
2 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable."

Gabe Newell

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The subs that closed in protest should stay closed until reddit reverses their decisions. If that's never, then so be it. When workers go on strike, they don't stop until a deal has been made, why should this be any different. Have some fucking integrity.

None of them do. It would fuck with people's ability to make mods for them.

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Oh god damnit. Well played.

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Stan Lee even said himself that he created the X-Men as a statement about bigotry and how everyone, no matter how different than you, has good in them. It's straight up an anti-discrimination metaphor. It doesn't get much more woke than that.

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That sir, is bubble wrap.

So if I want to accomplish this in a year I should be putting away half of every paycheck? Between rent, bills and groceries, who the fuck can afford that?

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One of my favorite YouTubers that does a ton of drinks from games and movies has a series called "Cursed Cocktails" where he makes and tried this. It's really entertaining.


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God, I'm so fucking tired of AAA game devs spouting bullshit like this. Do you make good games, sure, are they revolutionizong the industry, no. Get your fucking head out of your ass.

Just because you don't like competitive shooters doesn't make CS2 not a "real game".

Honestly I'm just happy Valve is making games again.

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1990 is pretty easy too, I just add 10 the the last 2 digits of the current year and subtract 1 if it's before August

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I'm just gonna leave this here


You're welcome.

Yes, because there are definitely more options than waste your years trapped in wage slavery. 🙄

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I'm in a filthy gas station bathroom stall right now. I feel like that's a pretty good excuse.

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People were posting CP so they closed down for a bit

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I think he's referring to the fact that Counterstrike 2 literally replaced CS:GO. You can no longer access it in any form.

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I've never been so offended in my life. This is fucking blasphemy.

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I'm just hoping once the new screen goes up on ifixit that it's compatible with older models. That way I don't have to buy a whole new deck if I want the screen, I can just upgrade my launch model.

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OW2 changed the number of players on a team, rebalance some heros and changes some day maps to night and some night maps to day, nothing that couldn't have just been a big update. The only justification for a whole new game was the free PvE mode, which they walked back on and is no longer free. Not to mention that people who've had hands on with it are saying it's not even very good. CS2 on the other hand is on an entirely new engine with significant upgrades across the board, both in the technical aspect and graphical. I played some just last night and the difference between 2 and GO are night and day, no way it could have just been an update. Also it's been brought to my attention that, unlike what I previously thought, CS:GO is indeed still available to run community servers on, unlike the original OW which is lost completely to the world.

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I tried Linux as a daily driver for a couple months last year. I distro hopped quite a bit in that time and ended up settling on Manjaro. It was a pretty good experience over all, the only reason I switched back is because I couldn't get mods to work with Guild Wars 2 without crashes, but every other game I played worked fine and I don't really play GW2 anymore. So when support for 10 drops next year, I'll probably go back to Manjaro.

Carol of the Bells/Setting The Trap by John Williams https://youtu.be/L07PomkZ3s8?si=2RYhCArWzNL1QnFr

I Watch Home Alone every year.

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Yeah those games are only published by Bethesda, not developed. Their in house games never have DRM, unless you count steam.

Wait, there's more than one goatse photo?


Because with Overwatch 2, the changes were so small and meaningless that it could have just been an update to the original game. CS2 is on a whole new engine and has significant upgrades that couldn't have been implemented in a simple update. Not to mention all the promised features OW2 was supposed to have that they backtracked on. That being said, I don't exactly agree that they should have outright replaced CS:GO, but it's not really the same as what Blizzard did. If they had replaced the original OW but had a significant reason to do so like Valve did, people wouldn't be so upset at them.

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Doesn't mean I wanna put my hands on the ground lol.

This is an image

Yoooo, what's the @? You know she does the good content.

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I read this while taking a shit. How appropriate.

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I think OP means why didn't the Nazis retake power after the allies left Germany at the end of world war II. To which I would respond, the nukes we dropped on Japan probably.

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Oh word, I didn't realize that. I'm glad that's an option.

Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right (To Party)

Vimm's just got a ton of games taken down too. They're still up, but at a significantly reduced capacity.

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It really comes down to the specific collection. Some TPB and omnibuses are more complete than others. Google is your friend in this instance. If there's a collection that catches your eye, Google around to see if there's any supplementary reading that goes with it.

Alternatively, of your have an android device and you don't mind reading your comics digitally, you can do what I do and use Mihon (https://mihon.app/) to find most comics for free and then just Google the reading order of whatever it is you're trying to to read. For example if you want to read all of Clairmont's X-Men run you'd just Google "Chris Clairmont X-Men reading order" it's that simple.

It's always a good day when a new NakeyJakey video drops.

I've got my eye on that limited edition deck 🤞

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I was in Erie PA, which was in the totality. It was mostly cloudy until like 1:30ish. It cleared up enough to watch the moon creep up and the totality, then the clouds came back a couple minutes after. It was really the perfect window. I consider myself very lucky, because the next one that's going to come anywhere near me is gonna be in like, 50 years.

I'll take gross reductionisn for 500 Alex