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Joined 11 months ago

"No, you don't understand... They're made of meat."

Way too many of these chucklefucks just want to LARP as pure and radical revolutionaries. My wife and I are disabled and live on a fixed income of her disability payments and the SNAP program. If this "revolution" they want so bad does come, then we're among the most likely to just fucking starve in the disruption. I'm also one of the people the GOP declared they want to "Eradicate from Public Life" with Project 2025.

Now, I'm not much of a Genocide Enjoyer. I think it's one of the worst things you can do in fact. But I also don't take too kindly to being effectively told that I specifically should just die because these wannabe revolutionaries refuse to entertain a world where we both vote for Biden to keep Trump from destroying democracy more than the GOP already has (harm reduction), AND engage in direct action to push Biden away from blindly supporting Israel.

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Yes, he stopped the train strike. He then worked with the rail unions for weeks negotiating with the bosses and now the rail workers have the sick days that was one of the big drivers of them going on strike for. Here's the statement straight from the IBEW.

They literally thank Biden's administration directly for applying pressure in the weeks after blocking the strike that eventually led to the union getting what it was asking for. I'm no big fan of Biden's, but trying to paint him as anti labor especially using him blocking the rail strike is just patently untrue. With everything that's been happening around Biden's NLRB under Lina Khan he is easily the most pro worker president we've had in decades.

Yet another example of Joanne specifically, and reactionaries as a whole having only The One Joke™

It would almost be funny if it wasn't so damn frustrating.

It's not a thing in the sense of it being some innate part of the universe. But it's very real in the sense of societal expectations. It's all our natural differences, but Neurotypical is just the acceptable amount of difference that society is built around and caters to. If you fall outside of that you're neurodivergent. Of course people aren't sorted into playing life on easy mode; their level of difference simply naturally falls in that acceptable range. They don't have to think about it like someone else might because it just comes naturally to them. It's considered a disability because everyone is expected to operate inside of that acceptable range and if you can't then you're broken according to society.

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You're correct. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The outrage is entirely manufactured just like with Critical Race Theory. Invented out of whole cloth almost entirely by the likes of Christopher Ruffo. It's straight up just DEI is when minorities... Anything.

My landlord is actually a community nonprofit group that owns several units in our neighborhood. They do rent for the most part based on income. I forget the exact breakdowns but iirc it's capped on the upper end at an actually reasonable percentage of your income so you're not paying most of your paycheck to rent. Then my wife and I are on the low end because we're on a fixed income. Before we got approved for section 8 we paid their lowest flat rate which is basically just enough to cover property taxes and maintenance which iirc percentage wise was a higher percentage of our income than their normal rate is but it still wasn't crazy for us.

Then they use the excess to do things like update the units to make them more energy efficient, community organizing, etc. They've also bought out a couple of abandoned houses in the area and redeveloped them so people can actually live in them.

I personally don't have a problem with landlords per se. Not everybody wants to own a home and deal with all of the maintenance and things that go along with it. I don't even necessarily have a problem with them getting paid to deal those things. What I personally have a problem with is housing being used as passive incomea free money cheat.

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Nothing is ever enough for these types. You could have millions of cases spanning hundreds of years of medical practice and have the instructions for the procedure written in the Bible and it still wouldn't be enough. This one person on Facebook saying their kid did it without their consent and got a tummy ache would still be enough to ban it forever for anyone for them.

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It's too cold in here still. My genderfluid became gendersolid.

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Okay very basically this whole thing started with a hypothetical posed to a bunch of women about which they would rather run into while alone in the woods; A random man, or a bear. A lot of women chose the bear. Reasons varied from "The worst the bear will do is kill me," to "At least I know the bear wants to kill me," with a general theme seeming to be that whatever tangible threat the bear posed was preferable to the uncertainty of wondering whether or not a random man would assault them.

The poster's stated goal with the hypothetical was to get men to think about why the women were choosing the bear. Instead a lot of guys took it as a personal attack, like they were being punished for the actions of other men. Many started attacking the question, insisting that bears are way more dangerous than virtually any man. This led to a lot of dismissive responses of the criticism like "This is why women choose the bear," or talking about women's safety being more important than men's feelings.

I'm simplifying a lot but that's the basic gist of it.

