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Joined 12 months ago

Don’t forget the middle-aged men in r/teenagers LARPing as kids so they can creep on kids.

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Leaving an instance curated by and for tankies is a good call.

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“I’m”? 🧐

Referring to all non-white people as a single entity is bigotry in of itself.

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Same. It was effortless honestly.

This just happened to me. Even tried to use Albert Einstein as a “see, Socialism can work” even though the topic was about tankies specifically. It felt like gaslighting so I stopped engaging.

Well said. Never underestimate someone’s ability to be stupid based upon their politics. It’s how we end up with absolute idiots in office.

Anyone who believes this is just as deranged as the Q people lmao. What an outright fabrication of anything resembling the truth. Nobody on either side of the spectrum, be it left or right, are voting to murder anyone. Maybe take a peak outside your Reddited echo chamber because the real world has much more nuance than it’s allowing you to see.

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Reddited echo chamber.

I’m aware of where we are and comments like that person’s are no less outlandish than that of Reddit’s delusional tankies.

I’m a human, beep boop.

Lemmy seems to consist mostly of white, male tankies that only care about skin color when it benefits their political ideology. Blaxploitation is an effective tool and they cherish it deeply.

That’s fair. At the time I was taking some of it personal but I shouldn’t. People are entitled to their opinions and I respect that.

Feels good comrade but I think you missed my point which is that even the leftists here refuse to go full tankie. Furthermore, just because it was made by left wingers doesn’t mean they intended for it to become a strict echo chamber like Reddit or in this case, lemmygrad.

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I lean right and this garbage instance isn’t right wing lmao.

You’ve just gone so far left you’re indistinguishable from an actual fascist and not what these leftists like to call fascist whenever someone says a baby has the right to life.

Despite that, even these people know when to draw the line. I respect that.

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I mean, good point actually. It’s very possible the issue is the instance I’m logged into. I switched around the time lemmy.world was hacked. But .world honestly felt the same as sh.itjust.works. Never fails that I login and the very first thing I see is some communist circlejerk with tons of upvotes.

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That isn’t nuance, it’s unhinged rambling about stuff I never said, at all. I especially didn’t “cast stones on the queers”. I’m gay, I wouldn’t do that. I cherish gay rights and gay marriage deeply.

I also don’t think sexual or gender identity, or religion, is a baseline for someone doing something that horrible.

Absolutely juvenile response.

Pretty sure there’s a divide here where people with empathy decided not to endorse violence vs people like you who get off to it.


My head cannon is it’s because lemmy.world and lemmy.ml are tankie echo chambers trying to be the “default” instances. Lots of people aren’t down with simping for authoritarian regimes.

Other than that your reason may be most likely. Just people being unhinged. I doubt it’s Reddit revenge though, Reddit hate seems to be pretty universal; even among people still using it.

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Could have fooled me. Maybe it’s not as extreme as the others but the creators are still rumored to be tankies. It’s entirely possible that I’m wrong though.

I did see a comment in the politics community get tons of downvotes for saying something unpopular. A mod replied saying people were also reporting it but they’re allowing it to stay because it didn’t break any rules. I checked back later out of curiosity and sure enough it was removed.

Just to be fair to lemmy.world however it’s possible some mods are acting in good faith like the one that replied while others don’t have the same standards.

From a man that married his first cousin lmao that tracks.

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Yes, it’s always this ridiculous. It’s the polar opposite of Q level conspiracies except somehow democrats. The weird thing is you’d think they’d be cool with RFK Jr. but apparently he’s an antisemitic Nazi because vaccines or something.

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Uhh what? You completely misunderstood me. I was referring to people that show up to protest pride with hateful signs and megaphones. I’m being genuine here.

What a very Reddited thing to say.

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More bigotry huh? Yawn.

If there was a group opposite of Q then it has to be the majority of commenters located right here.

The thing you have in common is believing the most wild, outlandish, baseless conspiracies imaginable.

It would honestly be somewhat impressive if it weren’t so juvenile.

You must have never met any gay people here before then because I can’t think of anyone I know who supports DeSantis.

I don’t know why anyone would assume that living here automatically means you do. That’s not true for any state. My area is also incredibly diverse, I’m sorry but your experience sounds fictitious to me.

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More centrist???

Lemmy is like a boiling pot of full-on tankie authoritarians. Reddit is only slightly less left than that but you still get autobanned from major subs for simply commenting somewhere deemed right-wing.

This reads like you never even visited Reddit.

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Nah, didn’t say that. Wildly unpopular though, yes.

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Calm down Audrey Hale.

There is none. However, implying that race effects your credit score is in fact a pretty racist thing to say. Classic Marxist mentality.

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Nice quote I’ve heard literally nobody say before this post. What’s your point? I’m speaking from experience when I say these views are wildly unpopular among Christians.

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May as well give up on these people, they aren’t capable of nuance.

The funniest part to me though is they’re saying all these wild things about how Christians feel about gay people yet I rarely experience it myself. But daaaaamn the moment I mention I’m also a Christian they full-on seethe.

It’s bigotry and they’ve fully embraced it.

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Southern Florida, Christian church. The only time I’ve encountered anyone like what your describing has been at pride parades, ironically.

I believe you’re greatly over-exaggerating their existence because you hate all religious people and are trying to convince yourself you’re not a bigot when you obviously are.

The majority of people on Earth are religious. You’ll find “replacing” their beliefs to be impossible. Perhaps you should consider being more tolerant instead of living in a hateful fantasy world.

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No, this is all you projecting your persecution fetish onto people you most likely never interact with. Pretty bigoted take honestly.

The very opposite is in fact true. I’m gay and go to a Christian church, they speak of love and acceptance for all. If there are actually any who fit your explanation they’re an incredibly small minority that actual Christians disagree with.

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