
0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

How about just not auto-convert everything and keep the integrity of the data unless specifically asked to? Is that so hard?

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I wonder how that's going to play out with Apple and their monopoly.

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Don't worry, this was just the Chinese campaign. The Russian one is still going strong.

I’m sure they’ll try to implement some type of DRM BS into the web

Funny you say that:


Lmao why would you only announce this in an obscure space that 99% of the userbase doesn’t follow?

"All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now."

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Not using it helps do that.

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Way to be exactly the type of person they are referring to.

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To be fair, what they want is to make money off of you, be it through metadata or through advertising. It's just that sending you videos happens to be the model which they use to get the metadata or advertising income.

Your metadata is still extremely valuable to them, and it's not limited to just watch history and likes, but rather everything on how you engage in their services, including where your mouse cursor sits.

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If I remember, tech companies are generally those whose primary products are digitally based. And technology these days has essentially become synonymous woth the internet.

It's also pretty telling that he's conflating the Soviet Union with the current Russian Federation in talking about WWII.

My metadata does more than enough to pay for my usage.

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Did your elementary school not teach that drugs are bad?

I see, so you think elementary school is valid jurisprudence. This says everything about your ability to form logical conclusions.

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So pump n dump has more than one meaning here.

Unless it's themselves making it less reliable to push more ads.

So, what specifically makes combating drugs (not specific ones, just drugs in general) good, and how is it comparable to fighting pedophilia? And is it important enough to encroach on individual rights like privacy and due process?

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I see, so you think drugs are good. This says everything about your ability to form logical conclusions.

Thank you for demonstrating my point.

  1. Wait until the news cycle rolls over and implement a similar plan anyway.



From the points discussed above, the possible lack of moderation alone justifies considering defederation from Threads. However, it remains to be seen how Meta will handle moderation on such a large scale. Additionally, the inability of individuals to block an instance means we have to do what is best for the community.

Where does it say in the admin post that they are default federating with Threads?

You and the other person's misrepresentation of the reason others are complaining about this are little more than complaining about other people complaining.

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

That's quite a long winded way of saying, "fuck you, I got mine."

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I think it's less to do with the fact that ads exist, and more to do with how intrusive they are. Early YouTube ads were pretty tame compared to the ones today, especially when it was just banner ads.

Ed... Ward...

Just like every other conservative social network *cough* Truth Social *cough*.

But the composition is not the same as space dust, and could have a negative impact on the chemistry of the atmosphere.

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At least email has some tools to help mitigate the issue, like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. They aren't perfect, but they are loads better than telephony.

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Good and services are still primarily purchased with fiat in most of the world. You need to be able to actually use it for it to be useful, so whether or not blockchain is theoretically better doesn't matter there if there isn't wide enough adoption.

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Harder, yes, but still good to note not impossible. There's some cryogenic techniques that allow them to preserve what's on the RAM long enough to read it.

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Your health, life, and freedom isn't under attack like those groups listed. All you care about is if you get a fancy new toy, and to hell with everyone else's rights.

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But you've said it yourself, you would vote against other people's rights if it meant fewer things, "getting in the way of open source algorithms."

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It's more that climate is the long-term average, while weather is the variation around the average. So while there is an trend in the average temperature, the variation means that there will still be hotter and cooler periods.

You've made it clear that you would vote Republican if the Democrats don't support AI.

And since you have said it yourself that it would be voting against people's rights to do so, you've made it clear that you are okay voting against people's rights if it means voting for AI, which is exactly how the rights of everyone get eroded.

Like I said, epitome of, "fuck you, I got mine." You don't care about the rights of other's because yours aren't under threat.

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Need I remind you of your initial comment?

Delay llama 3 and I’m voting for whoever runs against Biden. No exceptions, I will become a single issue voter and this will be my issue.

No exceptions also includes even if the person running against Biden wants to take away your right to vote or bodily autonomy.

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You've said, repeatedly, that you would vote for AI over rights. It's your single issue, and have even pointed out that Democrats can support both, but if they don't support AI you'll vote against them regardless of what their opponents support.

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Reading comprehension, you lack it.

Your life, liberty and health aren't under attack, so you don't give a shit about the life, liberty, or health of others. That's what, "fuck you, I got mine," means.

Edit: Also, the irony of you talking about, "everything you have will be slowly eroded away," while proudly saying you don't care about the erosion of the rights of others is not lost on me.

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There's a difference between retaining the twitter handle of the person that publicly posted their conversation, and doxxing them.

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No exceptions, I will become a single issue voter and this will be my issue.

Edit: I think you're starting to realize that you've blustered yourself into a corner.

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If the publicity around this action causes more people to move in the direction of using addblockers it could be really counter productive for youtube.

That all depends on if the revenue loss from an increase in ablocker use is more than the revenue gain from people either disabling adblockers or purchasing a plan.