Sorry but I'm not taking any kind of advice from an Orange Boi, financial or otherwise unless I've got some way to know if they were in possession of the braincell when giving the advice.

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Fuck the Big Light™

For real. I get migraines and one or my big triggers is lights being too bright. With good old Sol being the worst offender. Luckily everyone else in my house is some flavor of autistic/ADHD so pretty much everyone agrees.

Fuck the Big Light™

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More like "Chat, is this real?" imo.

Ah yes. Direct action. Famously done by checks notes Not doing something. So brave.

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So what you're saying is that Waffle House needs to be a Super Smash Bros stage?

Technically the US is sending lots of weapons to Russia. Ukraine are even being real Bros about it and trying to deliver the munitions first cuz Russia keeps misplacing their stuff. Not their fault Russia is doing a very poor job of accepting their deliveries.

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Definitely doesn't help that most of the damn US has some form of Anti-BDS laws. Because everybody knows Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism right guys?

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Yeah that seems like a bit of a stretch. That meme read to me like "Oh, you're having problems with the DRM? I don't have that problem," not "Hey guys, here's the GOG installer for X game."

Otherwise, why would the other people in the group chat not like the vibe?

"You should let The People* decide." - Republicans

*Just not those people.

Nah, I'm good. I'll continue to vote for Biden because he's infinitely more likely to be swayed to stop the genocide than Trump who if I'm not mistaken has literally expressed a desire to accelerate the genocide on top of all the other heinous shit in Project 2025.

You can hate me all you want for not lining my family up to starve to death in "muh glorious revolution" or to lose our means of continuing to live when Trump tries to gut the Social Security that my family lives off of, or the SNAP benefits that feed us, or however they decide they want to eradicate my disabled trans ass from public life. Call me selfish for wanting myself and my family to continue living in addition to doing what I can to stop the genocide. I really don't care. LARP away my dude.

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Except neurodivergence is a scientific concept. It's been being studied and discussed in the social sciences for like 20 years now. And unironically implying that someone isn't disabled because you can't see their disability is in fact ableist. My son literally gets services from the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities for his ADHD and Autism. He's legally considered disabled. But you would never know he has a disability looking at him.

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I'm theory I like this idea, make the person that killed the parent and remove that support try to replace it. I just don't know how well it's going to work in practice. Like, I don't know how many drunk drivers have a high enough income that any meaningful amount of child support would be derived from this. Not that a drunk driver being poor or not should get them out of consequences. But like my dad weaseled his child support payments down to $25 a month and it was just ridiculous. It didn't help at all. But some nice karma on him was that all those years of working under the table to lower his child support meant that when the piece of shit got injured and needed to try to get disability he hadn't gotten enough work credits in the previous ten years.

I feel like it would probably be better if the state established a fund that they could use to pay out to those kids that they could fund at least partially with fines brought against drivers convicted of DUI. That way we could guarantee some level of support for the kids that lost parents and still force the drunk drivers to at least partially fund it but a kid won't get screwed just because the drunk driver that killed their parent particularly happened to be poor.

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The ones that get me are the ones that talk about voting 3rd party. A lot of them seem to understand that the 3rd party is not going to win and that their best case scenario is... I guess "Next time they'll listen to us and we'll get a real leftist?" So... Your solution to the genocide is wait 4 years to get someone who will directly end it? Bestie, I don't think Gaza will be around in 4 years. Even if you discount Trump's stated desire to be a dictator and Project 2025.

Or, what happens by the way if Biden wins in spite of them voting 3rd party? Surely it doesn't mean that they've directly proven to the Democrats that they literally don't need that voting bloc?

Those bottles already have that deposit on them in New York State. I regularly see tons of people going around Buffalo picking up bottles and cans to take back to redemption centers for the deposit. All that plastic in the river is happening in spite of that 5 cent redemption.

Now this part is just an anecdote but the people I personally see most often chucking their bottles on the ground are Canadians tossing them out their car windows. Which makes sense since you can't take them back across the border with you and still get the deposit back. They'd have to do it before heading back to Canada.

Wouldn't it be more like a 1.25% increase for most people since that part of the payroll tax is split half and half between employers and employees? I might be reading it wrong but sounds like they're proposing raising the entire 12.8% or whatever it is payroll tax that much. So it'd go from like 6.4% to like 7.7%.

