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Joined 11 months ago

Bro couldn’t resist that chussy

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As a Mexican, I don’t take Taco Bell jokes to be offensive. Or even Mexican food jokes to be offensive, for that matter. I mean, i know my people’s food will sometimes make me shit my pants, but fuck it’s delicious. But back to the point, Taco Bell is far from being ethnically offensive, because it is far from being representative of Mexican food.

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Turer words have never been said

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No shade here, but that’s a perfect example of fuck you money

Lol 20k. tell me you’re a musk cuck without… you know the rest.

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Essentially because ACAB.

Fuck the police

It’s like the Mercedez Audi Malibu

While it is true that corporations are terrible and will do anything in the name of profit, what you guys are saying is “they got fucked and it’s their fault.” It’s not like corporations are some animal who can’t help but be who they are. They are formed by people who choose to fuck other people over for their own benefit. Fuck off with your victim blaming.

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Nah. It’s capitalism. Pretty sure.

Sweet summer child…

I Tink so


Aka fuck around and find out.

laughs in Mexican


I hate that my attention span and adhd make it so hard to read interesting studies.

ADHD is different for many of us. Suns of us share many symptoms, while not sharing many others. It probably wouldn’t hurt to get diagnosed if you think you have it.

Edit: made a typo, and I’m standing by it!

I’m sorry, what? Can you give some examples in Spanish where the letter x makes a sh sound?

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Lol their logo look like a pube

Bruh, that was hard to read.

Police forces are working exactly as intended. The reason they aren’t changing is because they protect the ruling class by intimidating the public. As long as the ruling class is protected, there will be no reason to fund psych evals; there will be no reason to hire decent human beings.

You’ve never been to either country, yet you make assumptions based on fucking movies?? Let me guess, you believe in aliens! And elves, and hobbits, and faeries! Educate yourself, then opine. Or at least, hide your ignorance a little, jfc.

I’m not mad. I’m just… disappointed.

I’m right hand dominant, and I do the same as the commenter you replied to… I thought it was a common thing!

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Fucking rights, Ozzy.

I think a very interesting part of Mexican culture is to learn how to not take ourselves too seriously. I had to learn to deal with being made fun of for the stupidest things. It was always “el que se enoja, pierde (he who gets mad, loses).” So you had to learn how to take it and dish it back. And the idea was to keep it as a battle of wits, without becoming irate and physical. I have to admit, I lost more times than I’d like to own up…

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Good ol’ damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

It’s absolutely awful. I don’t think I’ve watched more than 3 minutes of wwe in total. I only took interest in finding out who he was because of the fucking meme that he is in. But there’s just something about McMahon that just screams pieceofshitabusivegarbagehuman. And yes, this story is not surprising at all.

The first time I saw a Brock lesnar ufc fight, I was very shocked by this brutal knuckle dragger -mind you, I was very young and it was probably one of the first times I saw a ufc fight on the screen. When I saw he’s part of the story, I wasn’t surprised. But I was hoping that maybe he’d have a redeeming quality, and that maybe he’d stood up to McMahon and defended Grant… no such luck, of course. Why do men in power have to be such pieces of shit…

Youse a true bro

Thieves don’t exist in a vacuum either. So what you’re saying is a thief should rob more, or else other thieves will take what he could have stolen instead, and then he’ll be out of the thieving business? What kind of fucked up bullshit logic is that?

I know corporations are part of reality, but that doesn’t mean they should be excused for profiting on volunteer work. But my point is that the volunteers are being blamed as if they fucked around and now they’re in the stages of finding out, as if they’ve done something so stupid no one would have ever done. Unfortunately, part of reality too is that unless one of these volunteers has sufficient power and money to fight them, corporations like Duo will go on with impunity and they’ll keep fucking people over and others will keep not only justifying them, but also supporting them by buying their products, because it’s just easier to be spineless.

When word gets out that someone od’d on fentanyl from a dealer, said dealer becomes more popular and sought after.

Fuck not with a walrus. Duly noted.

Someone care to elaborate on what are web rings?

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Anyone got a paywall workaround? I don’t care much about wwe, but never liked piece of shit McMahon, and I’d really like to read about the beginning of his end.

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Someone’s gotta balance the scales

Fucking lol

Lol look at his cute little tiny fist

I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell ya!

Bro rubber necking hard. Great pic, NY Times!

Why thanks for the reminder, your omniscience.
