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Joined 1 years ago

Putting solar on moving vehicles makes no sense except for very specific use cases.

Install those same panels on the ground and you can point them at a good angle for sunlight capture 24/7, don't have to literally carry the weight of them everywhere, don't have to worry about them getting dirty all the time from moving around winter roads, and are much easier to repair.

21 more...

Links to Lemmy are basically banned on Reddit. As is closing a subreddit. They'll replace the admins and reopen.

I would love it if every website change on Twitter/X didn't result in endless "news articles". I need to find a way to block this crap. I literally don't care. Stop using X if you don't like it. Done. Stop talking about it. This is worse than celebrity gossip.

The title says "one of the only..." which I think they mean "one of the few..."

It has some good points. I went through all 99 slides and thought it was rather interesting. Btw, there were no ads in the slides, which was good, because I would have left immediately.

Main focus is just how badly Reddit hurt their mobile web experience to constantly nag you to use their shitty app.

My sister is a civil engineer in PA and is familiar with this situation. She told me that basically these municipalities did not take care of their pipes, refused to raise any money for them, then, when they got old enough that the situation became critical, sold it off. Now this company comes along, has to make required fixes to the pipes, and has to raise the money to do so. The private company gets to be the bad guy, while the local governments, who neglected the pipes for a decade or more, don't get heat.

All this said, if they weren't allowed to sell it to a private company, there would be no "get out of jail free" card and maybe they would have pushed harder to take care of them damn pipes.

Point is, I don't think it's quite as simple as it looks on the surface.

12 more...

I still really miss Google Hangouts. It was integrated with Gmail as a web interface. The web and mobile app synced perfectly. You could use SMS/MMS, or chat, seamlessly in the same interface. Contacts worked correctly. SMS and chat history saved to Gmail so all the text was searchable. It was AMAZING and Google killed it for no reason, only to later replace it with inferior options.

Edit: oh yeah, you could also make phone calls, or group voice and video calls using the same app/web interface.

You guys drive? 💀 My rollerblades were only $200 and the ball bearings are in great shape.

She was super vocal during the 2020 campaign but once elected she went silent. What the hell happened?

Tbh it doesn't matter if he had any business at the house. He could go there to ding dong ditch, or ask a survey question, or complain about their yard, or ask how their day is going.

None of these things are a legal reason to shoot someone knocking at your door.

Right? It's like wikipedia tripling their paid staff, then complaining that they aren't getting enough donations to break even.

I think it needs a critical mass to keep enough content flowing, but being a major player on the Internet isn't as desirable as it once was. A few million active users would be plenty. Once you get to Reddits size, undesirables are attracted... Companies want to advertise, governments take notice, news companies comment about everyday BS, and "investors" want to buy it and find ways to monetizing.

1 more...

Oops 🙊 you know what I mean though.

Soon we will look back amazed at these growing little numbers. They're growing quickly but I expect it to grow by one or two more orders of magnitude over the coming months!

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js's JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);

Religious conservatives used to be against all sorts of medical and scientific practices, saying they were an abomination or an afront to God's plan.

Cool as an experiment. Real world use seems limited. Much cheaper to hire an administrative assistant to clean up after each meeting, since the tabletop also needs tidying.

Dude are you me? I literally just went through this. I used two profiles and had the memory issue. Couldn't even take photos, the camera app said device was out of storage despite deleting most of my apps. And apps crashing all over the place.

The best part is... I'm traveling so it cost me half a day of vacation photos when I factory reset. And same as you... Will have to fix work 2FA on Monday.

What he hell were they thinking??

I've learned recently on social media that the truth behind every headline/post is the most boring version of it, or to put it another way, every headline/post is written in the most explosive language possible to describe what actually happened. The vast majority of people never go further than the headline and take it face value, then post reactionary hatred hot takes.

It really bums me out. Makes it hard to enjoy the internet when everything is about riling people up, and people being riled up at the wrong thing.

Client <-> vps <-> home server

I'm looking to set up exactly this for myself with a linode vps, and wireguard containers. Any tips? Even a docker compose snippet would be helpful.

A tractor trailer FULL of solar panels would be great!

I almost forgot about that... Shudder no less efficient way to do something.

Nah, it's based on the appraised value, which for taxes is always only a fraction of the market value and doesn't change unless the city does a new appraisal. For instance my house is worth over $200k and the appraised value is something like $70k I'm not an outlier, everyone's house is appraised like this.

I wish most/all laws worked this way. We should be aiming for incremental changes over time instead of big bang ones that get undone after the next election.

Hell, for minimum wage though, it should always change based on cost of living as it continues to increase over time.

12 years. Migrated to Reddit when Digg collapsed. Reddit slowly changed over the last 4 years or so, for the worse, even before the recent shenanigans. Glad to be here.

Some day Cloudflare will enter their enshittifcation phase and a lot of small websites will die off rather than move off it. It's best for sites to not all be behind the same few companies.

Baldur's Gate 3

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[Year] Name

For me. I don't care about resolution after I've downloaded it. Heck, I don't need to know the resolution before downloading, I can tell by the file size.

Yeah, AI is a new twist here but the concept of misrepresenting images and stories for attention is ageless.

Great reads! Thanks for posting.

I think it would be neat if, as something gained popularity, more and more of it were re-written in optimized assembly. I mainly work in .NET, which performs fine for what it is, but there are some libraries like Dapper (which is a micro-ORM) which are written in IL, which is incredibly difficult to do but results in it being insanely fast compared to what you could do in purely managed .NET. I'm sure if it were written in assembly it would be an order of magnitude faster than that.

I agree with your overall sentiment, except for Bernie. No more geriatrics should be running. These guys are statistically a little lucky to be alive.

Glad it is fixed. The site already feels way faster!

SpaceX is tanking? Big news. Tesla is still the most valuable automaker, so it has a ways to go.

I hate him too, but let's not live in fantasy.

Wow, amazing to see and experience the community grow and become so active. I love it! :D

They aren't the only one, but they are the largest one. They didn't make the system the way it is, but they benefit massively from it staying this way.

I think there are many users who simply don't care as long as there are memes and content. They won't leave for a long time. But as users who do care leave, the content will decline and others will follow.

CSS Grid Level 3 solves all the hard layout alignment problems we've needed JS for previously. Seriously. Take a look. 🙌

But what is the goal? Gamification does work if your goal is quantity over quality, which it is for many site owners who want big numbers and to push ads. But for Lemmy, the only goal is for people to have a place to post links, comment, and build communities. People shouldn't post if they don't have something meaningful to contribute.

I'm not necessarily against showing stats for users, but we don't have corporate goals like "engagement".