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Joined 1 years ago

I wish when governments said they want to be competitive with China they did like the one thing China does that would raise our quality of life. As in make trains.

12 more...

Honestly if that thing pulls out I'm expecting Davey Fucking Jones to be in command.

I'm out of the loop. Any reason given for leaving? I feel like I've watched ZP on and off since we got a family computer.

5 more...

You ever try being vegan on reddit? It's free downvotes. The reddit cucks literally jerk off to bacon.

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This movie perfectly demonstrated being a dude. All the Kens becoming day drinking degenerates without Barbie around is literally what I did last weekend when my girlfriend went to a wedding.

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It means two-spirited and it's part of an Indigenous concept of gender and worldview.

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I'm not saying that soil health isn't a problem for making vegan food. Since their is a significant less amount of crop farming needed to feed a vegan population we would significantly cut the amount of farmland needed and free up a significant amount of soil.

Being vegan as well as fighting for animal rights we of course demand a more sustainable food system and everyone in it getting paid fairly.

15 more...

He's now going to be a Nintendo Ambassador or something. I wonder if this is just to change the voice of Mario while also effectively retiring him from voice acting so they don't have Mario voicing Bayonetta in the next game or something.

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You'd be surprised how easy biking is. Plus the more you do it the easier it gets.

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The Behind the Bastards podcast is doing Meatball DeSantis this week if anyone wants to learn about him watching dudes get tortured at Guantanamo Bay and his little league career.

I go back and forth between playing a lot of handheld and very little handheld. Honestly the screen doesn't bother me. I've had no issues with Nintendo games. I would argue the biggest issue in modern day gaming is the bloody text size of things. I'm trying to play FFXV right now on ps4 and the text is soooo bloody small.

No it was also annoying because mini fridges only fit 6 packs.

From what I hear he is a super great guy so I do wish him all the best.

I played one for like an hour with a buddy. It was kinda meh. That being said I think we need more smash clones on the market. Smash releases like what every ten years haha.

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"Utilize" implies that animals are a resource for consumption instead of living things with their own right to live. As another comment pointed out we don't "utilize" humans after they have been murdered. A goal of veganism is to stop factory farming but it is not what veganism is. If you consider all animals as having a right to life you then wouldn't consider their bodies as resources after they were murdered but instead as victims.

24 more...

I was hoping they wouldn't say all the pints. Thank God for that.

Yeah they put the tube in and I woke up 6 hours later. I was literally turned off and on.

Also the NDP is the only party that wants to push public transit and better city design. Even if it isn't a federal mandate.

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Hey no problem glad I could help. It's part of decolonization to include everyone in on Indigenous terms.

I'm a cyclist myself and a few members of my family went out and bought ebikes before they would even go on casual kid friendly rides with me on their traditional bikes. While I appreciate the ebike making people more confident biking I feel like the people I know with ebikes could have literally just used a traditional bike and in a month they wouldn't find it hard.

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Yeah but have you ever heard of beans?

I've been vegan for years and will tell you it's incredibly easy to get the amount of protein in. Plus like with an omni diet most packaged foods are fortified for vitamins.

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Tell the Canadians their is Residential School graves and they'll swear up and down that it doesn't matter. Or is that just my racist uncle?

I mean we don't need animal proteins for a healthy human diet...

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If you're in England look into the Duke of Edinburgh club. It's an outdoors camping club for youth. You should be able to find a packing list and it will have food suggestions.

Yeah but have you ever heard of beans?

Honestly the most daming thing about PP is that he's been in goverance since he finished uni, never held a real job in his life. Also I'm 100% sure he's never made a woman cum.

In Canada our alcohol guidelines changed to I think two drinks a week while also saying their is no safe amount of alcohol. As a government guideline it's great. Has it changed anyone's drinking habits? Absolutely not. It's the same as a food guide really.

Wait!? Gates McFadden like Dr. Crusher?

This is actually making me cry laugh.

And what does this have to do with my previous point?

Why would they not?

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Exactly, why do all animals not have an inherent right to live?

Whoever gets the helix fossil wins it.

For some reason it doesn't recognize my account and let me sign in.

I would love to have a Brompton or something like that for the same reason. Or easier to take it to other cities to ride.

Please send a link this sounds amazing.

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I didn't mention people with disabilities. I'm very pro people with disabilities buying and using ebikes. What I am attempting to get across is that a lot of people would do great with trying to cycle before dropping big money on an ebike.

Really charming game. Can't wait to play it again.

The Liberals also pushed for election reform...