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I would think games like Divinity Sin 2, Balder's Gate 3 have solid stories given their nature.

Theres also simpler games like Cat Quest II, Diablo IV (I thought story was very meh), A Way Out, etc.

You just have to look? No genre preference listed

I prefer them fresh but if needed, I retoast them when I get home especially with undercooked fries like Wendy's . Ensures they are hot and crispy

I know a few people at work that have foldables. Both are not going back and the crease really isnt noticeable.

One guy has the Google Pixel Fold. His kids share his phone to leave his wife's phone alone when they are watching something. It makes it easier to share with his kids because its a larger screen. When it was smaller they fought more because they couldn't all watch on a small screen. Hes reaping benefits too. Ive seen him have it open to watch NFL highlights lol.

The other person I know is a manager and its just really nice.

I don't have one myself because its pretty $$$. If I valued phones I would pick one up myself. Year after year they have gotten significantly better with the crease and hardware. They're often very beast with hardware features.

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Career fairs and some colleges may have writing centers or people that assist with cover letters, resumes, etc.

If you dont have that opportunity, I would search some up. Find ones that resonate with you and copy it but make it your own. Thats what I have done and ive been fairly successful. You can tie personal stories in them and still make them sound professional.

Luke Combs and Tracy Chapman - Fast Car

Unsure. I can only go off anecdotes and what ive been told but maybe that illusion works on the kids?

At 3:50 it looks like the phone is being opened to watch something. . Looks large to me

The tech specs here

Anyways, that was his reasoning. Lol its still a nice phone. Maybe he used same justification to get this nicer phone with his wife. He has the Google fold while the other guy has Samsung.

Personally a little sad over this. Have a bluray player and sometimes I want to be able to choose and pick a newer movie in 4k... Much cheaper than Amazon and Vudu to rent.

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Agreed. I work in healthcare. As healthcare workers we are obligated to treat any patients regardless of their political affiliation or background. I just provided services to a guy the other day with a huge swastika tattooed on chest. Ive administered care to prisoners, bully/aggressive patients, racists, sexists, and others I would not normally would not align myself with. It does not mean i support anything my patients do or their viewpoint. You cannot have people determining on their own that they are not doing their job because x,y,z especially with more public services involved. It is a very slippery slope

You cant make exceptions for some circumstances without the effects/consequences extending to other cases for opposite side as this commenter noted. All mail legally needs to be delivered, even in Canada. Props to the postal worker for trying to stand up for what they believe but agreed they should lose their job for it.

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USB hand warmers. I am very sensitive to the cold and its so nice to hold while walking around or keeping in your pockets

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Taking off the pedals and training wheels of bikes and selling them to kids.

Wish I thought of that

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My husband has specifically asked me not to talk to him about politics. He has verbalized he feels powerless and wants to focus on things he can control more within his immediate realm (dont worry guys, he's still voting Biden). He's also asked me to decrease the amount of depressing topics I share with him overall. I did tell him I recommend him read up on it because its "scary AF" and that I was quite scared

However, I do agree with other posters that its the lack of news coverage on the topic is why so many people are uninformed. We need more individuals to share and educate about this.

Nurse manager here. I'm really confused why you would need to lie? Especially if the PIP is "unenforceable".

If you want to quit bedside just do it. Theres so many other fields of nursing out there. Honestly and genuinely speaking, you sound miserable :(

P.S. Peds pts may be compliant but overbearing parents with unrealistic expectations or peds deaths are not fun to deal with. Its not all rainbows... I would never touch nicu, PEDs, picu for that reason

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Dirty!! They just presented their services to our hospital too and were excited that our patients were going to have their nutritional needs met.... Obviously not....will share this with hospital teams to have them further assess before using these services

I have a credit union and unfortunately a Chase account now. I had to open a banking account with First Republic to refinance my student loans from 6.7% to 2.75%. They were the only ones that took on high student loans (lot of medical professionals) and required a constant $20k in the bank.

Once my loans are done in a few months though, I am moving everything back to m y credit union and closing Chase.

To speak to some others like my in laws, husband, and my own parents, likely plus a few friends:

  1. They believe that banks offer more services and even more security than a local credit union (ironically my FIL is board member of a credit union but banks with a bank)
  2. Like that there tends to be brick and mortar locations nationwide
  3. Dont know any better (this is most people I believe, unfortunately financial literacy in US is low. Lemmy is not representative of general pop)

I think Mark Cuban was primarily Republican until Trump. If you google, there have been many comments hes made against Trump because he knows Trump is a trash leader

In 2013 I left a very toxic, abusive relationship (physically, emotionally, sexually).

