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Wasn't there also something that Obama almost exclusively golfed at Andrews Base, a secure location near D.C. while the other guy had to go to his own club where the Secret Service had to book rooms in Trumps own hotel?

Common missconception: people didn't just die in their thirties, the average is brought down somewhat hard by lots of infant death, childbirth complications and the like.

@Prunebutt says it right, it's the advancements in medicine, but thats more reactively treating diseases than proactively lengthening the lifespan.

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I opened the thread to see if someone already posted this. Glad I'm not the onliest german to be annoyed by this.

Even if it were, it weighs 3,4 tons empty. Most EU Citizens have drivers licenses that allow cars up to 3,5 tons max. weight, including driver, passengers and cargo.

It's impossible to use in the EU without an actual truck driving license.

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If a women has starch masks on her body...

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And was President almost 20 years ago, when he wasn't pushing 80.

That’s what ‘gaming’ sounds like: your hobby is media consumption.

It's really weird that people who have "reading books" as their main hobby are not as stigmatized as their digital media counterparts. Is it the digital aspect that turns the hobby into weirdness?

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It's the worst representation of Bundeswehr-Uniforms in that regard. The grey coats are the dress uniforms of the 'Heer', the land forces. The grey caps are of its mountain branch, the 'Gebirgsjäger'. Other land forces like tanks, artillery, pioneers have coloured wool berets. Navy and Air Force Uniforms are way more modern.

He's also thinking European.

There's more shenanigans with "umfahren" and "umfahren", where Intonation matters. One means "drive around", the other "run over".

Any chance it was by Casiopea? They are one of the more famous Japanese Jazz artists.

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There is a comment on "that other site" that goes in detail about what to do. It starts with "You're fucked" and shows that you really have to be careful who to trust and what to do to not be bankrupt in a few years. I'm on mobile and short on time, but it's worth reposting here.

I can recommend Solar Fields, although they did the Soundtrack to Mirror's Edge, their albums are pretty nice.

Also (but not really contemporary): Casiopea - Japanese Fusion Jazz. Sounds like the soundtrack to Gran Turismo, but still.

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Just cucumber with yoghurt, some chopped dill, salt pepper and olive oil is a great salad. Add lots of garlic and it's a simple Zaziki Tsaziki Zatziki greek garlic dip.

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I don't know much about AI but wouldn't a "simple" pattern recognition software do a better job of eliminating unnecessary copies of email chains?

No need to summarize everything if you can just cut the waste.

So you can just the link to that page (in a browser) via "add a non Steam Game" to your steam deck?

It's actually way older. It appeared first as official flag in 1867 for the north German federation, was adopted in 1871 to be the flag of the German Empire and was no longer in official use in1919 (albeit nationalist groups kept using it).

After that, you're right.

More Info here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_German_Empire

Depends on your local döner supplier's supplier. I'm pretty sure my lamb döner doesn't contain chicken skin, unlike the cheap "Drehspieß".

For reference, there was a legislation set in place thatandates that a real "Döner" has to contain a certain amount of quality meat, otherwise it can not be sold under that name.

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It's practically the same. Nürnberg has a joined University with it's neighbouring city, Erlangen. Erlangen has the highest rent per square meter (if you're not eligible for student housing). It's high prices for the whole region, because the Nürnberg-Erlangen metro region is the biggest population, business and cultural center in the north of Bavaria.

I concur. Hitman can be a somewhat true stealth game but the design steers you away from "free form" stealth with its mission stories. I like the idea but the puzzles are too small, few short steps to the goal.

I hope for Metal Gear Delta to succeed, not only because I have a soft spot for MGS3 but also to revive the genre.

I'm not getting my hopes up for Rainbow Six after Without Remorse. Everything except the title and Character name has been changed and it turned into a generic action flick.

Good it's on gamepass after release so you can test it out until it eventually leaves.

Good god y'all!

I wouldn't rate L.A. Noire too highly, as it's a weird hybrid between detective game and GTA.

What rubbed me the wrong way was the illusion of choice in side quests (roadside police work) where it seems like it's always the worst possible outcome. The story, especially the choices my character made (without me having a say in it), wasn't to my taste either.

Anything Edgar Wright, or just the Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy of Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead and World's End.

Franken ist vielleicht Kentucky oder Missouri, aber nicht Alabama.

60k is about 30-35k after taxes and mandatory insurances, depending on your tax class (Single, Main earner in a marriage, ...). Your questions: Yes if you're not in a particular expensive town., No, unless you've got huge savings or an inheritance. Depends on what you want for your family - you might get by well if you're living in a LCOL area, otherwise... Not so much.

It's the "Seinfeld isn't funny" problem. If you're the pioneer for something and it is lazily copied by everyone, the new ideas you had back in the day seem stale.

Then it legally couldn't be called Döner and your Dönermann is lying to you.

I would honestly not be surprised if he'd forget to put on pants before a public outing. Or even better, if his suspenders suddenly give out with a cartoonish "Boiiing!"

You could also use pre-mixed yoghurt dressing but I like to be fancy sometimes.

Same here. Also, if you exert yourself in any way, your breathing quickens. It's bonus pay for exercise. A win-win either way.

Thanks for the spontaneous nostalgia trip. I was playing it, or rather its sequel, in the 2000s after I got it from a magazine.

There's a HD Version of Seven Kingdoms 2 on Steam. I think I might grab it.

Yes, that was the final drop for me too. Going to delete my account and 8 year history next time I'm at the PC.

This doesn't pose a big problem for a company like Aldi. They are in the process of updating their older stores here so lots of things (big coolers, checkout lanes and baking stations included) get moved around.

Or the whole building is designed to accommodate the different customer expectations in the first place.

Globally operating companies can't just build one blueprint for every market, with few exceptions.

See also (for a negative example): Why Walmart failed in Germany.

Shame over my Pickelhaube.

That here is one of the more sensible approach to buying expensive stuff, I guess.

Try the cheap shit until you know what to look for or it breaks. Then, if the opportunity arises (new household, new tools) get the best you can afford and what suits your requirements.

Just here to remind everybody that Greece owns about 1.500 Tanks, most of all European NATO members and third overall after the US and Turkey.

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See if the lemmy instance feddit.de can help you scratch that german itch. It's growing and has a range of reemerging communities.

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