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“Sometimes the way he may carry himself in public leaves something to be desired. At the same time, I can relate to sometimes being a bit unfiltered,” she said. “I see him speak to a lot of people in America. I think there is something to be said about that."

Seems like even the ones who don't like him, still get the appeal. I can't see it personally, call me crazy.

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Republican politicians are responsible for this, nobody else.

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Yeah let me fork over my rapidly disappearing regular people money for a service which used to be free, whose price will only keep going up, and whose features will only keep disappearing to be locked behind a higher tier of paid subscription, thus giving me less and less, for more and more payment. You meet me over there. Let me just grab my little red wig and honk my nose a few times first and I'll be right over.

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Conservatives will gladly jump into the boiling pot if it means the perceived enemy gets burned by the splash.

Ha! Jokes on you, lib man, I caint reed.

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For-profit prisons are definitely taking advantage of subsidies, but that doesn't matter, because only poors pay taxes, and for-profit prisons are for profit... Profit for rich people who do not pay taxes. The solution is revolutionary action. The only peaceful way is through massive labour pushback, but that can't happen in a nation of docile workers, who are too afraid of becoming the next homeless person themselves, to risk being courageous. This will end with even more suppression of the lower classes followed by an inevitable implosion, because neither of the many forces at play are willing, nor are they even able to throw the brakes at this point. The only way this changes is if human nature suddenly shuts off, and rich people's hearts grow two sizes, or we stop taking their bullshit and do something about it.

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He literally just got the endorsement of one of the biggest trade unions in the world, who said he does more than any other president for the workers. It's pretty early for endorsements, maybe you'll be right, but we'll have to wait to see.

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The Germans during WWII actually were referring to nationality when talking about race, so that one slides believe it or not.

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Especially eye-roll-inducing considering the pedophile problem in Hollywood hasn't really gotten better, let alone been solved. Many of the exec types demanding things change are likely to be either perpetrators themselves, or sympathisers with the perpetrators of this behavior, and they tell us what we should believe is right or wrong based on the almighty dollar? Fuck Hollywood in general, but especially fuck the movie industry executives in charge. Greedy bastards.

I believe there's a sort of death-loop phenom taking place here. The enshitification, you know.

You absolutely can, and should, hold liars accountable. The "don't hate the player, hate the game" excuse simply doesn't fly for everything.

Yes, I'm the "ignorant fuckwit" who is "throwing a tantrum". Read above and behold me being immature, for the crime of calling out the poor little giant corporation who reportedly generated $31.5 BILLION dollars last year. Clearly they're just trying to keep the lights on, and not kowtowing to investors whose sole, stated goal, is to buy low, and cash out when line goes up. I'm the fuckwit for pointing out that this shouldn't be the system we're all just okay with accepting. Clearly.

As someone born and raised in the USA, countries elsewhere absolutely should be blocking virtually all of our news media. We're a toxic cesspool of entertainment/propaganda news, with an increasingly deadly end result for its consumers, and those around them.

The agenda of the super rich relies very very heavily on our lying, greed-driven news media.

He's immune to factual criticism, because righties live and die in their own fantasy land; where bad is good (as long as they're doing it).

Who could forget such intriguing comments as: "This.", or "Inb4 [x thing happens]", et al.

Farmers with AK-47s and punji pits beat our army. Not to mention our military members mostly prefer not killing us for oligarchs. But yeah, let's pretend I didn't preface that with the suggestion of utilizing labour movements.

Can vouch, my great great grandma used to cook chitlins for El Rocha's ancestors.

To add to your point: I once saw a TV show where they got drivers to smoke weed and drive a basic obstacle course, They presented stats saying drunk drivers were (iirc) 6x more likely to crash, while cannabis use was associated with a 2x higher likelihood to crash. So, while it is technically safer, it is definitely not safe.

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Haha, you must be so cool. Do you think everything on television is all lies, all the time? Like when a young person tells an old person about a fact they learned online, only to hear the old person gripe: "oh sure, because you read it on the internet it must true". That's one ignorant take.

I'm gonna go back to not knowing you, never talk to you again, and live a productive life. Enjoy your trolling, basement man!

Tell us you don't know what "neoliberal" means without telling us.

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Neoliberal economic policies have nothing to do with liberal social policies. They are as linked as the German Nationalist Socialist Party was to socialist economic policies. Whenever these two words come up, someone invariably links the two as though they are spiritual cousins, and I don't like that. It should be very clearly stated each time these words are conflated, or compared, that neoliberalism liberal, and that people who would describe themselves as liberal are entirely against neoliberal economic policies, which are largely carried out by corrupted politicians on both sides of the political aisle. Lest we mince words; neoliberals are at the opposite end of the political spectrum to liberals.

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No, you're confused, bro. ‘Liberal’ is both a political identifier people use for themselves and others, and a series of policies and political ideals. Neoliberalism is a series of economic policies practiced by conservatives, regardless of the (D) or (R) next to their names. If we were going to describe someone as a neoliberal, which people generally do not, the person being described would be almost the exact opposite of someone who would be described as liberal. The thing you said about being fiscally one way and socially another isn't the definition of neoliberalism, that's just an old line people say when they're ashamed of being conservative and don't want to come off dumb.