Fun fact: My wife ended up with pretty severe malabsorption after her bariatric surgery. Her vitamin A levels went so low that she had almost entirely lost her night vision. For like 6 years now she's been taking upwards of 125,000IU per day and only just recently her vitamin A levels have gotten just barely into the normal range.

So what I'm saying is my wife could actually eat an appreciable amount of polar bear liver and be fine.

That would be fantastic, I'd love it if the Democrats would stop doing what they've been doing the last 30+ years of punching left and chasing the "Moderates" rightward. But let's think about this logically for a minute. What are the possible outcomes of what you're proposing?

  • Coalition Victory. We install an actual leftist in the White House. Fantastic. No more Genocide. We have a little socialism as a treat maybe? No notes. I love it. But that means we have right now about 7 months to produce or align behind a 3rd party candidate, one who likely won't be allowed on the ballot in several states, Then that candidate has to get enough votes to beat BOTH Biden and Trump meaning they basically have to pull at least like 18% of the vote from both sides in enough states to win the Electoral College.
  • Trump Victory. Considerably less fantastic. Democrats blame the Leftists for Biden's loss as usual. Okay, we threatened their power and now maybe we can convince them that they need us to win in 2028 rather than them moving even further right as they have since Clinton. But meanwhile we still haven't stopped the Genocide, Donnie's probably gonna attempt to speedrun it in fact, we've got Project 2025 to worry about. I don't know about you, but I don't think Gaza's going to last until 2028.
  • Biden Victory. Not as bad as Trump winning. Genocide is still happening in Gaza, unlike Trump he at least might be able to be convinced to end the genocide in a sense other than the Completionist one. Only now we've proven to the Democrats that they don't need the leftists at all actually and they're free to move as far right as they wish. So maybe we even lose that.

Maybe we get incredibly lucky and Trump gets screwed over by these prosecutions and splits the GOP thus lowering the threshold for us to get an actual Leftist in? I'm not sure we can count on it with how the Judiciary is bending over backwards to try to delay these prosecutions until the election where presumably they'd all "have to get put on hold because it's looks bad to be putting a presidential candidate on trial." Y'know, that old chestnut.

Realistically, we have to reckon with the fact that First Past the Post Winner Take All Voting and the Electoral College screws us here. There's a reason these systems mathematically tend towards a 2 party system. It's incredibly frustratingly difficult, nigh on mathematically impossible to break through the tendency for Strategic Voting that this system breeds. It's the Prisoner's Dilemma, but on a massive scale. A scale where we can only afford what, maybe a hundred thousand people getting scared and bailing on the plan at most for us all to get the worst possible outcome?

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"It should be left to OUR people to decide."

That's what they mean. They know the people that vote for them will largely vote for a fucking Ham Sandwich if it has an R next to its name. So they know that they'll almost certainly never face consequences for anything so long as it's up to the people that vote for them. They can purge voter rolls, strategically close polling places, attack mail in voting. There tons of things they can do which will impact potential Democratic voters more than Republican voters.

The implication is that the kid was a femboy before this text coming out as trans and is presumably coming out as a trans girl in this text. So Mom is essentially jokingly saying that by going from Femboy to Girl that's Femboy Erasure.

At least the money from the main party coffers I think. There will still be wealthy donors and dark money PACs spending money likely still it sounds like. But it is definitely a plus that he's funneling so much campaign money to his legal troubles.

He did shut down the strike yes, but was recently credited by the unions for helping them in the months since to apply pressure to finally get them the sick days they were after.

Quote from the article:

"We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.

That's not even mentioning all the good things happening at his NLRB under Lina Khan. My favorite of which being the new rule that straight up just orders companies found to have engaged in union busting tactics in response to workers trying to get a union election to immediately recognize and begin bargaining with said union.

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  • Teleport in with person.
  • Teleport out without person in original location.
  • Move to new location.
  • ???
  • Profit

I guess it's a special kind of character called a ligature. They apparently are characters for combined operators. So in this case it seems to just be >>= all as one character?

Okay cool. You show the Democrats they will lose unless they put up better more Leftist candidates by handing Trump the victory. What now? At the pace we're going, Gaza won't be around in 2028. All of the Palestinians will be dead.

