
3 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fuck Mozilla!

Pdfsam for merging/splitting/etc. For creating PDF from bunch of images you may try Libreoffice Draw, for instance.

  • Linux (generally speaking)
  • KDE as a whole
  • Tusky
  • Brave as a browser
  • Bitwarden/vaultwarden

I may agree with him/her, I may not. But that's unreadable.

Just disable score in your profile settings, man. That's what I did. Score has no point, really. If someone disagrees with you, they can either ignore you or expose their reasoning. Votes are useless.

That's likely a mistake that will be corrected before the stable release. /s

Thanks, I already knew about the "unfuck" fix made by Black. Too late for me, anyway. I have realized that Mozilla doesn't care about feedbak or users' opinion (or the users at all...), so I don't feel like supporting them anymore.

By the way, the fix is fine. But it is a matter of principle: people shouldn't have to waste their time unfucking Mozilla's fuckups and users shouldn't have to waste their time trying to make a browser usable. So, congrats, Moz Corp, you've managed to lose an hardcore user.

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Because it works through Blutooth.

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Ah, ok. I had misunderstood you at first. Now I get what you meant.

Faster, better UI, not managed by Mozilla (which I have come to dislike a lot), with a decent mobile client (unlike FF) and so son... By the way, I don't have to explain why I prefer a browser which is not FF (anymore... I've been on FF for about 20 years before leaving it around 2021, fed up with Mozilla and their nonsense development model). Mozillians should realize that people have different preference and make different choices. Tell Mozilla to improve their browser, instead of crying "chromium domination!" all the time. Exclusively Mozilla is to blame for each and every lost FF user.

I'm curious to know where "Chrome" was mentioned in my comment, instead.

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Cool ;-)

Brave. I was between it and Vivaldi. Finally settled on Brave.

I have tried to install it on my pi4 as well but it craps out when doing simple stuff... Maybe it's because I have out it behind nginx as a reverse proxy... I'll try again when I have time, because it works very well (when it works).

Also beehaw

Firefox does exactly the same: they have a lot of telemetry, they push their own services (pocket/vpn), they are in bed with Google and evil companies such as Amazon... What's the difference?

The article you mention is about the search engine, not the browser.


Just engage, if you disagree with people. Engagement is much more useful than just donwoting and exposes different point of views.

Yup, the new FF UI is unbearable. And it was the last straw (among other things) that convinced me that it was time to switch to something else (after 20 years).

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I'll keep using the browsers that serves me the best, and it's not FF. Thank you for your concern.

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Bastards. At this point, Android is slowly loosing its appeal over iOS. Thanks, Google and fuck you.

+1 for Arch

But why? Why can't I use a browser that work better for me and that I find more visually pleasant? It is this sort of hivemind thatg ruins communities. Also, for me heresy is not a negative word.

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Well, in my personal experience people become emotional and downvote you about trivial comment that don't break any rule. For instance, I was recently donwoted to hell for saying that I despise Mozilla and prefer to use Brave instead of Firefox. 🤷‍♂️

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With FF being one of the last bastions of actual web-freedom on the internet

How cute people who sincerely believe the fairy tales Mozilla tells...

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