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Is this article about another Democrat speaking up and stopping the fight; or Bernie? Don't gotta get your britches in a twist, now it just looks like you have some weird obsession with taking the guy down.

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Because the FBI gave the terrorists all the training, weapons, and about $2bn in cold hard cash money that lead to them being able to commit the act. Because "jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams", although it does weaken steel beams. Because engineering and demolition experts came out and said the whole thing seemed coordinated exactly in the way in which they coordinate tear-downs for a living. Because the terrorists who on the same day planned to blow up the George Washington Bridge got sent home on a plane and were never spoken about publicly again. Because it was obvious Saidi Arabia had a hand in it, which later became confirmed fact, and we're buddy buddy with Saudi, so somebody had to have known something was going to happen but didn't sufficiently try to stop it on our side of the water. Because the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have a weird amount of connections. Be cause conspiracy theory culture was seen as more typical/harmless, and less of a thing for Nazi terrorists like today. Because the FBI had Bin Laden dead to rights in 1998 and had a bedside conversation with him instead of taking the opportunity to kill him while he was on dialysis. Because the 40 years that preceded 9/11 were lousy with proven incidence where our leadership, specifically the FBI & CIA in conjunction with corrupted presidents, in which American citizens were coerced, sabotaged, drugged, tortured, and killed, and all the leaders had to say about it was ‘whoopsy doopsy, so sowwy’

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Not to mention those who can afford to will simply leave to make families elsewhere. Making a child generally tends to rank higher on people's priorities list than staying in one state forever.

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It's more obvious than that even; their SEC paperwork states that adblockers are a risk to their profits. That's more than enough info to assume they're going to go to war in the near future (now) with them.

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Also helps raise more uneducated and poor voters to support the Republican party.

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even if it means providing value for some of the stupidest and most malignant people in the world at the same time

This is so emblematic of the human condition. Poisoning ourselves to relieve stress, buying slave-made clothes to stay warm. Burning our skin to attract mates. Toxifying our own environment for convenience. Humans really are some dumb ass creatures. We are reaping what we sow.

I like that you came to set the record straight, then just guessed. Confidence is sexy.

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The tolerance of intolerance leads to the loss of all freedom. You'd have to be either a fraud or a fool to try and sell the opposite as truth. So which are you?

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You don't. Don't take this to be discouraging, you can easily learn the skills, but you can't have no skills, money, or plan, and just send your ideas out into the universe to succeed. It takes time to learn how to do business in whatever field you're planning to enter with your idea. You may get lucky or utilize connections or charisma to get where you want to be, but literally nothing but an idea? Prove your idea and sell it. Otherwise it's just not that great of an idea after all.

we want all folks to feel welcome

That's another thing they'll tell you, to add to your point. They'll say general society, or lefties, are unwelcoming hypocrits for expressing the need for inclusion while not including fascists.

They'll word the same opinions in a million ways until they find the way that gets you to allow them to continue blabbering intolerant bull crap.

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Just a friendly reminder to any shit-birds reading; this is the nicest version of what we will do to traitors. You will not overthrow the government, you will not reinstate a four time impeached Yankee carpet bagger as president, you will not pass go, nor will you collect $200. You will simply rot in prison, again: at best.

If black and orange can't even get together for Halloween, we're worse off than I thought.

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Downvote me to Hell, I don't care, this advice may save your life. Arm yourself now, learn to use your weapons with proficiency, and plan a bug out route with a couple backups. Stockpile ammunition legally and safely. Be ready, because these assholes aren't going down easy, and they want to take as many of us with them as possible.

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I sense some mighty strong projection going on here. The writer comes off like they believe they're correct without the need for any question, completely sure of this idea, for which they provide zero evidence. They then go on to call anyone who disagrees with them ignorant, infantilising and diminishing the opposing point of view before the reader has had a moment to make up their own mind. Meanwhile, the intended audience is being spoon-fed hate and gobbling it up. This is what division looks like. They make you hate your neighbors and demand action from you against them, after all it's what's right: you're a grown up and the opposition needs to be parented. This is the tone that makes sure you never gain power, because you don't believe in moderates, and you downright hate progressives.

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The psychos see what happens in places where the ruling class gets what they want at all costs, and they still want the juice. Says everything you need to know about society.

This should cover their asses on that big lawsuit they just lost for harassing that poor old couple. Projected profits would be down ~$300m over the period of time they intended to pay this out, I assume, not much of a mathematician. Gross.

Let's burn this mother down, pookie!

Oh come on, we're top of the list for diabetes, cancer, liver disease, illiteracy, excess deaths, shootings, percentage of citizens who will never hold a college degree, and cheapest labour. USA, USA!

Posted 22 minutes ago... and already playing the victim. Big surprise. Must be so traumatic being you.

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When somebody shows you who they really are, trust them the first time.

