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Joined 1 years ago

The whole saying is actually “The customer is always right, in matters of taste.”

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Also, firing spez does nothing because this wasn’t spez’s decision.

If you look at the history of Reddit’s API, it had a fee until spez became CEO again and made it free. This was when the 3PA took off.

Being the CEO does not mean that you get to actually make major decisions for the company. Think of the CEO as the face of the board of directors. They are the ones that approve/deny major changes.

You want the board changed, not spez.

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That’s not his job, that’s congress’s job. He can propose a bill, but wtf is the point when the house doesn’t even have a speaker and the current majority hasn’t brought a single bill to the floor for a vote.

My mom was one. Didn’t realize until I was older, and long after she died. But yeah, she only voted Republican because she was anti abortion. She had an abortion and suffered from unintended side effects and didn’t want other women to experience the same. I get where she was coming from, but she definitely had the wrong idea with banning abortion.

Oddly enough, it was a comment on Reddit that opened my eyes to everything. Something along the lines of “Dems don’t want women to have abortions. But we’d like the choice if need be.”

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So it’s okay to fuck prostitutes as long as you wear a condom?

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When it comes to food: Try everything once. You never know if you like it if you never try it.

I’m not talking get a whole plate of the food, but just try a small bite.

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Freedom of speech is strictly to prevent the government from harassing you. It has nothing to do with private entities. This is why you can lose your job for saying racist shit, or be persecuted if you say something your college doesn’t like.

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Hahahaha my parents “watched my clothing” so I either had extra clothes in my bag that I’d change into, or I’d wear them under a top layer of “approved” clothing and take it off later.

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Uh so just an fyi, stretch marks alone aren’t an indicator of pregnancy. There are plenty of women out there that either don’t have stretch marks and have been pregnant, or do have stretch marks and have never been pregnant. I say this as someone who is pregnant with their 3rd child and doesn’t have stretch marks.

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The irony that they were trying to keep it under wraps and now it’s a national story.

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Theoretically, you could also tack it on at the beginning.

Or you could also, theoretically, tack it on in the middle of a sentence.

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These numbers have been thrown around since the beginning of the protest. I don’t believe Reddit actually publishes that data (someone can come and correct me if wrong).

I think what happened is someone did the math on downloads for all the 3PA (or maybe just just major ones) and compared it to active users.

Fact is, no one knows just how many users used 3PA vs the official app except for reddit. Me thinks because the data doesn’t look good for them, otherwise why not back up all that boasting with numbers.

It will. I’ve asked stupid questions on here, that I could have gone to Reddit to find the answers for, just to help out with content.

I still use Reddit for movie megathreads. There’s nowhere else on the internet that I’m able to do that yet. And I’d love to start megathreads here, but I’m not capable of handling such responsibility.

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People are going to have to start getting over themselves. As time goes on, there are going to be more and more candidates with similar shit. Younger Millennials/older gen z are going to have a lot who were on Onlyfans. Eventually someone is going to add it to their donate links. As long as it’s consensual, who gives a fuck.

Yes, please fire all 18,000 teachers for striking. I’m sure you’ll be able to find another 18,000 to replace them by the end of the school day. /s

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  1. Holy shit, it’s been 12 years already? 2010-2020 was like a fever dream.

  2. What are the alternatives?

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Yeah, she was unable to have kids going forward and ended up needing a complete hysterectomy at 40. This was also the 90s and I’m positive the procedures are more advanced now. But there can be side effects that are often not talked about among pro choice people. I mean they are rare, but it can happen. I know a lot of women who ended up severely depressed after (my mom ran a support group). But that doesn’t mean abortion should be banned, but that mental health support for women who have had abortions is desperately needed and necessary, especially if the baby is wanted.

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This reminds me of r/restofthefuckingowl or whatever that sub was called.

It happened during the 08 writers strike. Reality Tv is cheap to produce and requires minimal writing.

I came into this world from a broken rubber, I certainly ain’t leaving it because of one! /boomerhumor

What does fining corpos have to do with cops? These are 2 separate discussions.

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Wtf, do you have a source for this? Cause like I’m seeing all kinds of claims being thrown around on threads with no one providing sources.

ETA: Nonbiased sources. Not just the first article you find. If you don’t know if your source is nonbiased or not, you can always double check on mediabiasfactcheck.

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I go in 2 months and cannot wait. I feel like my mind is in a fog and it’s only getting worse as I get older.

