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Joined 12 months ago

Somebody please correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the United States invade Iraq despite the objections of the UN Security Council? That happened, right? Without reprocutions?

If that's the case, I'm wondering who cares about the UN objecting to laws a country passes, within their own borders, that are not human rights violations. What are they going to do? Write a stern letter?

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  • Not saying "please" or "thank you" to people in the service industry
  • Not able to accept when they are wrong
  • Any type of "I know enough and don't need to learn more" type of behavior
  • Prioritizing an organization (political party, church, sports team, etc) over actual people
  • Littering
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Not really sure what Gizmodo thinks that Reddit "won". They damaged their reputation, degraded the quality of their site, popularized competition, and embittered a significant portion of their volunteer labor force.

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It then ruled that the First Amendment does not apply “where a defendant creates unreasonably dangerous conditions, and where his creation of those conditions causes a plaintiff to sustain injuries.”

Did they just make it easier for Trump to be held accountable for Jan 6?

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Is each instance like another person with a server?

Yeah. I would assume that most, if not all, open instances are going through a 3rd party hosting service, but nothing stopping them from being hosted on hardware in somebodies home.

Could that person just shut it down whenever they wanted to?

Yup. Anytime and for any reason. It might cause a moment of disruption, but the beauty of federation is that you can always setup an account on a new instance or create your own.

Are there any companies that have invested in hosting Lemmy/ other fediverse servers?

Yes. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Facebook federating their Threads services. I'm sure that there are others.

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The young man sporting the white mask and a white hoodie in widely shared video clips is Edan On, a local 18-year-old high school senior, his mother confirmed to CNN, though she later said he denies being at UCLA.

His mother must be so proud 🙄

“Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” his mother boasted in Hebrew on Facebook, referencing Hamas. She circled an image of him that had been broadcast on the local news.

Oh, I guess that she is.

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Whaaaaaat? Years of saying he was right about everything, acting like he could do no wrong, protecting him from the consequences of his words and actions, and encouraging his narcissism has lasting consequences?

If only they had one or two opportunities to stop him from running for president a second time.

It's not clear why the man wanted so many vaccinations or how he obtained them.

Schober and the team compared the man’s immune responses—measured by his blood antibody levels, the first line of defense against a virus, and T cell levels, which are responsible for the body's longer-term response—to those of a control group of 29 people who had received three COVID-19 shots.

“His immune system was neither positively nor negatively affected," says Schober.

I fixed the article. Somebody accidentally added a bunch of crap that provided no meaningful information.

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The most amazing part is that they've resolved all of the more important issues and have the time to consider what flags should be allowed to fly at government buildings.

Right? I mean how negligent would it be to prioritize passing an approved flags list while issues that affect their constituents still need attention.

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I'm just guessing here but I would think that cooking would kill off anything picked up from the thawing process.

It's nasty, but not necessarily unsafe.

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That's the most beta thing you can do.

I've never heard anybody I would consider "manly" identify behaviors as "beta" or "alpha". Only a bunch of scared little boys who are still overly obsessed with their penises.

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For others with so many questions about the why of this case...

This ruling allows the independent contractors that deliver goods for a large bakery (Flowers Foods) to be exempt from arbitration requirements under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), and instead take their pay dispute to court.

To be fair, both of his daughters are adults, and more than capable of speaking out against their father's abhorrent behavior. Additionally, they stand to benefit, directly or indirectly from their father's actions. They are also likely to be among the very small group of people that Brett Farve would listen to and could be shamed by. I would not consider them innocent bystandards.

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Roughly 3 months to go in this game of hot potato before Trump can sell his shares without special permission from the board.

Supporters say it ensures every driver pays their fair share. But the fee is nearly double what an average driver would pay in taxes at the pump, according to consumer advocates.

Sounds like the foundation for legal challenges from EV manufacturers.

I don't think that sex can be determined until after the 7th week. Did Alabama just embrace non-binary identifications for children?

"Am I going to fight this case until I die? Yeah,” Giuliani said. “I’d rather die poor with my principles than cave in to a destruction of my country that I love so much.”

Da fuq is he talking about?

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The first two sentences of the article literally answer your question.

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Can somebody help me out? The title of the article suggests it will provide insight into the cause of large grocery retailers avoiding certain communities but all I am seeing is talk about the what and nothing about the why. Did I miss it or did I just fall for clickbait?

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My favorite thing about the internet is hearing questions that I would never think to ask and seeing answers like this.

