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Joined 12 months ago

So what are the hidden features? The article doesn't say and I scrolled through all the comments and nothing popped out at me other than a bunch of comments of people bashing windows and sucking their own dicks over Linux?

14 more...

And these are the kind of people Christians support and elect into office. Everyone involved in all of these cases are psychos and need to be driven from any and all public forums.

I stood up in my best friend's wedding, and he took the photos at mine. I went in and covered for him when his wife started labor for their first child. I bailed him out of jail when we had a particularly wild night of drinking. We often have the same or very similar daily driver vehicles. I wrote him letters and post cards nearly every day when he was in basic training, and they were such a hit with his group, he asked me to write them all a letter. I've known him 18 years, could not with confidence tell you his age.

Praise is different than support.

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Ended up taking down the soviet union. The whole meltdown is fascinating. I read a book about it. I think it was called midnight at chernobyl, so something like it.

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I am very proud to say that I wasn't even aware that abusive material filenames had a certain pattern. Thought never crossed my mind.

Here you go.

And before Pipedbot comes in and berates me for not using it, I just wanna say Calm Down.

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What the fuck is a tankie?

18 more...

Me too. Everyone else is fucked.

Pull out.

I feel like people who like snow have never had to wake up at 3am to start a 15 hour shift of snow plowing and removal. And then another day of it, and several more.

Snow plowing and removal at a scale larger than my driveway and sidewalks is fucking horrible. I used to love and enjoy snow prior to it being part of my job.

Loading a vehicle or container for moving. I've had friends ask me to basically take over their move. And yeah, I may be a sucker for doing it, but I will save people hours and multiple trips while moving. I 3d tetris the hell out of a uhaul.

Height. I'm 6'6" on a good day. Top 99.897% in the world.

Reviving and programming REMBASS units. REmotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System was a old ass piece of equipment when I was using it 20 years ago in the Army. You'd have to program different channels using another old ass piece of equipment. And very often they'd drop their fills, or not appreciate having a new, fully charged battery in it. It would frustrate people to no end because they'd spend hours trying to get it going, and then I'd stroll up talking all nice and pretty to the gear and shit would just work for me.

Me too. I loved webOS. Favorite phone I've ever had.

You should be blaming his parents, he didn't ask for all those problems to be born with.

That's a lot going on.


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It really is an ugly language. English, French and German, all smashed together with all sorts of extra vowels.

Yeah. I have no problem paying for products that I happily use. Especially when they are supporting independent developers.

Sorry you are going through that. I have only been mean or rude to a service worker one time, and that's because they were actively being an asshole to me by serving everyone else at the table besides me, and after their orders were brought, I had to make it a point to ask for food and drinks. And everyone else had refills and their food before I ever got my drinks.

And let me be clear, by mean or rude, I mean I just didn't tip them.

One time I got a tray of drinks dumped on me by our server as they were bringing them. I paid for those drinks and the replacements and I still tipped that server.

I don't get people that are rude to service workers. Even at McDonald's when they forget fries or something, no need to be a dick. Just politely ask for them. They literally don't give a shit and will usually give you a bigger size.

But OP, if you are making so much money doing this, why stress about it Just enjoy the money and don't let it get to you.

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This is some green bay packers bullshit.

Our small, rural town had a bar change hands a couple times over the past few years. One day several murdered out Mercs, one an AMG, start parking in front of it. Not to stereotype, but they were greased up, wearing tracksuits and gold chains, guys from the Balkans are driving those cars and operating the bar. Never went in while they were around, but within a year, one of those guys got caught by DEA trying to move some serious weight of cocaine and meth.

The bar shut down pretty quickly after that.

Almost exclusively credit. And I don't even play the game where you move stuff around to maximize points and all the other Bullshit. I just use the credit card through my almost exclusively online bank. Every pay day, first thing I do is pay off whatever I've accrued on the card the past two weeks, so I never carry a balance.

Back when I would go to the bars a lot, I used cash often.

No shit.

This is the response OP should read.

VA loans are so fucking clutch.

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Shit. We didn't put anything down. And our rates were pretty good as well.

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I get that. And we had been planning to save up for a deposit, but we were a couple years away from it. But she very quickly caught on to what we could do and jumped at it. At the time she was freshly divorced and remarried, and he ex had tanked her credit and depleted her funds, and I didnt earn much. Our financials have gotten much better, and we both contribute our fair shares to the household. We won't ever miss a payment or anything. And we live in a semi-rural community, so for what our house is, we are doing very well.

Is "kill yourself immediately" too dark? Probably. But if like three billion people died suddenly and without a massive environmental impact like nukes or some other poisoning of the world, could solve a bunch of problems.

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Christmas Coupon. It's so fucked you can't take your eyes off it.

Self driving cars are great and all, but can we get someone seriously working on alternative fuels? EV is really pretty unsustainable. All the resources going to build batteries that are unrecycleable is a massive waste in my opinion. And the unless something drastic changes, the ranges that are needed for logistics and America aren't going to ultimately fix anything.

If they can create an alternative fuel that is significantly less polluting, or figure out how to make hydrogen less explody, the existing infrastructure worldwide of gas stations can still be efficiently used. And hopefully there will be a to retrofit existing vehicles to use this alternatives.

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I miss the squeeze to activate Google assistant. I used that all the time, but since I upgraded my pixel and it's no longer an option, I just don't use it ever.

I got a Chinese joint two blocks away like that. I saw someone eating there for the first time for the five years that I've lived in my house. The cook is also the delivery driver, and we are both on the same one way street, so I'll see him drive past a handful of times a night. Not enough though. I don't think it's a front though. Just cheap real estate that he probably owns.

We loved A.P. Bio. The students really made the show an absolute delight.

Then wouldn't it make sense to not put an actual figure down for how much donating is actually freeing up?

I've always been under the belief it's a day's worth of calories.

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Pay me enough and I can forget about how much work sucks.

Tombstone or buckaroo banzai.

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All you have to do in order to be a better than average driver is to be alert to what's going in around you. I do that, and I drive fast. I'm an exponentially better driver than most.