Like when they put interstates through the Southern United States, then had to actually force Florida to enforce drunk driving rules, threatening to take away highway funding iirc. Just one of the million examples I can remember being controversial briefly. I wanna say there was a similar debacle surrounding seat belts. Basically any time the Fed gives you money, it comes with some (albeit basic, somewhat common sense) rules and stipulations.

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An old pot grower's adage goes something like: if the sentencing minimum is for between 1-99 plants, you might as well grow 99.

People like Bud serve as the real life example for this kind of saying sadly.

About a hundred years too late. Good riddance. ✌️

Discs are harder to ruin than they're made out to be. My best example is a physical copy of grand theft auto san Andreas for the original Xbox. I got a free old copy that was considered useless, because it wouldn't read, the shiny side of the disc was scratched pretty deeply. I took it to the game store and told them "I know this probably won't work, but humor me, run this through the resurfacer please", which cost me $2. They have a $30,000 machine which actually grinds an even surface on the shiny side, adding a new layer of plastic they said, but it did in fact work first try. I still use that disc to play the game with no issues whatsoever. If anything, it's the least glitchy copy of GTA I own physically.

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Meet the Republicans after school by the bike racks, yall, cause it's on!

Most people forgot about them shortly after they stopped making free frisbees.

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Many people have said the same, and many people have died. Please take the words of this comment section into your mind and give it a second thought. Nazis can't share the same privilege to "speak freely" when they only conduct hate speech to rally others to harm people. That's regulated in a million ways; basically obscenity laws only exist because we don't want Nazis to.

Yeah, I've seen this sort of thing before: first they reel 'em in smooth like with door-to-door vacuum cleaner sales, get 'em hooked on only fans, then BAM, they're selling their ass on Pico for $50 a pop.

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Screw the 2020s! I'm gonna make my own 20s with blackjack and hookers.

its also a bit hyperbolic to compare full on genocide with electing a fascist.

Did you fall asleep in history class or something? How do you think genocides happen?

I know a person who actually obtained a handgun this way. In a parking lot of a bar on Florida, from a seller who was in his lunch break as an electrician... I'll let those details sink in for anyone safety oriented.

I get my credit score up through tricks of the trade, get whatever procedure I need on credit, and then don't pay at all, because I can't afford basic medical even though I work, for above minimum wage no less. They want too much for essential medical treatments, so now I have to do this to survive, I just hope that between every 2 years when my credit tricks work again, that I don't get mysteriously ill with no way to pay. I tried everything. I work 40 hours and live in a very basic tract home built in the 90s with roommates, I sell things on the side, my old man does repairs/handyman services, we don't shop, or go on dates, or get to enjoy life really at all outside the home, hell, I've even tried selling porn; but apparently I'm not hot enough to pull that off either. And to top off this absolutely lack of sundae; I work enough to not qualify for any assistance despite all the above details keeping me stuck renting/working a shit job until something breaks or I get sick or somebody dies. I know some of y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I didn't create this broken economy where $10-$30 a month for insurance is an unaffordable expense on top of copays and deductibles and all the BS to make sure you never use the service they've made you purchase... When is enough gonna be enough? Then our leaders have the balls to ask why we're upset? Give me a damn break.

Republicans? Pulling chicanery? P'shaw, p'shaw I say!

This is a continuation of the dance around what's being talked about. The reaction isn't that ‘other people's opinions are bad’. The reaction is that oppressive behavior being passed off as innocuous opinion is not genuine opinion, and cannot be tolerated in a peaceful society. But yeah, let's minimize the opposing view like a cable TV news anchor.

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It's designed to be such an inconvenience to the point that you're actually just incentivized to buy wireless headphones.

That business model becoming the norm is exactly why I hardly buy anything new these days. I'll thrift, upcycle, reuse, hand-me-down, bargain for, get at the discount shop, commission from a local artisan, wait for the price to come down, and/or pick up from-the-curb items absolutely every time it's possible. Simply avoiding these festering boils on the asscrack of our economy that are big businesses has become a daunting chore of its own... ‘He typed, into his smart phone’ I know, I know; I'm a dramatic bitch, but still.

No way man, this is the middle of the end. The beginning of the end was when they introduced legal bribery after dumbing down the general populace for a couple decades.

Really? Because I've never lived in a place where cannabis is legal, and I've been consuming it near daily for about 19 years now.

It was cool how they frequently used 60s songs, and had a general "through the years" vibe going. People picked up on that for sure, it's easy to forget they're not just the Shrek band.

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Do you make barrels for a living? Do you forge iron with a big hammer? Do you rivet? I would wager not, and this is due to the people who employ people changing with a changing world. Add humans into the equation, and you can see how employers also need to assess that aspect of their operation; changing with the people who themselves change with the world around them.

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Not to mention the tradition. Sharpen your pitchforks, y'all.

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