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Joined 1 years ago

I didn't even realize where we were until I read your comment.

What's truly fucked is they got caught doing it, then got released on bail and it went on for another year before they got caught again. I hope these sick fucks go away for a long, long time.

I cast counterspell. I'm now thinking of puppies.

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Being cringe A.F., as the kids say, is a power that grows with age. (:

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you're not going to address your labour shortage by making things worse for labourers.

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That shit works IRL too. Why do you think therapy practices often have themselves positioned in front of a wall of books? Not that it's a bad thing; it's good for outcomes to believe your therapist is competent and well educated.

Honestly, a part of me was a bit disappointed that's not what it was. I was so invested and curious to learn why that could even happen, only to find it didn't.

Glad he's ok-ish, though.

Firefox users who never left: feeling of smugness intensifies

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He continued on to say he will only be found on Threads, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram

Mastodon: “Am I a joke to you?“ >:(

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Thank god, I thought this was about the herb.

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Riccitiello also came under fire in 2022 for referring to developers who don't focus on microtransactions as the "biggest f*cking idiots" before apologizing.

Classic CEO brainrot. There's more to life than just maximizing profit.

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You should generally think similarly about anything you post anywhere on the internet that has open access. If it's viewable anonymously, anyone could save and mirror it.

The only difference is it's almost guaranteed on a federated platform.

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Surprise, surprise. Yet another accusation turns out to be an admission. Colour me shocked.

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Yup, and Trump doesn't have a choice. It's looking more and more likely that he's going to lose a lot of money and potentially face jail time. His only way out is to seize power. Since he's backed himself into a corner, he'll try everything to steal the next election, including another coup attempt.

I don't personally think it'll work, but on the slim chance it does many of us will be facing an existential threat which will require swift action. He's already publicly stated that he sees leftists as vermin which need to be eradicated, and I, for one, don't want to give him the chance to act on that threat.

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What a strange mentality. When I pay for things I want, I'm generally happy to support the creator. If others can't, why would I be upset if they get the product for free? It means more people can also enjoy the thing I like.

It's such a crab bucket mentality, I couldn't imagine living life being constantly bitter.

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No game is worth installing a root-kit for. Shame.

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AI systems such as ChatGPT are notoriously costly for the companies that run them, and so giving detailed answers to questions can require considerable processing power and computing time.

This is the crux of the problem. Here's my speculation on OpenAI's business model:

  1. Build good service to attract users, operate at a loss.
  2. Slowly degrade service to stem the bleeding.
  3. Begin introducing advertised content.
  4. Further enshitify.

It's basically the Google playbook. Pretend to be good until people realize you're just trying to stuff ads down their throats for the sweet advertising revenue.

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I'd say they at least give more immediately useful info. I've got to scroll past 5-8 sponsored results and then the next top results are AI generated garbage anyways.

Even though I think he's mostly right, the AI techbro gameplan is obvious. Position yourself as a better alternative to Google search, burn money by the barrelful to capture the market, then begin enshitification.

In fact, enshitification has already begun; responses are comparatively expensive to generate. The more users they onboard, the more they have to scale back the quality of those responses.

Gotta love the commodification of literally everything. Thanks, capitalism.

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Don't say Vaporeon. Don't say Vaporeon!



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Here's my mildly diplomatic answer that'd probably get tossed:

Piracy has become a plague on our society, but there's a more sinister cause to it. The average labourer can hardly afford to pay the same fee to access culture that the wealthy person can, and this has caused a significant and justified uptick in piracy.

This situation can be averted by increasing minimum wages and supporting universal basic income. If everyone knew they could at least make ends meet, they'd have some left over to pay for the culture that mattered to them.

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What a lukewarm take. A quick glance to the subscription video-on-demand market should be fairly informative to the future of video game subscription services.

Right now they're still in the honeymoon phase, that is to say the "offer better value to capture a market" phase, of enshitification.

Not at all surprising he's getting pushback.

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Ya know what other game is basically the same game 8 years later? Pretty much all of them. Games almost never just up and fundamentally change their core design after release. Why would a dev do that, when they can just make a new game?

What a weird article title.

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No, really, REALLY, don't go into Rafah. btw, here's $1b in arms, but seriously don't do that.

Where were these caring young people when Hamas took over Gaza and slaughtered hundreds of Gazans, or when Hamas held 2 million Gazans captive for more than 17 years?

You can answer your own question with the tiniest bit of thought. They were like 4 years old then. The kids are alright.

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The crazy part is the implication that the evidence destroyed was probably more damning than having a judge and jury assume anything reasonably suggested to have been implicated by those chats as true.

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I'm a (kinda) old cis white male, and I know that they're not talking about me, because I'm not a bigot or racist.

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I see the dismissiveness as a reaction to the title clickbait/burying the lede. I get that this is how you have to do video titles on YouTube to get views, but a sentence or two about what the video's actual premise is in the post body would have gone a long way to interest people who are, understandably IMO, a bit apathetic towards headlines like this.

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Here, here. Won't somebody think of the moderates, and their refined sensibilities? After all, they certainly didn't personally blow up aid trucks and hospitals in Gaza.

with the concerted aim of creating communities independent of the state

*grabs popcorn*

If these guys are anything like their US libertarian counterparts, they're in for a beary good time.

Project "reinvent taxes" is always a hoot.

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Twice. Definitely twice.

I would expect nothing less from Google, TBH. I already use like 3 plugins to fix their shitty design decisions.

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You've got to make sure to remove the root of the French language with --no-preserve-root

(Je t'aime mes amis français!)

You can't fking stop me!


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Crazy idea, but what about fishing-driven evolutionary pressure. If all the biggest fish are getting caught and killed, won't that give smaller fish an evolutionary advantage?

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This is your brain on python:

def is_even (num):
     return num in [x*2 for x in range(sys.maxsize / 2)]
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I certainly gave him credit for longer than I should have. I'd say it stemmed mostly from a belief that scientific and technological progress will help solve a lot of large scale problems, and he seemed to be aligned with and guiding some of that progress.

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