
1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

$193 million to shit on his users and the people who made Reddit what it is.

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Apparently the guy who proved Mike wrong is a Trump voter, who just knew enough to get the $5 million lol.

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I wondered the same. It’s not my primary way for getting news but it’s a good option to have if looking for articles on a certain topic.

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Air Bud was Disney I think so they probably don’t let their family watch.

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Tomorrow YouTube is introducing ads when you think about YouTube.

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Aka he will support the re-establishment of the Soviet Union.

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This was always what the big businesses wanted - to recover all the cash they didn’t get during 2020. Then blame the inflation on democrats.

Apparently Verizon and T Mobile are fine, their users were just trying to contact AT&T friends/family and couldn’t so they thought they were having an outage (per the article on The Verge).

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Yeah this checks out for Florida. I wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccination rate declines over the next few years. Talk about having a burr up your ass from Covid vaccines.


Probably Tylenol as well

If I have it correct, the law wouldn’t immediately ban TikTok but would require it to actually be sold to a real US company within a certain amount of days otherwise it’d get banned. The CCP obviously doesn’t want that. So if this passes, TikTok isn’t removed immediately.

Probably what happens is the CCP, I mean Bytedance, sells it to a US company then puts their people there to still siphon data.

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Netflix already does this. They all will just copy each other. Eventually ads will come for the top tier levels too. Enough is never quite enough for these people.

Man we need more financial literacy for kids prior to 18. But at the same time, our entire life is just one large conglomerate commercial. It’s stacked against us. Our economy thrives on us spending above our means. If everyone was to stop spending and pay off their debt, we’d be in a huge depression lol.

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Glad they won the ability (really their right) to vote. Insane this was happening but also not surprised. Get that Haywood guy out of there.

Just gonna squeeze every last drop out of you. Every. Last. Drop.

Read this in his voice too lol

I would have started coding quicker and go into software development and leave the job I had.

Same. That was incredible.

Legendary video

She is currently a doctor, married, has a kid, and is doing quite well for herself.

This movie is straight Gold.

But without return to office, how are we gonna get GTA6 out by Christmas 2075? /s

What an absolute legend.

You should use Unix

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You have a good outlook, even when they make you pay for parking! Your first reason about helping others and the value of in-person IT support is really great though, I had to do the same when I was at a Service Desk last year. There are good times where in-person stuff is necessary or good. But not grounds for eligibility for promotion!

I feel the same, but also i know i will feel the same about today in 15 more years. It’s weird how that works.

Them and Facebook always pitch a fit when a government tries to make them stop doing that lol

I wish it was easier sometimes, but it can be a security issue.

Same for TV shows. I forget the content of last season by the time the next season drops 1.5-2 years later.

This is a fantastic article. As a junior dev myself, I find that I share some of these misconceptions about our Senior Devs (who seemingly know everything when I ask them a question haha). Thanks for posting.

Bitdefender and Malwarebytes are good ones and rated well.

Baby don’t do it - The Band

But then a mid-credit scene appears showing that it was all a plot and I faked my death, AND IM STILL HERE SUCKERS.

I hadn't thought of that lol. I'm not in the place yet where I'm good to sit in a position, so this policy would run me off. But hey if you're in a good spot at Dell and don't want or need to rock the boat, then go for it.

I read this in his voice I kid you not hahahaha

I don’t see the difference lol.

I wouldn’t back out automatically. It depends on the situation for me. I did a fully on-site job in the role I had right before my current and it was worth it. Now I’m in the office usually 60% of the time. It’s not for everyone, but I would not immediately shut down a job opportunity just because it’s 100% on site.

Sweet thank you!

I recently started learning Java and Intellij Idea was recommended to me by the course. This is the second time in a week I've heard about this. In your opinion, what makes it good?

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No thanks Wendys lol