I'm healthy now but its been a long journey to get here. I have definitely changed as have my life. Its a big milestone that I rarely have to think about now as its been so long. But the lingering effects of trauma went on for years before I considered myself "recovered"

Guardians of the Galaxy. FPS is a little sluggish especially first chapter (theres a bug where the whole screen goes black but audio goes through). However, its still fun

Also LIMBO which runs fine on the deck

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Honestly, my husband and I birdwatch and we treat it like Pokémon Snap when we go out! Myself with binoculars, husband with camera.

I felt like it adds another dimension or another sense to our world. When I walk from parking lot to work for example, I can hear and identify what birds are around just off sound alone.

Suspending the account imo just brings more attention! More attention More money!!

Checks out. Looks like a good boy to me!!

As someone that often doesn't wear makeup but keeps some on hand anyways in event of special occasions, can you point me out some $6 brands?

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Also, yes, the Union rep that said you can get fired is wrong. Its super super super hard to fire people under Union. Even nurses that dont do their nursing interventions or watch Netflix day. Its truly wild what some Union nurses get away with. Pros and cons....

I personally delete. Someone else will take that number anyways... I feel like there are so many other things to keep that remind us of whom we have lost

I would highly encourage a new eye exam. No need to get glasses or order anything from your optometrist but an eye exam.

It sounds like none of the above give you that nice crisp 20/20. I find every like 2 or 3 years my eyes change a bit and that slight change in prescription sometimes makes a significant difference before and after new vs old glasses.

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Would love Pete Buttigieg over Newsom but honestly will take anyone that can beat Trump

Anyone they pick from now will get name recognition no matter who they are from media presence alone. Changing candidates at this stage will be significant news.

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U.S. here. I "donate" blood regularly to Vitalant. I enjoy the way they do it. You get "points" or often something free for donating (shirts, your name in their sweepstakes to win something large, etc.). You can use the points to redeem gift cards or choose to "donate" the gift card amount back to the organization.

My thoughts: I think these organizations have more donors when they offer compensation, even small vs if they did not. I saw Red Cross offer a chance to win a PS5 once and I'm quite sure it caught some peoples attention and earned them more first time donors -> potential long-term donors.

Question, what separate device is best and most privacy focused? I just imagine getting a firestick, google Chromecast, etc would also give away data?

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Learn how to make resumes and make great impressions with interviews. Theres a lot of resources out there. If youre fresh from college, job fairs and the writing center often have people that can review your skills in both.

I say this because just doing the resume right tells me someone at least is competent enough to learn how to format and hopefully type. I won't even screen people who put zero effort. Last week, I got a resume where someone just left indented and listed their experience. All same font, no sections... Just a list. Smh.

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A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers easily can be finished in a day.

Then Murderbot series by Martha Wells. They are fun, yet insightful and novellas. Easily finished in a day too.

My heart desires to always be healthy, beating regularly without issues, failure, or undue stress

Understood. I honestly don't know many alternatives to Redbox besides those for renting movies... Even then, as others have mentioned, there's a difference between streaming and playing a blu ray. All movies I rent are <$2.50 from Redbox, nicer quality vs. >$5 Amazon.

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This is me too. I oddly have like 3 cups of water every day and have been fine. No abnormal labs or anything. Only drink when I am thirsty. Only increases in hot weather or exercise.

Oddly enough, besides meat, my dogs favorite food is kibble. Dry kibble. It took me years to train him to wait for his food... Hes much better now but he still swallows everything whole. And he loves it so much my husband uses his normal food as treats while I still try to get him that higher level rewards (I.e. cheese, nicer treats, etc).

Also, he doesn't like wet or "fresh" dog food 🤷‍♀️

I do concur with everyone on this thread though that our dogs taste buds are significantly different than ours. Ive tried a few and it doesn't matter what I like. Dogs are different

Thank you! I remember my local library had dvds. I don't remember any BluRays. Will check it out!!

Yes, they are required to treat anyone, regardless of status. EMTALA.

For your first question, we know and if not directly told, sometimes we have high suspicions. I employ social workers who directly ask what their social situation is (housed, finances, etc) and for any uninsured we ask if they would like Medicaid. More often than not they disclose (CA is a lot friendlier than TX) and we document it and find the appropriate resources for them. If they dont tell us, we dont document our suspicions (because we cannot objectively confirm) but we can def tell. They tend to speak another language only, be very guarded with their questions, etc. We often have Chinese and Hispanic individuals undocumented. We connect them to MediCal, PRUCOL, and treat them like anyone else, providing them as much support and resources as possible.

I'm not sure how forthcoming they are in Texas but im very positive these Texas hospitals also know which active and prior patients are undocumented if that information is disclosed. It is not difficult to search charts.

As much as I hate to say it, FB Marketplace likely will have better results than all listed so far

Concur!! Most of the sodas with cane sugar taste better. Love cream sodas personally

Awesome!! I see its on sale today too! I'll pick it up! Thanks for the rec

I always clean my brush after use. Take off the top rinse and completely dry whole brush