
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, shut the fuck up CDPR.

Besides the ocean of technical issues that are mostly fixed now, the game is not even a tenth of what Mike Pondsmith and CDPR drooled and parroted the whole decade prior to its release.

It’s a beautiful looking FPS with enormous production values, PS2 era AI, no joke Vice City has a more lively world, and it has Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s depth for it’s "RPG" systems. Even when you accept the puddle deep experience and try to like it for what it is, the game gives a huge "fuck you" with how offensively quick the game ends.

As someone who loves the CP TTRPG and was an idiot to trust Pondsmith and CDPR, hating on C2077 was something that came from inside me.

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Follows the Reddit flock to join Lemmy. *

Ughh… People are such sheep.

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Monetize this, u/spez.

Nope. This website has a very specific demographic and a ton of more “casual”, non-tech/internet topics see zero activity in here, for the simple reason that there’s virtually no interest or demand for them amongst the Fediverse users.

Deleting my Reddit account made me look for already stablished forums on certain topics tho.

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Oh, but look at those petty downvotes you fished.

A similar thing was happening with Americans and Spaniards/Germans extracting oil from Mexico, just so the Mexicans bought it back from them, despite Mexico having the technology and infrastructure to do it all themselves.

After all the military grade weapons that the Obama administration sponsored to the Narcos back in 2012, and Trump’s racism campaign, the current Mexican president took back the oil extraction and refinery industries and and nationalized them, which got a lot of people mad, especially the American press, like The NY Times which constantly publishes articles depicting Mexico as a dictatorship paradise on its way to become the next USSR.

And now look how the Mexican "super" peso is doing…

Frivously downvoted dis. 👨🏻‍🎨

If cats grew thumbs, we would be fucked, lemme tell ya.

Ah yes, that’s what I was trying to go for.

I messed around and it happens that in order to see that, you need to go to Kbin’s quick settings and turn on the "auto media preview" option. The issue is that 1) every user needs to enable the option manually, and 2) it makes separate thumbnails on the feed, so personally, I turned it back off.

I adored the original XBOX but when 360 and PS3 dropped, one was a literal toy with everything stripped down and sold as proprietary extras, and the other was an amazingly powerful and open entertainment system with state of the art tech from out of the box.

Then yeah, the exclusives sealed the deal for me.

After being with Steam for over a decade and disliking it more and more, I ended up trying everything to maintain myself away from that platform and GOG was a godsend.

There’s a public list that has all the GOG releases that treat the GOG customers like "third class citizens", but if the game I want is not on that list, I will 100% buy it there over any other storefront. It’s great to read they’re doing well.

It is indeed, the elusive vengeful crying cat. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/890/820/4c1

Thanks for the heads up about the missing bracket. I think it is indeed supposed to be alt text. I edited the post and not putting anything into the square brackets just posts the image’s URL as a hyperlink.

When I bought my iPad Pro I imagined I’d have this thing filled with gigabytes of handwritten text but that’s not the case at all. It’s not even the feeling of pen and paper that makes not want to use the iPad… it’s the immediate access to write and read what I want, that only a notebook and pen can provide. The iPad is filled with other apps and distractions, it heats up when you rest your palm on it, there’s always this anxiousness of balancing brightness and battery life.

Also, with handwritten messages you can convey so much more that it’s impossible to do with typed text. You can determine how fast or how methodical the person was while writing. You can convey emotions by how much strength you use or by the size and kerning of the letters, and also, a lot of the personality traits of the writer are mirrored on their calligraphy.

And yes, typing with a keyboard is so much faster, which enables me to ramble, which I often do I and I just did.

The notifications are flooding you because you turned them on or were on by default. If you go to your Kbin’s settings at the bottom of the page there are two checkboxes for subscribed magazines’ notifications. Just turn those off.

Also, make sure you set your homepage to your subscribed magazines and you’ll be good to go.

And about the other stuff, it’s not just about having a desire to be taken care of without having to lift a finger. I don’t care about having to learn how all of this fediverse stuff works because it’s fun for me, but that isn’t the case for the overwhelming majority of internet users that genuinely have zero problems with the platforms they use, and barely use. For example, my 70 year old parents barely know how to use YouTube and that’s the place they use to consume and discuss the topics they care about. I tried to teach them about Reddit and other forums, but it’s simply unnecessary when the reliable and easier thing already exists.

Same thing when you expect someone who uses their computer because of 2 or 3 applications, to ditch MacOS and all their neatly integrated hardware, to then spend hours and months on end to craft themselves an OS with Linux in which none of their specialized hardware works anymore.

Also, a ton of teenager to middle aged people will think the same about the Fediverse, when Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and other websites already provide them the platforms they need to express themselves and are "too casual" on those, to genuinely not have an issue with the platform itself. All of those users have valuable inputs and content to offer to the platform, and we’re not going to have them here, just because of how complex this platform is not only on paper, but in infrastructure ie: search engines are going to have a terrible time indexing the Fediverse, the content is mirrored in some instances but not EVERY piece of content is, and not amongst all instances, etc.