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Just remember not to let on that you know about the concept. In a lot of places indicating that you would not indict or convict on a law you believe to be unjust is a very fast way to get dismissed from jury duty.


int main() {

Long long x = 0x7165498511230;

while (x) putchar(32 + ((0xC894A7875116601 >> ((x >>= 4) & 15) * 7) & 0x7F));

return 0;

Might be wrong on a few things here as I haven't done C++ in a while, but my understanding is this. I'm sure you can guess that this is just a very cheekily written while loop to print the characters of "Hello, World!" but how does it work? So first off, all ASCII characters have an integer value. That 32 there is the value for the space character. So depending on what ((0xC894A7875116601 >> ((x >>= 4) & 15) * 7) & 0x7F)) evaluates down into you'll get different characters. The value for "H" for example is 72 so that first iteration we know that term somehow evaluated to the number 40 as 72 - 32 = 40.

So how do we get there? That big number, 0xC894A7875116601 is getting shifted right some number of bits. Let's start evaluating the parenthesis. (X >>= 4) means set x to be itself after bit shifting it right by 4 bits then whatever that number is we bitwise AND it with 15 or 1111 in binary. This essentially just means each iteration we discard the rightmost digit of 0x7165498511230, then pull out the new right most digit. So the first iteration the ((x >>= 4) & 15) term will evaluate to 3, then 2, then 1, then 1, etc until we run out of digits and the loop ends since effectively we're just looking for x to be 0.

Next we take that number and multiply it by 7. Simple enough, now for that first iteration we have 21. So we shift that 0xC894A7875116601 right 21 bits, then bitwise AND that against 0x7F or 0111 1111 in binary. Just like the last time this means we're just pulling out the last 7 bits of whatever that ends up being. Meaning our final value for that expression is gonna be some number between 0 and 127 that is finally added to 32 to tell us our character to print.

There are only 10 unique characters in "Hello, World!" So they just assigned each one a digit 0-9, making 0x7165498511230 essentially "0xdlroW ,olleH!" The first assignment happens before the first read, and the loop has a final iteration with x = 0 before it terminates. Which is how the "!" gets from one end to the other. So they took the decimal values for all those ASCII characters, subtracted 32 then smushed them all together in 7 bit chunks to make 0xC894A7875116601 the space is kinda hidden in the encoding since it was assigned 9 putting it right at the end which with the expression being 32 + stuff makes it 0 and there's an infinitely assumed parade of 0s to the left of the C.

No like, the IBEW workers actually have the sick days now. It's like the first thing they say in the article I linked.

Quote again:

After months of negotiations, the IBEW’s Railroad members at four of the largest U.S. freight carriers finally have what they’ve long sought but that many working people take for granted: paid sick days.

Then they thank the Biden administration specifically for helping them provide the pressure on the rail companies that helped them get the sick days. So yeah, breaking the strike was shitty but he at least didn't leave them out to dry and helped them get what they wanted.

The point about the NLRB changes being administration dependent is true. Which is a big part of what moved myself specifically from "Ugh... I guess I'll hold my nose and vote for Biden because I don't want the fascists to win," to actually feeling like I had a reason to vote for him.

Don't get me wrong, fuck the DNC for deciding that there's essentially not going to be a primary. We deserve the chance to pick someone better than Biden if we can find them. But if we can get 4 more years of the kinds of labor and union gains we've been seeing I think that's worth voting for.

It appears to be from a personality type thing called Enneagram? It seems to be written in the standard XwY where X is the main type and Y is something called a wing which appears to be a subtype? Not totally sure since I've never heard of it before and this is just me attempting to research it.

It's toxic AF. Years ago when I was finally first starting to figure out that I was non-binary I tried to join a few online spaces to talk to people. The amount of places I was outright banned from or just made to feel I was clearly not welcome because I'm AMAB and was not on or planning to start HRT and my very existence was "triggering" to people there already was insane. And then there was the seemingly neverending parade of trans women who saw me as just an egg in need of cracking because of course they knew my gender better that I could possibly have and I'd be so much happier once I let go of all that internalized misogyny that was obviously the only thing keeping me from being an out and proud trans woman.

Never had anyone do that to me IRL. Even looking like the dudeliest Dad this side of a barbecue and the literal textbook definition of a Bear.

Not even detonated. They just get strapped to a table and their skull slowly crushed by the body of the nuke.