
6 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wait, the last one was 1 star?

That’s the one that sold me on it.

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Never forget he accused the Apollo dev of blackmail and doubled-down on the claim even after evidence disproved it.

Pretty sure that’s a crime in most places.

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Worth noting that if you use Reddit exclusively via wayback and go back like a decade you’ll probably have a more enjoyable experience.

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I’m so tired of the Apple vs Android debate.

Never amounts to anything more than a glorified dick measuring contest except somehow worse because all dicks are objectively better than greedy mega corporations.

Just pick one and let other people enjoy what they want. Most people don’t care.

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I can understand why a lot of people would want to just move on but Reddit lost me entirely when spez accused the creator of Apollo of trying to blackmail him.

It was proven false then spez doubled-down on the lie. That, in my opinion, is much worse than the API changes because 1 is a company’s choice, no matter how bad, and the other may as well be a crime.

That massive red flag should be impossible to ignore.

iPhone user here, no. I don’t care what other people use and I really find the Android vs iPhone debate both done-to-death and incredibly boring. Most often, from both sides, it’s just people (kids most likely) stroking their own egos in an attempt to argue with someone and feel superior.

I use an android tablet currently for art. I’m very familiar with android and even some degree of programming knowledge. It’s great. My iPhone is just as good in that it does what I need it to do and I understand other people don’t feel the same, which is absolutely fine.

Fuck blue bubbles lmao that’s some cult shit tbh.

Oh also, Memmy is amazing.

I’m looking forward to more beans.

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I got temp banned for “report abuse” when I’ve only ever reported anything that clearly broke the sitewide rules. Just assumed it was some kinda mistake. When it happened a 2nd time I decided not to bother anymore. Now I consider my account read-only and if I want to post content I use Lemmy.

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I once shared a screenshot from Good Mythical Morning on r/shittyramen and the post got removed. The moderator accused me of being a bot lmao. The reason? Advertising.

They were using GMM labels to explicitly hide brand names. If I recall correctly it was a bottle of generic, vinegar based hot sauce that triggered this person.

I forget which video it was from but it definitely qualified and I thought it was hilarious. That mod really bummed me out.

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I like to creep around my home and act like a goblin.

I don’t know why but I just enjoy doing this. Maybe it’s my way of dealing with stress or something but I just do it about once every week. Generally I’ll carry around a sack and creep around in a sort of crouch-walking position making goblin noises, then I’ll walk around my house and pick up various different “trinkets” and put them in my bag while saying stuff like “I’ll be having that” and laughing maniacally in my goblin voice (“trinkets” can include anything from shit I find on the ground to cutlery or other utensils). The other day I was talking with my neighbours and they mentioned hearing weird noises like what I wrote about and I was just internally screaming the entire conversation. I’m 99% sure they don’t know it’s me but god that 1% chance is seriously weighing on my mind.

I remember seeing this and thinking that’s the face of a man who wishes he wasn’t famous, if only briefly.

I was thinking that but then I realized younger me would probably just think they looked old and that maybe I’m the one that’s old.

Probably listening to Elliot Smith thinking it makes him unique somehow for having emotions.

Jokes on them I’m into that shit

I thought it was a knee at first glance.

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I’ve been using it since it was in Test Flight. It’s really good. I actually didn’t use Apollo so if Memmy is anything like it then I was missing out for sure.

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Mind if I ask a stupid question? I’m seeing lemm.ee more and more thanks to Memmy displaying it under usernames. How is it different from lemmy.world? Sorry if this should be obvious, still getting used to the fediverse.

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I’m enjoying the beans.

To further encourage engagement I am replying to this comment by saying: beans

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I feel this. I loved 1 and 2 growing up. Easily the most nostalgic games for me. 3 was pretty good but I didn’t get too far into it tbh. Spent a lot of time with 4 (pirated) and enjoyed it.

Fast-forward to a time where I no longer pirate games so I decided to play it through Xbox Game Pass with limited DLC and it was just bland. Felt like I was missing the “full game” and the price tag to own such a thing is out of this world. Last I checked if you want “everything” you’d be spending around $1k USD.

EA is disgusting.

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where beans

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Might be worth noting my temp bans were recent too. Also, both times the comments I reported were removed lol. Task failed successfully.

I’m in no way capable of giving you advice as I’m very new to Lemmy but aren’t domain names kinda related to the goal of their “content”?

If your goal is to create a “kitchen sink” sorta thing aimed more toward your own interests then why not use your username? As in: trinity.tek

I think it kinda works honestly but again, I have no skin in this game.

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Don’t be sorry, your replies were helpful and informative. I didn’t even consider server performance.

Gotcha, I think more or less I already understood that much. I meant more so how do they (lemmy.world vs lemm.ee specifically) differentiate from one another?

Is it simply the instances they federate with or is it the ones they block? Is there a “goal” for them worth considering when picking one? I only picked lemmy.world because it was the most popular. Saw that OP is from lemm.ee so thought I’d ask this here.

So for example: I’m somewhat interested in seeing how things go when threads users get included in the fediverse. I saw a post from lemm.ee basically saying they were considering it while another preemptively blocked them.

Sorry if this is too specific lol.

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Is this a warning for mountain goats falling from cliffsides? Imagine driving along and suddenly bam, goat through the windshield.

Got it. So why did you pick thelemmy.club?

Dang, that’s too bad. Good luck to you!

The Apple vs Android feuding has been done to death but man did Redditors love it and having used both extensively, I can say most of them are arguing over absolutely nothing.

They’re a different means to the same end result. No, dog piling on someone with a personal preference doesn’t make you “correct” just because the hive-mind resonates with your insults and rage.

Now I’m seeing the same shit with new Linux users buying Steam Decks. On the subreddit it’s basically asking for mass downvotes to say anything positive about Windows.

Just let people enjoy things however they want to, damn.

I came from the official Reddit app and started with Mlem, then Memmy shortly after.

Kinda accidentally stuck with Memmy and haven’t touched Mlem for a few days. Makes me wish I’d tried Apollo when I actually used Reddit but it doesn’t matter cuz I’m not going back anyway.

I did sign up for Sync though so I’ll probably give that a chance when it becomes available.

Wow, didn’t know that. Simply egregious.

I've wined and dined with kings and queens, and I've slept in the alley eating pork and beans.