Thank you for helping to make the internet a bit more interesting.

I think this line hints at it the underlying motivation.

A national poll conducted in late 2022 found that 4 out of 10 Americans believe society has become too "soft and feminine."

Basic mysogyny to have a negative and / or "less than" mentality around women. I think a lot of males don't consciously realize how much they marginalize and dehumanize women but are desperate to avoid being treated or thought of in the same manner. But that's just an opinion based on zero research on the topic.

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Darn it. That is disappointing.

Folk is pretentious? It literally means common people, the opposite of pretentiousness. I am thinking that you don't have much familiarity with the word nor the people that use it. It does not carry the meaning that you seem to think it does.

You are likely hearing /seeing it being used by people raised in an area where that is common vernacular to casually identify a group of people that share a culture.

“MAGA is now in control of the Republican Party!!” Greene wrote on X

Missed opportunity if the Dems don't share this to energize their base.

universal mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the city

So municipal mask and super flu vaccines are still okay?

The link to the cartoon is in the last paragraph.

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Not lost, but inactive / isolated. As I understand it, when a user on insurance A subscribes to a community, votes, or comments on a community on instance B, that content is copied to insurance A and the two instances will sync their changes together. If instance B shuts down or the two instances defederate, then the content on instance A stays intact, but it no longer syncs with the source of truth.

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... the justices said the court’s rules and principles are, for the most part, “not new.” However, “codification” of existing principles is meant to clear up concerns about the justices operating without oversight.

Sooooo the same failed guidelines that are not enforced and carry zero consequences for selling their judgements? That's what they think will restore trust in their court instead of deepening the image of rampant corruption and politicking?

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Yes, but they would be separate accounts (comments, subscribed y communities, messages, etc). I have an account on lemm.ee and lemmy.world which I actively use. It can get a bit annoying making sure that I stay subscribed to the same communities on both, but it's also nice to get different feeds.

Another option would be to stand up your own closed instance, so your account is the only one. That way storage and bandwidth should be minimal enough that you can host at home and also have full control over settings on your instance.

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The constitution lists the following 3 criteria for running for president.

  • Be a natural-born citizen of the United States
  • Be at least 35 years old
  • Have been a resident of the United States for 14 years

Your kid could run if / when they meet these criteria, but not your dog.

The constitution also defines citizen as "persons", which would further disqualify your dog.

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I think you meant revenue and not profit. I believe that they are still operating at a loss of several hundred million dollars with a shrinking user base.

"The Why Files" and "Kutzergart".

If I'm really not ready to sleepy, I find the content interesting. If I am ready to sleep but my brain won't shut down then I ignore the words and I find the voices very soothing and relaxing.

I just don't get it. That money has already been spent or guaranteed for the current leases. It's a sunk cost either way. If they end up not needing it that office space then, once those leases are up, that become a cost saving and improve the bottom line of corporate profits right?

Only thing I can think of is that a a considerable percentage of upper management are getting kick backs by property owners who can see what WFH policies mean to their business model, or there are a lot of managers that don't know how to evaluate employee performance based on their deliverables.

Several hours? Those people are parked and charging their car while they are doing something else. It takes about 15 minutes to get 200 miles of range at a Tesla charging station. People sitting in their cars, waiting will be there for far shorter periods of time.

A vast majority of charging also takes place at the drivers destination (such as the drivers home), saving on the time it takes to go to a gas station to refuel (not to mention the time saved from not needing oil changes, smog checks, etc).

As for what to do while waiting, I'll either use the time to grab snack, go to the bathroom, or watch something on on of the streaming services available from the console.

What you described is being antisocial asocial, not introverted.

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Their representatives do.

Electors, not representatives.

And guess what, their representatives don’t have to represent them. They can vote however they want.

That depends on the state. While there are no federal provisions on how an elector should vote, several states do have rules requiring them to follow the popular vote. Additionally, the popular vote is used to select which electors (a.k.a. which parties electors) are sent.

Thanks. Fixed my comment.

Yeah, kinda. Except that the laws already exist. So somebody ineligible could fight to be on the ballot (or somebody else could fight to have them removed), which would result in a court case. Which is what just happened.

If SCOTUS had decided to hear Trumps immunity arguments sooner rather than later than there would be a chance of him being ejudicated of insurrection before the election. Until that verdict, he remains eligible since Congress failed to impeach him when they had the chance.