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You're looking at this as an economics issue. But I think it's a fundamentally a biological or evolutionary artifact. Evolutionary biology has intraspecific competition for access to mates to mating opportunities as a driver for change.

Organisms work to prevent the resource from being exploited just like water, habitats, space, etc. It's other women that would lose if access to mating opportunities are tied with monetary transactions, and a few would benefit. Minimizing prostitution helps the female of the species be more selective about their mates, and increases the "value" of their interactions.

Yeah. They figure that SpEd students comprise about a certain percentage of the general population and set their quota based on that.

It's the same reason that certain racial groups won't get sent to discipline centers otherwise it seems that there's too many POC in the alternative school.

Public schools do free screenings in other to qualify for special education or 504 school accommodations. This may only cover students in the district home area and not private school students or adults.

The down side is that some school districts have quotas on how much of the school population can be considered SpEd or 504. But a pediatric psychiatrist can make that determination regardless of the school diagnostician findings to justify accommodations.

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This was the plot line to the movie Robots. The solution was socialized medicine.

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Conservatives always want to have a free "marketplace of ideas" until it's something they fear.

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I'll assume he's a US citizen since there's no mention of his immigration status.

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He just wanted to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.

Male orangutans don't have their faces completely covered with hair. So it's not just humans.

It's because of the laws called Police Officers Bill Of Rights. The law essentially ensures that police are investigated and cleared by other police and forbids civilian oversight.

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They'll do something once someone builds an AR15 that shoots marijuana joints into people's mouth. Imagine 20 joint extended magazines.

Just Trump doing what he does best- turning everything he touches into shit and bankruptcy.

Looks like someone watched The Wraith recently.

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Insert joke about waiting with bated breath.

We teachers once has a "stop the bleed" training before school started (high school) a few years ago It was very sobering and traumatizing. We haven't repeated it but we had to learn about using tourniquets, packing wounds, and stopping the bleeding after a school mass shooting. I'm sure it led to teacher turnover.

That looks like an ill-eagle. Set him free in a sanctuary.

Fell apart or was sabotaged?

I would think they work fine everywhere else and defended vigorously. This story sounds like a half truth.

We need more transparency about why it failed.

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It's learning to be a typical high school student.

They have roses

Legacy of the wizard, rygar, cypher (strider)

I left my cat at the animal shelter because I moved into an apartment; and it was doing too many annoying cat things.

I see this on my school campus quite a lot. When the male teachers direct students from using an exterior door, they usually just say ok and then around. When the female teachers are on duty and day the same things, they get verbally abused. If I'm out there with the female teachers, there aren't any issues.

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