And that's totally fair. I'm not demanding or even expecting for Steam to support older operating systems. I just stated that this is one of the reasons I avoid VALVE and their products nowadays.

It's my preference as a consumer, but voicing it seems to have riled up some dudes over here, like, for example, @ryanspeck who seems to be distressed and/or concerned by my consumer habits.

Yeah... Well, although I genuinely appreciate experbia's humour, when the parody is making a joke out of a misinterpretation, the joke just doesn't land, honey.

Hint: their comment had nothing to do with what I initially expressed here, and my response had very little to do with emoji, just like the parody itself. Two failed swings from your part, let's see if you get the third strike, smartpants.

I might have worded that wrong. I WANT to run Windows 98 and Windows XP on these old PCs. It's part of the experience, and the reason I even bothered to put them together. If you've ever watched LGR, it's pretty much that kind of hobby.

Imagine you grew up in the 90s and at the languages school they had indigo and green G3 iMacs. Now that you're older and drunk in nostalgia, you hunt for one until, after years, you find it. It's green, beautiful, and it's all yours.

Now you want to use it to play games of the era. You purchase them on Steam, as opposed to just pirate them. Steam works on this G3 of yours, (just an example since Steam never worked on G3 iMacs, but you get the idea.) and you're able to play these old games as they were meant to be played, without issues.

Out of the blue, VALVE decides that Steam is just going to support the latest M-iMacs. The game and Steam are installed on your G3, but when you open the game, a pop-up appears reminding you that Steam isn't compatible with this iMac. You try to run the game out of the executable file but get the same results. You're effectively fucked, finding yourself crawling back to GOG, MyAbandonwaredotcom, your torrent site of choice, or your M2 iMac which have massive issues running these old games.

Niche case? Sure, but it still happens, and it's exactly what is going to happen to the current generation of game consoles in the future.

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As I've said, I'm a bad boy doing bad-boy activities, i.e.: using old PCs with the OS they came from. 🩸🗡️😎🔥

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Good for you. Me, on the other hand, I like living on the edge since no one should be running older OSes. B-)

I don't want Windows 10 or 11, and certainly not Linux, of all things, to run on the retro PCs that I've put together to run their respective OS, and games from their respective eras. But what do I know?

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There are companies that have built their customer base out of taking the extra step to cater the "0.0001%" of Steam's: GOG, Humble Bundle, Kickstarter, and Itch.

1/3 of the Cyberpunk 2077's pre-orders were made on GOG. I think "0.0001%" is a bit too pessimistic, don't you think?

Yeah...really. The thing is that, if you like to run older games on era-accurate hardware, Steam was already a pain in the ass to run on older machines. Probably 70% of these games, I purchased on Steam, and a lot of them are old titles.

Maybe this is ludicrous to you, but le good ole Prototype runs like a nasty turd on my main W11 machine that I use for design and 4K video editing. I'm not new to modding, troubleshooting, and I've even dabbled in game development, but none of the fixes online seem to help me run the game at more than 10 FPS, with dips to the 3FPS realm.

But guess what? Prototype runs like a dream on my restored Windows XP PC with a Core Quad and GTX260. Same as with Far Cry 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Jade Empire, and so many others. And don't even get me started on games from the 90s. Even if they run OK on W11 and I get past all the text rendering issues, I still want the experience of running them on W98, with a CRT monitor, metal ball mice and bone white mechanical keyboards. I paid for them, but Valve wants to dictate how I should run 'em.

If you can't install Steam on older hardware, you can't install your Steam games that you previously could. 🥸

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OHH!!! EMOJIS! The 200K Karma Redditor inside you is surely raging!

I commented on why I think this announcement is just another corn in the steamy pile of doo-doo... dookie... manure, if you will, that Steam is for me.

I'm not expecting Steam to change for me or people in the same scenario as mine. Steam simply doesn't fit my needs any more and I won't support them. But then again, crucify me for my sins, daddy. I might go back to purchasing games on Steam if you do it well enough. 🍆💦

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This is one of the many reasons as to why I've avoided buying anything on Steam for the past 5 years. Steam/Valve are a steaming pile of doodoo.

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Also, what some people here don't understand (@OpenStars did), is that the Fediverse is not this huge global revolution that they assume it is. At this point, the Fediverse caters to a VERY specific demographic, and trying to make a "Mezcal" or "Trip Hop" community on the Fediverse is just like trying to create a Board Game Design community on Subaru's Post-sales forum.

Case and point: soloRPG on the Fediverse has existed for over a year, and amongst all the Fediverse instances, the interest and demand for this community is so small, that 99% of its contents have been posted by a single dude.

And regarding shitposting and cringe circlejerking, I don't know about other instances, but since the latest update, the default landing page of Kbin is whatever you set as "homepage" in your profile's settings. Also, blocking magazines and users is pretty easy and does wonders to stay away from shit you don't want to see.

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"Such good content"? I see zero content for what I like.

I never saw a single shitpost on the subs I followed, and their equivalents on the Fediverse are either completely empty, or having it’s own moderator post every single thread on the magazine with zero engagement from the 20 or so subscribers.

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