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What? Just because a house is old, doesn’t mean it isn’t still habitable. If a house that old is still standing and in good condition chances are it’s built better than new builds. And by the pictures, previous owners have taken a lot of care in it and upgraded it. Sure, the cosmetics may need to change depending on your preferences, but there is nothing wrong with that house structurally.

No, they didn’t because I’ve literally never heard of it until your comment. And I understand that my experience is anecdotal, but I guarantee I’m not the only one, or even one of only a couple thousand. You severely overestimate how knowledgeable the general public is on AI. Most haven’t even heard of Chat GPT, and that’s in the news, let alone expecting everyone to be interested in it enough to actually educate themselves on it.

Like you’re the only person in this thread that’s even mentioned Microsoft’s version, yet you think “the public” knows about it?

Why do you have to party to have friendships?

Their point is that not everyone is into partying. Some of us would rather kick back at a friends/our house and chill. I don’t need to drink to have fun.

Like no one uses their blinker anymore! It’s such a habit for me, I’ll turn it on when exiting out the driveway and we are the last house on the block! My husband makes fun of me when I do it, but it’s just such an automatic thing for me. Like seriously, I’d rather drive surrounded by semis because at least they are courteous and signal lane changes.

ETA: It’s like everyone said fuck it and forgot the rules of the road. They’re so fucking simple too.

Yes. Do what r/afip is doing and coordinate pixel pushes. Every 5 minutes the whole server works together and places their pixels at the same time. They also coordinate by months: Jan-June and July-Dec. Check out their server if you want better coordination.

Source: I do the countdowns.

I’m currently pregnant and basically bedridden because I’m so sick and severely hurt my back sneezing a couple weeks ago. My 4yo comes up to me and says “Mommy, I just want to cut that baby out so you can feel better! Baby! Stop making my mommy sick!” Super cute, but also kinda wtf lmao.

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Some tips from someone who is used to daily 40C+ temps.

-There is a drink called Pedialite, usually found in the baby foods section (in America). See if there’s something similar, it’s like sports drinks but better. Keep yourself hydrated. In heat like that, you won’t realize how bad it is until you’re already dead. They also have popsicles, which is honestly so refreshing if you’re going to be in the heat.

  • Do your best to keep your skin covered. Swamp ass, egh I get it. But skin cancer and 3rd degree burns are worse.

-Wear gloves if your car sits out in the sun all day. You *will * get 3rd degree burns trying to get into your car and/or trying to put your seatbelt on.

  • Drink abnormal amounts of water.

-Learn the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Teach your friends, family, coworkers.

  • And again, stay hydrated. The majority of heat related deaths occur because they didn’t drink enough water.

Good luck!

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When I woke up I was like “oh I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep.” The nurse just laughed then it hit me, I was supposed to fall asleep. Lol

I agree. Like I said, I understand where she was coming from, wanting to prevent other women from suffering the same way she did. But there are other ways to go about that and I don’t think she understood that. She’s also black and let’s face it, there is negative history regarding abortions and black women. I mean to this day, you have doctors who believe in old racist bullshit like black people have a higher pain tolerance; medical treatment is often different if you’re white vs black as well.

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You made the claim, you provide the evidence to back that claim.

You can always check out mediabiasfactcheck if you’re worried an article is too biased. It’ll tell you how biased and if it’s a left or right wing bias. Bias now looks and sounds wrong.

Wait so people are vegan because they “understand slavery”? What does slavery have to do with veganism?

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God I hate these dumb fucks and idiots that can’t think with more than 2 brain cells. No long term planning or thinking. Just “oh my semi-ideological opponent wants it? Nah” Half of the US really went crazy because a black man was elected president. And they still haven’t gotten over it almost a decade later.

As a former sex worker, I agree. But what does that have to do with my comment?

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I disagree that the American slave trade somehow prevented Africans from “running from lions”. Since colonialism and the world slave trade happened long before America was a thing. Despite what you may believe, Africa has had cities and kingdoms and crazy amounts of wealth millennia ago. They also invented some medical procedures like the c-section. Colonialism and the slave trade has harmed Africa.

Also, most of Africa don’t have lions lmao.

I suggest you read up on African history.

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Pedialite. I know some prefer Liquid IV, but I like that I can get Pedialite anywhere and it’s relatively cheap. I give it to my kids instead of juice. They also have popsicles which is great on those super hot days.

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Side note: Greenwood was planned by Booker T Washington. There are actually several Greenwood districts throughout the south.