' orbits a little. Anything radically different would be unlikely, but maybe something light and relatively unstable like Mercury would go nuts. As for Earth, in the likeliest scenarios, at most maybe the length of a year is altered.

The collision (perfectly head-on). It vastly depends on the speed. If it's very slow, it'll probably be diverted from the sun by the other planets and solar winds. If it's fast but not relativistic, it'll probably cause massive solar flares and very obvious sun spots for a while. At relativistic speeds (a sizeable fraction of the speed of light), though, it would be a lot of energy. Something big would probably happen when the extremely fast planet smashes into the dense core of the sun, probably. I'm not sure what though. Maybe it would temporarily strengthen fusion and cause some sort of micro supernova?

The collision(glancing blow). The sun is massive but most of its volume is pretty wispy. Most of its volume is a lot less dense than a planet, so the planet would likely have a pretty dramatic effect on it. If it's fast enough, it might even come out on the other side, smashed to pieces by gravitational forces and thermal shock. It might expel a lot of plasma in a stream, like a squishy body shot with the fastest bullet in the world. A bullet on a curved trajectory though, because the proximity to the sun's core would likely steer it significantly. If the planet was going fast enough to escape despite the friction having it slowed down and the massive gravitational pull, then I could imagine pretty much a shotgun of planet chunks shot through the solar system. It might not hit anything, and probably won't considering how much of the solar system is empty space, but if it does, it would be catastrophic for, say, Earth.

As for long term effects, if the planet indeed merges into the sun, it would increase the sun' metallicity (content in elements heavier than helium) by a tiny percentage. It might affect its long term evolution by a very small margin. If it's a glancing blow that's not extremely fast and it's just right to create a mostly stable orbit, it might form a new asteroid belt that may or may not coalesce into a new planet in time.

I expected it to be popular in China, but I didn't expect the ratio to be that skewed. Haven't we been hearing about this game for years?

I don't often buy new releases, especially not if I have a big backlog, but I've been interested in this game for quite a while.

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I'm gonna be representative of the idiots here and ask:

I don't get the difference. Please help.

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Honestly surprising. I would've thought Harris would have wanted protection from Trump constantly talking over her.

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Final Fantasy X blew my mind in pretty much every way possible. Never had I seen such amazing graphics, heard such great video game music, been immersed in such a gripping story in a game.

Honestly I think I may have been chasing that high ever since.

Don't diss my pesto pear caramelized onion pizza.

Hey not just the EU. There are smaller initiatives in other countries, including Canada.